
Shocked Hyunsuk And The First Mythical Ingredient

Shi's scream made Hyunsuk turn his head to look at their Master.

The moment he did so, his eyes widened in horror.

In front, his Master's ever so handsome face was disfigured. Half of his body was gone and only now did he notice that his organs were spilling out.

A chill went down Hyunsuk's spine and he puked. This time, he couldn't stop himself from doing so.

Shi, after his initial scream, felt the scene to be too unbearable and passed out on the spot. He wasn't as strong-willed as Hyunsuk.

After puking until he couldn't anymore, Hyunsuk wiped his mouth and once again turned to look at his Master, wanting to see whether he was dead or alive.

Even though Hyunsuk did not have any glimmer of hope, he still decided to confirm it for himself.

As he turned back, the horrifying scene was back in his vision.