
Chapter 40

"This brat! I am betting that you are still not married because girls hate your rudeness and ugliness."

"Ha! That is a strong statement coming from a person who looks like a goon in the slums!"

"You are really testing my patience, huh? Come here and let me hit your head once again!"

"Do you think I am a fool who will follow your words after threatening me?!"


'That's an unexpected...plot twist.'

The brothers were literally bawling their eyes after meeting each other again. They were hugging as if they do not want to be separated from each other anymore. But after their tearjerker moment, they suddenly start fighting out of nowhere.

'Is this how siblings work?'

[According to my database, it is only normal for siblings to fight.]

Janus can only accept that answer from his system. Even if he tries to argue with it, he will not understand it that much anyway since he is the only child of his parents. Janus is also not familiar with his relatives. Hells. He did not even know whether he has a cousin, a nephew, or a niece.

After a few more minutes of bickering and bickering with each other, Goliah and Davida face him again.

"I'm sorry if you have to witness that." Goliah apologized. "We are not usually like that anyway."

"Nah. That's fine with me. I had fun watching you two bullying each other though." Janus answered with a smile. "It was entertaining."

"Tch. Nobles." Janus heard Davida mumbled under his breathe.

"Oh? You think that I am a noble?" Janus asked which made Davida surprised.

"How did you—"

"I just have sensitive ears. That's all."

Janus did not lie though. He really has sensitive ears.

"Whatever." Davida said and roughly wiped his cheeks with the back of his hand. "So how did you and my brother became friends? Did you bribe him with money—Ouch! Stop hitting me, Goli!"

"Then stop speaking nonsense, Davi!"

Janus cringed when he heard their childish nicknames. Goli? Davi? What the fuck is that? Are they trying to be cute or act childish?

"Anyways. You should be more respectful of him. If Janus is not there beside him, I am now an avenging ghost. He saved my life several times."

"For real? But he looks like a simple kick will make him fall hard on the floor!"

"This brat!"

And Goliah hit Davida's head once again.

"I just told you not to be rude!"

"Grr! Stop hitting me or I will become an idiot later!"

"What's the difference anyway? You are already an idiot though."

Goliah and Davida stopped bickering and turned their heads when they saw Janus watching them with a deadpanned expression on his face. He is starting to lose his amusement with this sibling especially to that Davida kid.

"What did you say?!" Davida asked aggressively.

"I'm not repeating myself to a deaf and stupid kid like you." Janus lazily answered him back.

"You dare to call me a kid?!"

"Yes. Aren't you just a little kid?"

"I am now an adult! I am not a kid anymore!" spatted Davida.

"Oh my gosh! You are already an adult?" Janus asked in surprise. Then he covered his opened mouth while looking at Davida with wide eyes.

"Of course! What do you—"

"Who would have thought I will meet a midget adult like you today? What a surprise. I mean, your height is similar to a growing kid I've known before."

Then Janus smirked at Davida who looks dumbfounded because of his words. The young man was stunned for a moment before anger became evident on his face. Before he can march towards Janus, Goliah stopped his brother by pulling him on his shoulder. Goliah mouthed the words 'Stop provoking him.' at Janus and he only replied with a shrug.

Janus can only guess that Davida hates to mention his height in any conversation. Compared to his beefy brother, Davida looks small and his height is a bit short. If Janus will give an example, he will say Goliah is the middle finger while Davida is the pinky finger. There is really a huge gap in their height and weight.

And besides, who told that midget to be rude at him anyway? And Davida keeps on attacking him because of his delicate appearance! Although it was Meluna's body, Janus is now the one who is inside of it. Whether they praise or insult his face, Janus is the one who will receive it from now on.

"So what are your plans now?" Janus asked while ignoring the fact that Davida looks like he will pounce on him any minute.

"I don't know yet. I-I'm just glad that I saw my brother again." Goliah said.

Janus noticed that he can hold Davida in his place without struggling too much. That only proves that Davida is weaker than his beefy friend.

"You did not tell me that you have a baby brother, Goliah." Janus said and purposely looked at Davida.

"I'm sorry. I was really tired and hungry and thirsty that all I can think of is my wife and daughter." Goliah explained then he looks at Davida who finally stopped struggling in his arms. "Sorry, Davi. It is not like I forget you. Just..."

"...Don't worry about it. I know that you just love your wife and daughter so much, Goli." Davida said before letting out a sigh. "Isn't that the reason why you decided to enter the Rozea Dungeon—Wait a minute! H-How did you—"

Now that his excitement from meeting his brother finally disappear, Davida suddenly remembered the fact that his brother entered that dungeon years ago. He can still remember the determined face of Goliah when he said the treasures inside the dungeon will be the only answer to his problem. Davida tried to change his brother's mind several times but Goliah was stubborn with his decision. Until one day, Davida never sees his brother again because he already entered the Rozea Dungeon together with the other participants.

"H-How did you managed to get out of that dungeon?! Did you win the Valkyeria Rozea?! But we did not receive any news about it!" Davida said while holding his brother tightly in his arms.

"No, Davi. I did not win the competition." Goliah answered.

"Then how did you get out of Rozea Dungeon?!" Davida exclaimed. "Only the person who can defeat the monsters inside will be the winner, right?! And the rest will be stuck inside the dungeon forever!"

"Because he helped me." Goliah said while pointing at Janus. "He saved me from that dungeon, Davi."

"You mean that Janus who insulted me just now?" Davida asked again.

"Yes." Goliah confirmed.

"So Janus really saved you?" Davida asked again.

For the second time, Davida looks at Janus again to see if he can discover something unique and mysterious about that pretty boy.