
Red Lightning.

Red. A color the Valkyrie was used to very well. From the lands she flew above when fighting the Calamities to the sky of the new world which brought a more unforgiving war. To Zero Five, however, the color red meant many other things. From the ribbon of her uniform to the halo over her head and the sword in her hand. But if she had to say it herself, the most vivid memory she had of the color was the red liquid spilling from the wound that man received.

Their battle against Loki was one she would never forget. Her opponent was far more skilled, having more control and relying more on tricks than the mindless Calamities she had fought up to that point. Even though she had received a great boost to her abilities, she was still barely able to keep up with the golden blades her opponent threw at her, and because of her lack of power her charge received a wound that could've taken his life.