
Soul Attack

Venomous creatures of all types: flying, crawling, gliding, and hopping charged towards Lith.

Lith was calm and tried to feel the Fire element in his surroundings, wanting to incinerate all these creatures.

Much to his surprise, there was not even an ounce of Fire element present.

Not just Fire, there were no elements whatsoever.

Without elements, there were no spells Lith could use and this was troublesome.

Yet, he wasn't panicking and stayed calm.

Looking at the oncoming creatures, they seemed of low ranks. Their bite won't cause death but in the absence of elements, Lith would not have proper regeneration even though he was a vampire.

Thinking about what to do, something struck Lith.

He immediately sat down and closing his eyes, focused.

He focused on a single thing: 

His soul.

One thing that Lith felt a great connection to was his soul ever since he had died in his previous life.