
Vague Skill

Humans die and they are sent to heaven or hell based on the acts they committed on earth...but what if a mere human tries to go against the natural order of life and death? Will nature take revenge against them? Will they cease to exist? Or will they simply be granted the most OP system ever?

EliViBritannia · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Volume 1: Life and Death

All living things live and die, it is simply the natural order of life, humans are the only creatures on earth that contemplate the afterlife, is there a heaven and a hell or is there simply darkness? I guess I will find out as I am now on the verge of death, I had just got my permit and I wanted to test drive with my big sister, but I ended up crashing off a cliff and falling into an ocean, the pain of not being able to breathe was unbearable and every time I opened my mouth my lungs filled with water. I feel horrible that I caused my sister to die like this. When I finally died, I was hit with a greater pain which I assumed was my soul separating from my body, when the pain subsided in front of me was a door surrounded by fog and behind me was a door covered in blood, on the floor I saw footprints leading towards the door surrounded by fog, that must be my sister's and that door must be the door to heaven. So, I must choose between either living forever or living forever but in pain…but then I realized that if my sister's footprints were so visible that a person like me with terrible eyesight could see the prints then that means this floor might be diggable. I got down on my knees and dug, it felt like an eternity, but I eventually dug a hole through and under the floor, all I saw was an abyss.

I can't go up since I've dug so deep and I'm sure there's nothing waiting for me in the abyss but...it's my only route. So I jumped into the abyss and a screen popped up in front of me.

-|Subject: EHM14D|-


-|Sequence Unknown****Sequence Unknown****Sequence Unknown|-

-|[Trash] or [Relocate]|-

'Why is there something like this under heaven and hell?' It's almost like the universe is just a whole bunch of code.


I don't want to be trashed so my only viable option is relocation.


My surroundings suddenly changed, and I was falling into a forest, I passed out from fear and woke up in the forest. Surprisingly I was unharmed, but I can't say the same for my surroundings.

-|Successful Relocation>>>>>>Normid|-

-|Granting System...|-

-|[Skill System] or [Mana System]|-

A system? Like the ones in novels? Well, if my knowledge suits me well the Skill System is the best choice.


-|Initializing Skill System**** Initializing Skill System**** Initializing Skill System|-

Ok??? While the system is doing it's thing I might as well find out where I am, I got up and started to walk around, I eventually reached what looked like a medieval town with two guards in front of the gates.

"Halt! State your name and reason for coming to this town."

"My name is Kronos and I'm here for shelter," I say making sure to not sound suspicious.

"Do you have any form of identification?"

I pulled out my permit and showed it to the guards.

"What kingdom did you come from?"

Kingdom? Is it alright if I say America…

"I don't come from a kingdom I come from an alternate planet."

The guard raised one eyebrow and went to discuss it with his fellow guard.

"We'll let you in but stay out of trouble."

After they let me in what greeted me was a slum filled with homeless children and suspicious characters. So that's why they let me in huh? Because this place is already filled with bums and crazy men. All the houses were unbuilt and were filled with children who had no home.

I laid down and thought about what would have happened if I had just gone to heaven with my sister…

-|System Initialized|-

-|Status: S48 A10 M#### C0 L0|-

-|Skills: [Body Control] [Soul] [Skill]|-

-|Skill Points: 20|-

Do the skills not have descriptions?

-|Body Control – Control of how your body moves and functions|-

-|Soul – Your soul has been separated from your body so it has become a separate skill|-

-|Skill – create skills based on your actions|-

Well, that's very vague…