
Valid By Choice

Love is one thing Valley will never be lucky in. But when she finds a chance to get back with her longtime American next door boyfriend, her summer might not be the boring indoors type her parents planned it to be. But one filled with more than the norms strangers.

Ofure · 若者
17 Chs

3/ Haha

Day #1

With a frown plastered on my face, I move my gaze away from the people. 

"I thought you said you're coming with a few things?"

"Eh they're the few items?" It shows that his words confused even him as he nervously begins to scratch the back of his head.

"Unbelievable!" I say, fuming as I enter the house, leaving them outside.

Feeling confused, I bounced onto a couch, still trenched with water when the pool boy open the front door a creak.

"Excuse me ma'am, I just removed the pole," He announces.

"And now you want your paycheck for the day," I complete the sentence while he just nods.

"Okay, I'll text my dad now to send your money," Grabbing my phone, I go straight to contacts. "Done! You'll receive it a while from now,"

"Thank you Madame," He says, about to leave when I called him back.


"Yes ma'am?"

"Why didn't you tell me they were more than one?"

"Well, because I thought you already knew," The lad pauses. "And just in case you don't know already, they have been waiting for a while," With that, he takes his exit.

What a sticky situation I put myself in. Awaiting me is my ex boyfriend with a bunch of people I know nothing of. And sending them away really isn't an option since town is hours away.

Guess I'll have to meet my guests.

I'm not really sure what I was expecting, but coming out only to be dragged into a small make out session isn't on my top 5 expectations list.

As he lets go, I have to blink a couple of times, just to know if it isn't one of my common daydreams.

"Oh valley, if only I knew you wouldn't have liked the idea of more company, then I wouldn't have gone ahead with it," He says, sounding sincere, as he pointed forward.

I follow his finger which leads to a group of people sitting on the available seats near the pool, all eyes on me.

Well he truly has me in a tight spot.

Thinking over the situation, I finally speak.

"No Cole it isn't your fault, I just wasn't expecting this many items," Pulling out a forced smile, I continue. "Oh well, I guess introductions will be a good start,"


"This is Gwen, she's my friend Darwin's girlfriend," He points at a girl with jet black hair, grey eyes, and some an extremely spiked necklace.

She whet full on black. A dark tee shit that was barely baggy enough to get a good grip on her chest, a black beaded mini skirt as well as dark boots.

Just hoping she doesn't have a dark attitude too. The thought crosses my mind as I pull away a hand full of wet hair from my face.

"Hey girly, my name is Gwen and this is my boyfriend Darwin," She tightens her grip on the red haired next to her who beams at me.

Feeling a smile crawl unto mine, I nod back, noting how the saying opposite attracts clearly applied to them.

He then gestures to a blonde next.

"And this is - "

"Liza! Nice to see you again," I shake her hand vigorously as she tries to get loose from the grip.

"Eh nice to see you too," Finally able to let go, she continues, "When Cole said he was coming to see you, I just had to ask. And I do wish your friend Haven comes back early,"

"You mean Raven?"

"Yeah that," Taking a girl's hand, she moves towards me. "I want to introduce you to - " Cutting her speech, the girl steps in front of me.

"Hello, my name is kiko!" She says enthusiastically as my eyes wander from her blue streak dyed hair to her perfectly white teeth.

I gotta admit, if things don't go as planned with Liza and Raven, then I'll definitely recommend her. 

Well if she looks that direction that is.

"You have perfect teeth," I blurt out before realising it. To my amazement, she starts to giggle.

"Thanks! I've been told that a lot," I didn't know why, but I enclose her in a hug. 

Something about her was really warm and welcoming.

It could be the smile? Nah.

Turning to the next person, I rose a brow as my eyes met the movement of Cole's hand, slightly trailing its way to a girl's waist.

She looks different from the rest. Baggy clothes, flats and a pair of nerdy looking glasses. I would have taken her for a nun if not for that damn hand dining around her waist.

I feel my cheeks brighten as he brings her forward.

"This is Rosá," Oh if I could throw her off the terrace.

"She's my longtime cousin," Cole says, pecking her on the cheek before letting go of her waist.

Well that's a relief.

"Hi! I'm so happy to meet the one and only Valley, I've heard so much about you," From the way she was kissing my behind, it looked like she was going to kneel.

"Good things I hope," I ask, shaking her hand.

In response, all she does is giggle as Cole takes my hand towards another person.

"And this is Louis," He gestures to a guy way at the back.

Uncrossing his legs, the guy takes long strides towards me until there's little space for me to breath with.

"Valley," I stretch out my hand which he shakes firmly.

"Yeah nice to meet you," It takes sometime until he let's go, and I don't think I wanted to either.

When he finally does, I take the fact that he makes some distance between us an opportunity to take in simple look.

Just a grey hoodie and black jeans but it went well. Sensing my gaze, his head turns to me before he begins to survey me from top to bottom. I guess some people really have the power to make you feel conscious of your appearance in your house.

Ignoring this little fact, I flash my best smile at him, expecting the sane to return but not even a muscle twitches. Instead, I feel him take in the new environment. The pool, barbeque station(which only Dad can operate), the house and finally, my face. Or my body.

It's pretty hard to be sure since his eyes were hidden under some dark shades.

Holding his gaze, I feel confused when he also does the same and we stay that way until,

"Val? Valley?" Cole snaps his fingers at my face which reminds me of what is happening.

"Oh sor - sorry, I was just - will you get your hand away from my face?" I say, grabbing his fingers before he could succeed at blinding me.

"Sorry about that valley, but If I've an idea about what is going on through your head, I say you forget about it, cause unfortunately our friend Louis is as straight as a curling iron," He places a hand on his shoulder.


Everyone were probably just as confused as I was, because they begun to murmur.

"I mean he's gay," It looks like he wants a response from him, one that never came.

"And from the looks of things, he's still pissed at today's events," This made Louis give him a look. 

A look that makes him keep his hands to himself.

I'm about to ask why he has dark shades on although the sun was setting when Cole brings out the last guy.

Dressed in a worn out brown leather jacket and matching jeans, he stretches out a hand for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you Valley, the name 's Chase," He smiles and I return it, gleefully and aware of our corresponding British accents

Contemplating on how many dirty surfaces his hands have been, I decided to go with a different mode of greeting.

"Same here Chase," I curtsey as everyone laughs. I feel pretty satisfied as I see a grin form on his face.

Finally meeting everyone, I take a braver step.

"Let's go in shall we?"


"So this room will be for Gwen and Darwin since they're such an adorable couple," I make a heart with my fingers as he brings her into a kiss.

"This room will be for Cole and Liza," I gesture to the room that's directly next to mine. I chose it cause it would be easier to enter his room, and chose Liza cause I was certain I don't have anything to worry about with her.

"Um excuse me," Cole raised a finger. "I believe that can't be possible, my cousin here has to take her medications as I've been entrusted to give them to her," He starts, taking my hand. "I know it might sound a bit indecent but she really needs it. Just this one favor, love?" He asks, cupping my face like he used to when we were still an item.

How can I say no to that.

"Of course," I reply, giving him a kiss that turns into a make out. Well it should be, If not for Rosá interrupting us.

"Thank you so much valley, you really are a nice person," She breaks us up as she pulls me into a hug.

"I'm hoping that's a compliment," Asking, I realise for the second time that I was still in thin coverage.

And for the second time she giggles without answering my question.

"And lastly, this room is for Louis and  Chase," I say, pointing at the room opposite mine.

Two reasons. One chase gives me the creeps and two, Louis does the opposite.

"By the way, where's Louis?" I ask,searching for him. I can't believe I didn't notice he was gone, since he's pretty hard to miss.

Just then, all heads turn to the front door which closes with a bang.

"I believe we're about to find out," Cole said with a smirk as he takes off, leaving us in confusion.

I only remember I had my feet installed when the rest began to run too.

"What's all the ruckus about - "  I paused mostly because my jaw dropped as I took in the amount of beer set on the floor.

Throwing one at me, Cole opened the one in his hands which looked like it has been through a bumpy ride.

"Who's ready to party
