

[ Hey, did you guys hear about the new VRMMORPG coming out tomorrow? [ You gotta be living under a rock if you haven't! Better known as YOSH online, Yoshie Okamura is what people would call a gamer. Not just any gamer, but a stuck-at-home, sunlight hating gamer. She’s quiet and keeps to herself at school… but she’s not lonely, especially when she gets on to play games at night with her friends. Consisting of CRIMSON, riki, 8, and Blue, Yoshie's content to bury her head into her online battles and skim by her high school life. But when real life calls for your attention, well, even the hardiest of gamers have to be dragged out of their virtual reality sooner or later.

kumoriii · 若者
6 Chs

Hiro Soma

I inspect the vague outline of a pimple in the mirror, threatening to form on my forehead. But it's not like I can do anything about it, neither would Mum be happy to see me picking at my skin again.

I sigh. Such was the struggle of being human. Sometimes I wish I could have been blessed with good skin like the vampires were.

The weak morning light filtering in through the frosted bathroom windows washes me out terribly - as does most lighting, if it doesn't come from a computer screen. I put in my lenses, blinking rapidly to clear the blurriness. Now I look tired and sad. Perfect way to start the day.

Downstairs, Dad has his eyes glued on the news as he attempts to put on his tie. I pinch a peeled egg from the table, nibbling slowly so I don't leave the house too early.

"Over in Korea, a group of self-proclaimed "resurgent" vampires have drunk blood from humans who they were not matched with in what appears…"

"These vampires are complete wackos," Dad comments.

"Although most incidents did not end up with further casualties, in Busan and Myeongdong, two vampires blew up, causing damage to a train and a club, respectively."

He whistles through his teeth, and I have to agree. That was big damage done. How had no one stopped them?

"I'm going to school now." Eyeing the clock, I figure I can make it to school just before the bell if I walk slow enough.

"Bye, Yoshi-bear. Have fun." Gaze still fixed on the television, Dad waves me a distracted goodbye.

"Don't be late for work," I remind him, shutting the door behind me without waiting for an answer.

A pair of sunbirds dart by, twittering happily. The seven a.m. sun leaves a pattern of dappled shadow on the sidewalk. Hardy weeds push up through the cracks in the cement, and everywhere I look, something brimming with life moves. Even the gentle breeze reminds me of Mama's gentle hands when she used to do my hair.

In short, it was a horribly pleasant spring day, and all I could think of was when I could get my grubby paws on Blood Oath so we could all play it together. Hiro had been right. Why did we still have to go to school when our examinations were over and summer break was literally two days away?

My phone buzzes in my pocket, with the special vibration pattern I set for notifications from the Dogs. Excitedly, I pull it out, nearly dropping it in the process.

8 : [ Sponsorships are set. Headsets should ship today. ]

riki : [ yay! q(≧▽≦q) ]

riki : [ thanks, chi :> ]

YOSH : [ so when can we start? ]

Blue : [ I wish you were that excited to see me :( ]

Blue : [ Like my d ]


8 : [ Deez nuts ]

YOSH : [ foul ]

riki : [ not funny >:( ]

Blue : [ Sorry guys dont kick me ]

8 : [ I'll dm everyone a unique download link. Don't share it. ]


Blue : [ ? ]

8 : [ ? ]

YOSH : [ ? ]

riki : [ ? ]

Blue : [ Are you ok ]

YOSH : [ he bikes to school. i think his signal is wack ]


YOSH : [ don't crash ]

riki : [ don't die!! ]

I pocket my phone as the school building comes into view. In the morning light, the grey concrete inspires dread more than excitement to learn, and reminds me much of the colour of a prison building.

(I was just being dramatic. In the springtime, a number of cherry blossom trees bloomed on campus, and the abundance of nature kept the yard cool all year round.)

By the time I slowly, deliberately, trudge up each step to the classroom, I still have time to spare before the bell, which is always too much.

I pass mostly invisible under the judging eyes of my peers, who stand around in their little cliques and jabber away about who's breaking up with who or who was going where for summer.

Personally, I already know where I'm going to be - exploring the dungeons of Blood Oath with the Dogs. Dad had no plans for taking leave from work, and neither Mama nor I really care anyway.

I take my seat in the front corner of the classroom, just inside the door. The seat next to me remains conspicuously empty, and I gather Hiro must still be cycling furiously with his little legs.

I plug in my earphones, turning on one of Blood Oath's many trailers - as if I hadn't seen them all before.

Blood Oath is an open-world classic RPG (roleplaying game) that any gamer would be familiar with. As the name suggests, we were bound by an oath of blood to the king, who sends a team on a quest to retrieve a magic artefact, to combat against the onslaught of dark forces that grow stronger each day.

Like any typical RPG, we have the option to play as the usual classes of hero: warrior, cleric, rogue, wizard, and barbarian. But boasting hyper-realistic graphics, we now have full customisation options for appearance, and for an add-on, you can even vocode your voice into the game.

Not an option I'd be picking, however. I could live my entire life without hearing my voice ever again and I'd be grateful.

The playlist runs out of videos, ending up on a black screen. I can see the reflection of my classmates over my shoulder, chattering about something. Without the epic Blood Oath music, their voices rise above the silence.

"You don't think any vampires in Japan are gonna get ideas… are they?"

Someone shoves them good-naturedly, but I can hear the slight uncertainty in their voice. "Hell no. Why would they?"

A moment of uneasy silence.

"I mean…"

The door rolls open, covering up the rest of their conversation. I lay my head on my arms as a boy comes into the classroom - compact frame, straight ash blonde haircut that reminds me of a pudding, large and clear, maroon irises, cheeks slightly flushed with exertion. He looked like he'd gotten eight full hours of sleep.

"Jeez," Hiro Soma gripes. "You couldn't be happier to see me?"

do you guys remember hiro’s username :( he needs the validation

kumoriiicreators' thoughts