
History Lesson (Should read to learn better)

In the past there was a tree; everyone looked at tree as the work of God since it was there since the start of the time the tree contained a single fruit and nothing else, as the time passed people forget about the tree time passed as the war comes people die at the whim of the powerful they kill any and everyone so that it can benefit them kingdoms formed dynasty comes in the midst of all of that there was a single girl wishing nothing but survival and peace at the brink of losing everything she did the forbidden she took and eat the fruit of the tree

The fruit gave her immense powers; powers to stop war; powers to create peace, Although she did created peace she was just a naive girl who could only think one way to stop people to kill each other by putting them under eternal sleep under infinite tskukyomi (what madara was manipulated to do)

But the powers corrupted her she became arrogant

After some time; the tree got enraged it's fruit got stolen so become the first ever bijju the ten tails with the mission to get it's fruit back

Alongside Hamura, Hagoromo, the elder twin brother, was born as one of the two children to Kaguya‎‎, As a result, both were born with the ability to manipulate the same type of powerful chakra as their mother. Angered by the fact that her divine powers had been spread to others, Kaguya merged with the God Tree into the Ten-Tails, which attempted to reclaim its chakra

The Ten-Tails rampaged throughout the lands until Hagoromo and his younger twin brother managed to defeat the beast, with Hagoromo becoming its jinchūriki, causing him to be revered as a god for the virtue of his victory. Researching his mother's technique, Hagoromo was able to free the world from her Infinite Tsukuyomi. Going by the Sage of Six Paths after entering priesthood, he travelled across the land giving chakra to every one in the world, spreading his ideals and religion of ninshū in the process. His great deeds and ultimate desire to bring peace to the war-torn world made him widely known as the Saviour of this Wold

While the Younger brother chose to remain with their mother and continue to guard her sealed immortal corpse in the moon but nothing last forever

Hagoromo had two kids older one named indra younger one named ashura

Older one with his sharingan was able to learn everything very quickly; while the younger one although dumb was able to gather number to his side becoming the very effective leader who knows love better than anyone else

Along the way ashura awoke his physic with great vitality of uzumakis and senju alongside wood release, because of his love and ability to lead and save the people and the powers that rivals indra Hagoromo chose ashura as his successor; saying indra will never be able to defeat him, till he knows the love; indra jealous fought with ashura although powerful but ashura won through the number on his side that he was able to gather throughout his journey thus proving sage of the six path prediction

But no one understood the pain they both carried because of their father's mistake with older brother wanting nothing but recognization thus creating hatred more than anything else towards his younger brother that he loved more than anyone else becoming the first ever person suffering with saringan's curse of hatred and love and younger wanting nothing but be with his older brother

The love and hatred they both felt was too much to be solved

While indra's son created the uchiha's clan becoming the first ever uchiha; the ashura's son created senju clan becoming first ever senju ( indra and ashura both were Otsutsuki) the war between 2 clan continued; with uchiha's son maintaining the name of uchiha; the senju had 2 son one having black hair gaining their family wood release other one had red hair although not gaining their family's wood release he was surprisingly terrifyingly good with fuinjutsu; he chose to remain neutral in the fight of uchiha and senju and gone to faraway land becoming first ever uzumaki; but uzumaki became the force in himself the younger son with red hair made fuinjutsus which rivals both senju's and uchiha's thus splitting from 2 major forces with equal powers to 3 major forces with equal powers and the third power was the brother of senju's thus creating a major probelem for the uchihas

When uzumaki alongside his 3 son and 2 daughter with his wife going to meet his father and brother uchihas killed them in an ambush; only the 1 son out of everyone manage to remain alive that son became the founder of Uzushiogakure thus starting his very own clan the son too was terrifyingly good at fuinjutsu inheriting his father jutsu's he even created his very own jutsu's but could never create the SS rank fuinjutsu like his father

What none get; is the brothers indra and ashura feeling for each other although they all fought but they could never understood the hatred and love indra and ashura felt for each other thus they got reincarnated after reincarnated indra hoping to defeat ashura thus falsifying his father's prediction that he could never defeat ashura till he knows love; and ashura hoping to be in peace with his older brother like they were in their childhood; While in the process everyone forgot that Otsutsuki clan can never be formed again if one clan disappear from the face of the planet

The uzumaki clan sole SS rank fuinjutsu created by first ever uzumaki; could only be successfully done by first uzukage along the way everyone recorded their S rank and various fuinjutsu in the forbidden scroll

[Renji can not do fuinjutsu of the sage of six path or that of indra and ashura because what they did was not ninjutsu but ninshu his powers are fui-ninjutsu; not ninshu]

Yes, if any of you are wondering SS rank fuinjutsu i wrote in description; was the sole SS fuinjutsu there is in this world something only renji could do even flying thunder god which made minato SS rank threat was of S rank