

Chaos has fallen on the earth and the darkness has been given it's freedom to bring upon it's wrath on the living it considered unworthy. The Armageddon has come crashing down into the world at an unexpected time as the skies shook with the force of the shattered seals that hold together the gates of purgatory and the imbalance that has occurred through the planes that separated the world of the spiritual from the world of the physical. Terror rains down on the powerless living ones that have no idea of the wickedness that would follow with the shattering of these seals and now the land, air and seas have been plunged into a state of destruction, death and desolation. The sin of a child and the failure of an entity, the warnings that were not listened to, the hidden that which to come onto the light. Such many events brings the world to this unfortunate disaster and now the days of suffering continues. Now with their fates interconnected and their souls tied to become one, both physical and spiritual beings would now have to traverse the path that would lead them to the fulfillment of their destinies which would either bring redemption for the guilts of their sins and what it had caused the world or would lead to their exile and destruction. As they continue forward fighting against all odds to achieve their goals, they would slowly unravel the mysteries and truths behind these unfortunate events that would lead to a long road of suffering, regrets, deaths and sorrows and eventually carry them forward till they find the redemption they seek...... Or maybe not.

Uniqueverz · ファンタジー
21 Chs

CHAPTER TWELVE: Warning Of The Moon

In the palace of the kingdom Divini Divine, a meeting among the leaders of the kingdom is being held as they discuss concerning the threat of the vampires who had managed to some how get past the great protection spell that was all around the entire kingdom.

Right now, the look of shock, awe and bewilderment was plastered in the face of the people present inside the meeting room at the revelation that the Enchanter Azezul just gave.

"You mean it is possible for them to be teleported into the kingdom as long as the process is coming from the inside." Gretha exclaimed at the new knowledge.

"How is this possible, Azezul?" Splinter asked still not believing the words.

"My research some years back had stumbled on a magic that could make that possible, though it is a very straining process that could even cause death if not done properly." Azezul explained.

"You knew of this yet you made no effort to inform us." Falcon scorned at him.

"I agree with Falcon." Adam removed his hand from his beard as it curled in a fist. "You should have made it known to us when you had discovered it."

"Now how are we supposed to solve this and ensure it does not happen once more?" Young Randall questioned, his baritone voice though spoke calmly sounded through the entire room.

"Worry not." Azezul started. "If one had been able to do it recently, it will be over three months before any other person would be able to do it once more."

"If this is true and they be a traitor in this walls then it will be enough time to catch ths person before that happens."

"It seems we really would have no peace even for a moment." Splinter tired voice sounded as he rised from his chair causing everyone to also rise from their seats. "Everyone be prepared for anything, we might not know when but I do not see why the vampires would come here if they do not seek for something and if that thing they seek is still in this kingdom then surely they would find a way to take it."

"I do not know why but I feel war is coming once more to this kingdom and it might not be one we can take care of easily." Splinter gave out his last words before the meeting came to an end with everyone having one dread in their minds.

War with the vampires.

Young walked out of the store of which he had bought a few carrots of which he planned to feed Alpha on the walk.

Feeling a lot more better from the fight yesterday after using the healing potions, Young had decided to go out on a walk around the places after coming back from the wine factory. The both of them moved in a direction he had passed only twice since his arrival to the kingdom. It was the road which led from Vourbon, the town where he stayed to Calis, another town in the kingdom. Though a stroll, he actually had plans of meetings up with the famous blacksmith who he had heard of in the town.

Right now he sat on Alpha as they moved pass the road which had oak trees at each sides while he simply took in all he saw memorizing them. His eyes missed nothing going as far to take in a claw mark at one of the trees far from them.

Doing this had kept him busy through the long stroll he took. People passed by as well either going to or coming from the town except for two young people who he had caught going inside the trees probably to do things which they did not want any other person knowing of.

Entering the town as before, Young is greeted by the huge gates of one of the high ranking officials in the kingdom. Seeing it a few times before, Young still had no idea why the person would build a statue of himself inside the large compound. Even through the gates he was able to see how beautiful it was inside the compound but instead of being in awe at the beauty, Young only thought the man foolish for until when the demons are sent back to where they had come from, all the luxury was bound to come to an end at one point. However how was it his business so as usual he passed the place but made a turn to his right going towards the direction of which he had been informed that the blacksmith's place was.

He was planning to actually make a sword of which he would carry around rather than the one he had taken before. He had with him a special enchantment of which he planned to give to the blacksmith that will increase the power of the sword.

Due to the release of demons and the rampage of monsters everywhere, the people who had discovered some special things at that time used them in creating things that could help them in protecting themselves and fighting the demons. The powerful protection spell around the kingdom, the revelation and others were this special things. Though no one knew where they had come from, the ones who had stumbled on them had given them two names because of the differences they had.

The heavens punishers and the heavenly gifts. The protection spell, revelation and some others was classified as the heavenly gifts while enchantments and others were classified as the heavens punishers.

Now every kingdom had come across some of this special gifts and had used them for their gain.

Enchantments are usually used in amplifying weapons and armors and could give one who wields either a certain amount of strength or power. The sword he had used against the vampires where one of them. Enchantments had six types known to man which were named accordingly to the parts of any living thing.

Head the most powerful, spine the hardest, skull the strongest, Tail the deceiver, claw the hunter and the heart the purest.

Every enchantment had their own feature and classes. Their powers also varies differently. Just because the enchantments was of the same type did not give one the assurance that the both will have the same features or give the same strength.

Young had gone past a few places before coming across the blacksmith's shop. At one place he had even come across a temple which confused him a little.

Before the demons rampage, they had been believes of certain deities existing but non of which was spoken of were seen or heard of when the demons appeared so it was a little shocking to see a temple in this times. Young thought probably he would also be one of those devoted ones if the calamity had not happened yet all were simply lies and the stupidity of men, Young thought.

Finally he had reached the blacksmith's shop which was quite a little open space with the gate simply long sticks at each side and the door wide open for anyone to enter. He dismounted from Alpha telling him to wait outside before going inside.

They were about ten workers inside but Young was able to tell the owner of the shop by a glance who was a man with a old looking face though the muscles and fine built body was quite the contrary.

The man had introduced himself as Mr Xander and had quite a pleasant aura around him even though he looked a little scary. Young had simply told what he wanted giving the man the enchantment as well to which the man had smiled with wide eyes seeing the beautiful enchantment. After assuring Young to do his best, the man had gone back to what he was doing while telling Young to come back two weeks later for the process of putting the enchantments into the sword might take quite a lot of time and energy. Young paid for half the price before moving out going back to Alpha as they continued their stroll forward with Young choosing to walk this time going further into the town.

They had moved for a while and the road they went through had led them to an open field which had a fence around it with just an open way which supposed to probably have a gate. Inside were men and women, boys and girls. They all were training with some running around, some practicing with swords and arrows where as some were simply doing basic exercises here and there. Some were even dueling with each other either with just wooden swords or with shields and wooden swords. Everyone was training excessively and without asking anyone, Young had already figured out that the place was one of the armies training fields.

Alpha had already gone inside the place not caring of the eyes that looked at him with curiosity at what the horse wanted to do. Young who had the intention of moving forward had decided to go inside after Alpha had rushed forward. He did not wish to join them in training though it had been long since he had done that, probably when he was in the black forest so he just looked to see if he could see anywhere to sit while still watching them train. Noticing a boulder which was surely placed for sitting, he moved and sat while watching the people display their skills in front of him.

His attention was focused on two men however, the older one who seemed to be in his forties was showing the younger man a couple of moves involving attacks and defences. Young recognized the moves as the man continuously stabbed and striked, blocked and dodged as if there was someone fighting him. The younger man surprisingly was learning the moves faster and was slowly being attuned to it.

The scene took him back to the times when his master would train him at the time. He had been like the young man though he had gotten the moves taught to him slower than him. Not because, he was just slow but because the moves were faster and very much complicated than what the man demonstrated. Still the beautiful feeling between his master and him was something he cherished. He had learnt basically almost everything he knew from his master and that was one of the reason for him being this powerful.

"What are you doing sitting down here young man?" A man's loud voice sounded in Young's ears to which he turned to see who it was who disrupted his thinking.

He had heard steps approach him but he had concluded that they were probably going to pass yet as he raised his face, he is greeted with the sight of an angry huge man who seemed to have done too much exercises with how much muscles he had and how big he was. He was probably seven feet tall with a beard in his chin, medium sized lips which had a little cut beneath it. He had deep black eyes and a rather big nose. His appearance would scare anyone who was near him as his he wore an handless shirt showing of his arms which proudly showed years of war and brutality. He wore beneath him a fine silver piece of metal armor which served as protection for his legs. The man was actually the cheif captain of the army in the place.

"You should be among those men, training to make yourself better rather than watch them with dreamy eyes." The man's voice shouted at Young which was making the latter irritated.

Young stood up from where he sat and raised his head to look into the eye of the captain, his head reaching just a little past the man's shoulder. After some time of both staring at each other, Young had turned walking away from the place.

"Where do you think you are going imbecile?"

Young stopped in his tracks turning to look back at the man with a coldness in his eyes that could even quench hell's fire.

"Hey cousin what are you doing here." Someone voice had sounded before Young could react as the person blocked his view.

"This is your cousin Valdo?" The captain asked.

"No, actually he's my friends cousin, Captain Rune." The man called Valdo lied fluently.

"Hmm I see" Captain Rune sneered. "Well talk some sense into him.

With that the captain walked away while Valdo turned to apologize to the man only for him to see that he had left with a horse beside him.

"Oh, he did not even say a word of thanks for just saving his ass." Valdo lamented not knowing how wrong his thoughts were.

At night.

Valdo had returned back to his small house kicking of his boots the moment he closed his door. He looked around and took a little time to pay his respect to his dead parents, a tradition he always did after they had died and their body lost. The house had belonged to them before they had passed away a few years ago. Dropping his sword and other weapons he had on him, he pulled of his armor and clothes putting them away safely before taking a towel and going back outside to the back to take a bath. He returned back a few minutes later completely dry of any water and slipped on some clothes before walking into the sitting room and crashing down in a chair with a loud sigh as he relaxed himself. The sky was already dark with just a little ray of the moon shinning down into the house through the small window at the right end of the sitting room. Earlier he had lit some wood which were hooked to the wall giving a little light to the house. Usually he would just jump into his mattress and sleep instantly after doing all the strenuous work he had done today but some how, sleep was far from him. Looking at the moon in the sky, he seemed to realize what the cause of his being wide awake was.

He stood up and walked to a cupboard just beside the small fire place in the room, drawing out the shelf and taking out a book and some papers and then moving back to take his wooden table closer to the chair placing the book and papers on it while he took out his lantern to see clearly.

On the papers were drawings of an animal in different forms and strange words written just beneath the drawings of the animals. He read the language, a gift from his mother who had taught him to understand the language.

At the end of the paper one sentence was written down. Valdo took out the other papers which had a different thing from the other. This one was a map of some where though it was not clear with the same language written all around it. After reading it, Valdo was sure it was a story.

No, not a story, more like a revelation of what was to come as if the person had seen it all.

Though from seeing what he read and imagining what it could cause, Valdo was sweating, his eyes showing fear as he after finishing the story once again came across the last words that was written in the paper from before like someone was speaking to him.

"Listen, thee who read this for the days are counting and the sky has become restless for it waits for what is to come."

"When the moon shines brighter than before, the beast shall emerge from his prison and shake the world with his howl."