

Chapter 6

"Mr Potter," Professor Snape intoned the next morning, looming behind the boy like a menacing shadow of potion stained doom. "Please come with me."

Ignoring Draco's twitch of barely controlled irritation, Harry glanced up from his plate of fruit and toast, then nodded agreeably and tossed back the last of his coffee. Standing, he slung his bag over one shoulder and followed the sour faced Potions Master out of the Great Hall.

The pair walked in silence for a moment, neither commenting when Warthog joined them from the depths of the shadows, stalking along next to Harry with surprising silence given her size.

Harry glanced down at her, admiring the rusty gold coat shifting over well-defined muscles as she stalked at his side.

"You're staring," she commented, blue eyes peering up with an amused glitter.

The dark haired boy shrugged and allowed his lips to twitch upward fondly. He looked forward again, making note of the route they were taking.

"May I ask where we're going, Sir?" He asked respectfully.

"The Headmaster wishes to see you," Snape snapped irritably.

"I see," Harry murmured. "Is this a normal meeting that he has with all new students, or has something specific happened?"

Snape gritted his teeth, trying to remind himself that it was a perfectly reasonable question, and at least the brat wasn't babbling incessantly.

Harry nodded slightly, despite the lack of answer, watching the Professor as they came to a halt in front of a gargoyle statue.

"Sherbet," the man intoned with a discretely stifled sigh.

Harry chuckled, green eyes lighting up in amusement. Oh, this was too good. Given Snape's reaction he had no doubt that ridiculous passwords were an ongoing aggravation. He made a point to remember that, and to see if his theory was correct. If it was always a variation of candy names, then his planned forays into the Headmasters office to speak with Albert would be much simpler than expected.

He kept his breathing slow and steady as the momentary humour drained away, being careful to not give away the irritation from his own dose of the Alertness Potion eating away at him. He wanted to draw his wand and cast ward detection spells as they ascended the spiralling stairs hidden behind the gargoyle, but he knew doing so with Snape around would be foolish. Maybe he could set Shot to developing some sort of passive ward reader? No, the poor girl had more than enough on her plate right now. If he could get his hands on another genius of her level then he might look into it, but until then he'd just put it on the 'when we get around to it' list.

He forced himself to focus when he heard Snape knock on the door, and the Headmaster's voice cheerily invite them in.

Stepping into the room, Harry swept his eyes around, taking in as much detail as possible, trying to get a feel for what kind of man occupied it.

Plentiful bookshelves overstuffed with a variety of esoteric and obscure topics - trying to impress visitors with the breadth of his "knowledge" so people are more likely to defer to him as an authority. Useless trinkets everywhere selected to look mysterious; some modified ward monitors amongst them. Mismatched furniture to enhance the impression of quirky and harmless. Colour scheme shows clear favouritism towards Gryffindor; trying to give the impression of forthrightness? Albert hidden away on the top shelf but reachable. Portraits of previous school heads - convenient alarm system if they can travel to or communicate with other portraits. Perhaps this is how he always seems to know everything that happens in the school? Holy shit, is that a PHOENIX?

Harry couldn't have stopped his jaw from dropping if his life depended on it at the sight of the red and gold bird sitting on a golden perch; that it fitted with his current character was a convenient bonus.

Warthog's eyes locked onto the bird as well, though her reaction was to lick her lips.

"That's one of those self-cooking chickens! Can I eat it?"

Harry pulled himself together and frowned down at his familiar.

"No, you can't eat it."

There was a pregnant pause, while Harry frowned at his familiar, ignoring the amused chuckle from the man behind the desk, and the grudgingly amused snort from Snape.

"I'm gonna eat it."

Rolling his eyes, Harry crossed his arms and glared at the wilful feline as she lowered herself and started stalking the watching and highly amused bird.

"If you try to eat it, I'm not patching you up after it pecks and claws you to pieces. You'll have to heal naturally and that will give you scars and you'll be ugly." He smirked.

Warthog froze mid stalk, one foot in the air even as she looked back at Harry.

"You wouldn't."

"Do you want to take that risk?"

The bonded pair stared at each other, testing the other's determination. Finally, Warthog snarled and turned around, slinking grumpily back to Harry and plopping her hind down next to him. The boy could feel the waves of sulk being sent his direction through their bond, and he chuckled and rubbed her ears affectionately.

"Ah, Mr Potter!" Dumbledore called cheerfully. "Just the person I wanted to see!"

'Well I'd assumed so, since you summoned me here.' Harry thought to himself irritably. Outwardly, he smiled politely, though he kept his posture slightly hunched and a hand on Warthog for 'comfort'.

"Ah, can I ask why, Sir? Have I done something wrong?"

Next to him, Snape scowled and stalked over to stand against the wall, obviously intending to blend into the shadows and hopefully be forgotten.

"Not at all, my boy, not at all! Lemon drop?" The elderly man gestured to a seat, then offered a bowl full of yellow candies.

Declining politely, Harry took the indicated seat, Warthog sitting next to him alertly and occasionally eyeing the phoenix with barely concealed intent.

"Tea?" The Headmaster persisted, pouring himself a cup and offering one to Snape, who rejected it with a small shake of his head.

"No thank you, Sir." Harry was tempted to push to get the old man to get to his point, but he recognised it was merely the potions effects and fought it back, idly stroking Warthog's neck and fiddling with her collar to keep himself calm.

"Very well. How are you settling in at Hogwarts?" Dumbledore smiled, sipping his tea and watching Harry with his blue eyes twinkling merrily.

Harry shrugged, keeping his eyes on Warthog. There'd been rumours that Dumbledore was a Legilimens, and while he had the beginnings of Occlumency well established, he knew he wasn't up to fending off a probe from a Master Legilimens yet.

"Well enough, Sir. Everyone seems friendly enough, though some people seem put off by my House. I don't care though; I'm happy there and they've been very helpful and welcoming."

Dumbledore hummed lightly. "And your classes?"

"They're interesting. I've been reading ahead in the texts, and some of the theory goes over my head, but I'm working through it as best I can. I've no doubt that when we cover those parts in class it will make a bit more sense."

Harry watched as the Headmasters gaze flicked to Warthog for a brief moment, and nearly smacked his own forehead at his obliviousness. Of course Snape and McGonagall had escalated the issue to the Headmaster, and the old man would want to know more about her as soon as possible. He'd argued with the Hounds about how best to explain her presence and a mature familiar bond since he was going to be picked up from the Dursley's, and in the end they'd uneasily settled on a half-truth filled with misdirection.

"Professors McGonagall and Snape have informed me that you claim a full familiar bond with your Mountain Lion, is that correct?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Might I ask how that's possible? From what I understand, she arrived after dark the night before you caught the train to Hogwarts. Hagrid said that he collected you from the Dursley's, and you seemed unaware of your wizarding heritage at the time. You also seem remarkably well informed for someone newly introduced to our world."

Harry frowned slightly, fighting the urge to stare the old man down. He kept his gaze on the tip of the Headmaster's nose instead.

"Is that a problem?"

"Oh, not at all, my boy! Please forgive an old man's curiosity, but I must be certain that you are indeed able to care for and control her, for the safety of everyone in this castle."

Sighing and leaning back slightly in his chair, Harry partially dropped the innocent act.

"My father discovered her as a kitten when examining some rare furniture he was looking to buy. She'd been smuggled, and somehow ended up trapped in one of the boxes he was examining. She was too small to be left alone, and in bad shape. We weren't sure she would make it."

Dumbledore frowned, leaning forward slightly.

"Your father? My boy…"

Harry looked bored.

"I was adopted a few years ago. But as I was saying, he found her, and thought that if she survived, she would make an excellent bodyguard for me when our security team was unable to be with me. Given my celebrity in this world, and his contacts and wealth in both, he leans toward paranoia when it comes to my safety. Justifiably so, I think."

The Headmasters frown deepened as Harry spoke, idly stroking his beard.

"And yet you knew nothing of our world until your birthday?"

Harry couldn't help but grin and chuckle a little.

"On the contrary, Headmaster. I'm extremely well informed about this world, but Hagrid seemed to be having so much fun explaining everything that I didn't want to hurt his feelings." He glanced at the watch on his wrist, a rather beautiful piece with a concealed garrotte wire that Sergei had gifted him for his eleventh birthday. "It's nearly time for class, Sir. May I be excused?"

Receiving an absent nod, the boy gracefully stood and exited the room, Warthog following behind after giving the phoenix one last longing look.

Shutting the door behind him, he quickly drew his wand and cast every detection spell he could in the trip down the stairs. There weren't as many wards or alerts as he was expecting, and he was somewhat disappointed that getting into the office wouldn't be more of a challenge. Still, at least he could make good his promise to Albert.

"Albus?" Snape asked after a few minutes had passed in silence.

Dumbledore started slightly, having forgotten about the other man in the room. He stood, walking over to a small whirring gizmo that released the occasional puff of red smoke. Peering at it intently, he drew his wand and cast a few diagnostic spells, only to curse angrily at the results.

Snape watched him with a faint frown.

"The wards fell years ago, but the monitor was faulty and didn't sound the alert! Severus, I need you to find out everything you can about young Harry and his new family. I'll investigate the official channels. I'm his Magical Guardian; if there was a change in his living circumstances or custody I should have been notified. We must make sure that whoever this mysterious father is, that he is a suitable guardian. The boy is in a precarious position, and we must ensure that he is not being used."

Snape privately wondered if Albus actually believed the crap spewing out of his mouth, or if he really was that oblivious to his own hypocrisy. Either way, he nodded his agreement and exited the room, striding down the hall towards his classroom with a menacing glower.

'I wonder if Albus noticed that he didn't actually answer the questions about that feline of his,' he mused. 'The brat might be cleverer than he seems, but I WILL find out what he's hiding.'

Harry sighed with relief as he slipped from the castle that night. It was close to midnight again, but his schedule was significantly lighter tonight, so he hoped to get back to bed at a reasonable time.

Using his portkey, he closed his eyes against the dizzying whirl of colours, then immediately strode through the Manor gates.

"Tippy? Where is everyone?"

Tippy bowed low, and gently shut the door while Jinky took a bag of Harry's school clothes to have the standard protection runes added.

"Misters Alex and Sergei are in the office with the Smith golem. Miss Shot is in her laboratory and has asked not to be disturbed unless it's an emergency because she might blow herself up by accident if interrupted. Master Connor is asleep in his room."

Harry nodded, striding towards the stairs.

"Jinky, please let the Hounds know that I need one of them tonight."

The black clad elf nodded and disappeared with a barely audible pop.

Harry looked longingly towards Connor's room, but shook his head. Connor needed his sleep, he couldn't be disturbed two nights in a row.

Turning toward the office, he wasn't at all surprised to find his Hounds and father waiting for him. He was glad he wouldn't have any new reports to go over just yet, since he wouldn't get to the pile from last night until the weekend as it was.

"I need to see Gregorovitch; my true wand has been temperamental since I got that back up from Ollivander's. Which of you is coming with me?"

Alex nodded, stepping forward.

"I will. Is that our only stop tonight?"

Harry nodded, rubbing his temple slightly to relieve the headache he had brewing. His Alertness Potion was starting to wear off, and he wasn't willing to take more, or a Pepper Up, since he'd end up either addicted or comatose if he overdid it.

Alex eyed him with concern.

"Are you sure you want to do this tonight? You look like you could use some sleep, to be honest."

The boy sighed, gratefully sipping the glass of water Jinky had brought him.

"I need to get it done; I don't like having my primary wand so disabled. That said, I'll be heading straight to bed afterward. I'm starting to crash."

Alex nodded, making a mental note to be extra vigilant during their outing since Vahan was too exhausted to react quickly to any threats. A quick glance at Sergei showed that he was thinking similarly.

"Would you like us both to come, just in case? We can get Swit to keep an eye on Connor," the Russian offered.

Harry shrugged tiredly.

"I don't care, as long as we go right now. I won't be upright for much longer."

The men nodded and quickly summoned Swit as they headed toward the entryway, the tired boy braced between them.

"It's jealous," Gregorovitch chuckled.

"Pardon?" Harry blinked in confusion. "How can a wand be jealous?"

Gregorovitch sighed, settling back in his chair and folding his arms across his chest.

"You must understand, a wand is not just a tool. While not a strictly accurate description, a wand is for all intents and purposes partially sentient." He paused, pursing his lips as he searched for the right words. "Think of generic wands, the sort Ollivander sells, as infants. They don't know very much, or have any real personality, though they do have a preference for the person who makes them… feel good?"

Harry nodded slightly to show he was following.

"Alright, and then you have custom wands, who are… toddlers? Strongly attached to their person, with a distinct personality of their own."

"So my toddler is throwing a tantrum?"

The three men sniggered at Harry's indignant tone.

Coughing lightly, Gregorovitch shook his head.

"If it was a normal custom wand, then I'd say yes. But yours is Blood Bound to you, so it would be closer to, ah, early teens?" He scratched his chin. "A persons wand grows with them, becomes an extension of themselves, which is why another person's wand will never work quite as well for you as your own. In your case, you have literally put part of yourself into it. A childish, immature part, to be sure, but a part nonetheless."

"Alright, so my teenager is throwing a tantrum. How do I fix it?" Harry scowled down at the wand laying innocently on the counter between them. It was a beautiful piece of work, and he took care to maintain it as thoroughly as the rest of his weapons. The wood gleamed with a low sheen from the oil regularly worked into it, and Harry could feel it practically preening at the attention it was getting.

Gregorovitch shrugged, picking up a wood shaving and fiddling with it absently.

"Have you tried talking to it? Explaining why you have a second wand that you're using more frequently? It wouldn't bother to understand anyone else, but through your connection with it, it should comprehend your meaning."

"Talk to it." Harry stated flatly. "Are you serious?"

Gregorovitch nodded.

"Use your bond to communicate with it. I don't mean chat audibly, I didn't give it ears." He suddenly grinned. "Though if you want to speak out loud to it, I'm sure your bodyguards over there would appreciate the laugh. I know I would!" His mouth snapped shut and he dropped his eyes submissively when he remembered just who he was talking to.

Harry grunted, too tired to retaliate. Closing his eyes, he felt carefully for the bond, sliding metaphorical fingers down it in gentle strokes until he could feel the pulsing ball at the other end.

Hurt. Abandonment. Longing. Jealousy. Confusion.

He focused, trying to send his own emotions and thoughts into the ball.

Attachment, he soothed. Affection. Not alone. Not replaced. Hidden guardian. Protection.

Want? He received tentatively. Not replaced?

Never, he swore. Wanted. Cherished. True wand.

The rush of gratitude he received back nearly sent him crashing to the floor, and he grabbed the counter, dazed.

"Boss?" He heard Sergei ask, concern thickening his accent as he helped prop the exhausted child upright. "Are you alright?"

Grunting an affirmative, he prised his eyes open.

"I think it understands now. I doubt it will ever like me using the Holly wand, but it shouldn't give me any more trouble. I hope. Thank you for your help." He nodded to the wand maker, and turned to exit the store, only to stagger almost drunkenly as the final stages of exhaustion set in.

With a curse, Sergei swept the boy into his arms, leaving Alex to pay Gregorovitch for his time and run swiftly after them.

"We need to get him back to Hogwarts. He won't make it on his own."

The men looked down at their tiny employer, expecting a firm rebuttal, only to find him sound asleep, curled up with his ear against Sergei's chest and one hand gripping the Russian's shirt tightly.

The two men froze, staring down at the angelic face. The hard lines and grim determination had melted away, leaving Harry looking every bit as young and vulnerable as he really was.

Looking at each other, they felt their determination to protect the boy grow even stronger, tempered with something akin to parental devotion.

Fawkes felt two of the bonds to his adopted youngling strengthening, and chirped sleepily in approval. He may not be able to protect the Red Girl's chick himself, but he was surrounded by ones who could, and that would have to suffice for now. Ruffling his feathers, he tucked his head under his wing and settled back to sleep.

Draco had slipped into a light doze, despite his best efforts, when the door to their room was opened by an unseen hand. Jolting awake, he pretended to still be asleep as Warthog padded into the room, scanning to make sure everyone was asleep. Her intelligent blue gaze paused on him for a moment, and Draco gave up his pretence under her knowing stare. Sitting up, he ran a hand through his hair.

"Everything alright, Warthog?" He whispered.

The puma dipped a slight nod, then turned to look over her shoulder and chuff softly.

The blond boy watched with eyebrows raised as invisible hands pulled Harry's blankets back, settling a weight onto the bed and removing the invisibility charm.

Harry lay sprawled on the mattress, moving slightly as his clothing seemed to tug itself free and be replaced with comfortable pyjamas transfigured from a broken quill and a piece of parchment left on the little table beside the bed. Covers were drawn over his slender form, and a hand smoothed through his hair, even as the boy offered a sleepy mumble and curled up on his side.

Draco watched all this in silence, taking longer than he would have liked to realise that Charleston and Petrikov had managed to infiltrate Hogwarts just so they could tuck Harry into bed.

He heard the footsteps move closer to his own bed, and looked towards where he estimated the invisible man was standing. He wasn't sure which Hound it was, but they guided him back down, and tucked the blankets around him gently. Smiling sleepily when he felt a hand run through his hair, just like they had done for Harry, he whispered a goodnight, and let himself drift off to sleep.