

Sam sat down at his desk. In front of him was a small paperback with the words "Valkyrie Smash" on the cover.

He stared at it for a while then let out a sigh, turning to look beside him. On the bed he had prepared in case he needed a nap was the young Valkyrie with almond colored hair. She had been asleep for most of the day, even so she ended up falling asleep soon after their conversation ended. 

Sam had given her permission to use one of the extra rooms until her bed is changed, but after a few minutes she came to the lab in her pajamas and while hiding most of her face behind the pillow she brought she asked if she could spend the night beside him.

At that moment Zero Three looked so cute that Sam's heart skipped a beat. He knew she only came there because she's afraid of nightmares, still he felt a little happy that she knowing she's relying on him for comfort.