
Mayzin loves treasures

"...let's have a bet." 

"What bet?" Lucifer asked.

"It's a simple one and really beneficial to you." Mayzin said with a smile.

Lucifer was slightly suspicious of Mayzin's words but she didn't voice it out and waited for her to finish speaking.

Mayzin continued, "see, the bet is…"

Mayzin previously wanted to watch Lucifer get spanked by Lilith. It would've been a good show but midway she realized that she had already seen Lucifer get spanked by Lilith and it won't be as fun as the last time.

So her mind had a devilish idea at the heat of the moment. She wondered, how fun would it be to watch the Demon Queen get her ass whooped not by the Vampire Queen, but someone much much younger than her own self!

That's right, Mayzin thought how fun things would be if Lucifer gets spanked by Lith!

In front of Lilith!