
Uzumaki Vampire

A collection of Naruto x Vampire Crossovers. I DO NOT OWN THIS FANFICs. I REALLY RESPECT THESE AUTHORS THEREFORE I AM RE-POSTING THEIR FANFICS. CHECK THEM OUT AT THE LINKS BELOW. Uzumaki Vampire --> http://archiveofourown.org/works/28582083 Teen Hybrid --> https://archiveofourown.org/works/23478157/chapters/56427370#main Vampire in Rome --> https://archiveofourown.org/works/22311190 Vampire of Prophecy: The Originals --> https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11847619/1/Vampire-of- Prophecy-The-Originals No-Life Duke And His Queens --> https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13972002/1/No-Life-Duke- And-His-Queens Naruto: Rise of the Dark Storm --> https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8768530/1/Naruto-Rise-of-the-Dark- Undead Maelstrom --> https://archiveofourown.org/works/24424102

HersheyHeist · アニメ·コミックス
85 Chs

Chapter 5

The smoke finally cleared, and when both Shiroi and Naruto went to greet Jiraiya...They found him performing his introduction dance.

"I am the man whom other men in the elemental nations envy and the man whom the woman lust for! I am the great sage of Mount Myoboku! The teacher of the Yondaime Hokage, and one of the most powerful men to ever live! I am the great Jiraiya-sama!" Jiraiya exclaimed before he proudly puffed out his chest. Both shiroi, and Naruto stared blankly at the perverted sage.

Even Kyuubi and Altair had nothing to say about that. AND ALTAIR WAS A FUCKING SWORD!

Pa, ma, and the few toads that were with simply stared blankly at the white haired toad sage. It appeared that they would have to discipline Jiraiya about his so called introduction again.

Shiroi's eye twitched slightly "That dance and introduction is so... Redundant." She uttered, with the toads and Naruto nodding in agreement.

Naruto remembered the first time he saw the perverted sage introduction, after he saw it he wasn't impressed and he thought the old pervert wasn't a ninja and that he beat Ebisu as a total fluke. Honestly it made him seem so stupid, and incompetent.

Naruto blinked... Since when did he know that word? He shrugged lightly, oh well... It made him seem smarter anyway. Inside his cage Kyuubi snorted, "Yeah right gaki. You have a looooooong way to go before you can be considered smart." Kyuubi muttered. It's not that he didn't consider his container smart it's just... Oh who was he kidding he thought his container was a dumb ass.

Kyuubi gave one last snicker at his container's expense, before he laid his head down, and went back to sleep. Hey it was hard work being a giant demonic entity inside the blonde... Oh who the fuck was he kidding?, he was just lazy as hell.

"So ladies, now that you know exactly who I am. What do you say we just get down in bed an-" Jiraiya abruptly came to a halt, when he opened his eyes and noted he was in the presence of Naruto and the others. He blinked once, twice, and a third time. "Uh... This isn't the brothel I was in." He lamely explained. Everyone merely gave him deadpanned expressions.

"Anyways, Jiraiya-chan. Naruto-chan here did something truly amazing." Fukasaku began wanting to change the subject.

Jiraiya rose an eyebrow "Oh really? And what was that?" Whatever Jiraiya was expecting to hear... Hearing that Naruto mastered SenJutsu in just a month wasn't it.

It nearly gave him a heart attack when Naruto entered sage mode as proof. It had taken him years to get the basics of SenJutsu down before he could even use it properly.

And even than, he never truly mastered sage mode, seeing as he would gain toadish features whenever he entered sage mode. The mere thought that Naruto mastered sage mode in just one month, and that he mastered to the point where only his eyes would change... Filled him with great pride.

"You've done a great job Naruto... I'm proud of you." Jiraiya said, getting over his shock.

"Thanks ero-Sensei." Said the blonde with a embarrassed grin.

"So where are we off to now ero-Jiji?" Shiroi asked.

Just as Jiraiya was going to speak, Fukasaku immediately spoke interrupting Jiraiya before he could get a word in. "Actually Shiroi-chan. I believe Jiraiya-chan has something more to say to Naruto-chan." The elder toad said. As he gave Jiraiya a expectant look.

Jiraiya stiffened for for a moment, before he sighed in acceptance. "Naruto... Again I haven't been honest with you." The perverted hermit began with a somber expression. Naruto tilted his head in confusion, before he removed his hood from atop his head. Shiroi merely narrowed her eyes slightly. 'Hmm, What is it this time ero-Jiji?' She thought.

"What do you mean ero-Sensei." Naruto asked in confusion.

'Would you say that...? After I tell you about your father... Naruto?' Jiraiya solemnly thought. "What I mean Naruto... Is that I knew your father." Jiraiya began.

Both Naruto and Shiroi stiffened. Naruto because Jiraiya knew of his father, but how was that possible? Someone as famous as Jiraiya couldn't know his father... right?

And Shiroi stiffened because of a suspicion she had. When she was watching Naruto's memory, she idly noted the resemblance he and the yondaime had. But she wrote off as a coincidence... However now she wasn't so sure... She knew that if Naruto was in fact the yondaime's son, than Iwa would almost stop at nothing to kill him since they would fear the return of another Yellow flash.

She inwardly scoffed. Like she would let them come within a mile of him.

"W-Who... Was my father ero-Sensei?" Naruto quietly question, unknowingly breaking Shiroi from her thoughts.

"Your father... Was one of the most powerful Shinobi in the world. And he was kinder than any other person in the world as well. I don't even think it was possible for him to truly hate someone." Jiraiya began, as his eyes glazed over in remembrance.

"Your father invented two of the most known Jutsu in the world. Your father was feared by many, and loved by many. But No one loved your father more than your mother. As you know, Your a member of the Uzumaki clan. And your mother was the second Jinchuuriki for the Kyuubi with Uzumaki Mito being the first and you the third." Jiraiya said.

Naruto nodded, he knew full well of his predecessors for the Kyuubi. After all he was bound to figure out sooner or later. I mean he did have a giant nine-tailed demonic fox in him that had way to much time on his hands... Not to mention with what he learned from the Uzumaki clan scrolls.

"Your father was also my student before you Naruto... His name was Namikaze Minato... The Yondaime Hokage." Jiraiya stated with a blank expression. Though if you looked hard enough you would find a little fear and hope in his eyes.

All was silent as Naruto held his down, his bangs overshadowing his eyes. Everyone waited for Naruto's reaction with baited breathes. The only thing that could be heard was the chirping of birds, and even that was falling silent. The wind blew slightly brushing against Naruto robes. Slowly Naruto spoke. "Why... Me?" He simply asked.

Shiroi was quick to hold his hand as a sign of comfort and assurance, she felt Naruto's hand immediately tighten around her's, and she smiled softly.

"Minato couldn't just trust anyone with the Kyuubi Naruto. I don't know much of what happened that night... But from what I understand, Sealing the Kyuubi into you was the only option. Could ask another parent to give up their child... If you yourself are not willing to do the same?" Jiraiya explained.

Silence was the only thing that greeted his answer. He solemnly began to put his head down, before he noticed Naruto's head begin to lift. When Naruto lifted his head, everyone was able to see the tears that he was holding back his eyes. And to the shock of everyone... He smiled. "I understand why he did ero-Sensei.." He began.

"And I know that I can't just keep brooding over this. My father sacrificed himself not only for the village, but for me as well. I know that he loved me, I can feel it for some strange reason... So I'll make sure to make my parents proud of what I'll become! Or my name isn't Uzumaki Namikaze Naruto!" The blonde exclaimed, with his tears of both sadness and happiness flowing freely down his cheeks.

Everyone looked at the blonde in amazement. He wasn't angry? He didn't hate his father? He understood his father's decision? However looking into the blonde's smiling face... Everyone knew that everything would be alright.

Shiroi tightened her grip on Naruto's hand, and she gave him a warm smile. This entire thing only made her love the blonde even more than she already did. She happily laid her head on his shoulder, smiling in contentment as he laid his head laid upon her's.

Jiraiya gave a happy smile as he stared his godson and most amazing student. truly the blonde was one of the most amazing human beings on the planet.

The elder toads and their younger counter-parts all smiled in contentment. The awkward and tense air had all but disappeared, leaving filled with love, happiness, and joy.

Altair pulsed in happiness at his wielder's side, happy that his wielder was happy.

Inside his cage, Kyuubi who had been abruptly awoken from his nap because of the tense atmosphere he had sensed. Merely stared through his container's eyes for several moments. "Rikudo-Jiji. It looks like you may have been correct... This child could be the one of the prophecy. But... No it's still to soon to tell if he truly is the one you spoke of." Kyuubi muttered before he put his head back down, and slept once more.

Jiraiya let everyone enjoy the joyous air for several minutes, before he coughed into his fist. Both Naruto and shiroi immediately set their attention on him, though they did not separate from their embrace.

The toads and the elders merely looked on in curiosity.

"Sorry to cut this short. But There's one thing I want to give you Naruto before you begin your first mission since we started this journey." Jiraiya began. Seeing that he had everyone's attention, he continued.

"Now here's the first thing I want to give you." "Jiraiya said as he opened his scroll and channeled a small amount of Chakra into it. A small puff of smoke later, some papers that appeared to be notes came into view. Jiraiya quickly scooped them up, and handed them to the blonde Uzumaki. "This Naruto... Is the notes your father made on his most devastating Jutsu... The Hiraishin." He explained.

Everyone gazed upon the notes in awe. These papers contained the mechanics on how to use the Hiraishin?

"It was your father's wish that you learn this Jutsu when you were ready. He made so that only blood relatives could use this Jutsu. Basically... The only person who could use the Hiraishin... Is you Naruto." The white haired Sannin seriously stated.

Naruto's eyes widened... He was the only one able to use the Hiraishin? A Jutsu sought after by countless individuals for either power or prestige. And he was the only one capable of effectively using it. This technique was the cause of the end of the third great war. This techniques made Might Gai's speed look as if it were a slow moving slug.

This technique... Was created by his father.

It made him grin in anticipation at what he would be able to do with a technique such as this. The possibilities were nearly endless. He smiled softly as he looked at his father's hand-writing, it was so neat and well written. Almost as if he wanted these notes to be made perfectly so that he wouldn't have to misinterpret the instructions on it.

He gently folded the notes, and placed them inside his pouch. Patting just for an extra measure. He felt Shiroi shift her head, and he turned to see what she was doing.

Only for their eyes to meet. They stayed that way for several moments, before Shiroi gave him a quick peck on his lips and slowly backed away with a slight smirk on her face. Naruto had a small blush on his face, as everyone cooed out an 'aww'. Honestly, it still amazed him how she could be so forward in public... But that was one of the main things he loved about her.

She was just so beautiful and wonderful. Her unique pink slitted eyes enticed him in a never ending void that he could get lost in forever. Her long silvery white hair was smooth, and felt as if they were made of silk. Her cute small nose made her expressions seem adorable. Her teasing and and almost seductive smirks she threw his way were enough for his chest to warm up at a remarkable rate.

Though she may be petite... It just seemed to bring out her beauty. She was hardly afraid of anything, and she had no problem with staking her claim on him whenever they were just passing by a town.

He knew she had a far more darker, and slightly more evil side... But he didn't care about that. He loved more than anything. His crush on Sakura? Was just that... A childish crush. He knew that his crush on Sakura was pointless.

After all... The way she reacted when Sasuke was pulled out of his coma when Itachi used Tsukuyomi was proof of that, that pursuing a relationship with her would be pointless.

So he gave up on pursuing a relationship with her after that. He only promised to bring Sasuke back cause he wanted her to be happy. It was strange... Here he thought that he would never truly know love seeing as Konoha denied him that... And his crush constantly rejected him. Only for him to meet shiroi. The girl who changed him for the better.

A girl he loved more than anything. He would do anything for her, as long as she was happy he was happy. He had already decided several months ago. that his heart and soul belonged to her now. She was his light in this world now.

He still wanted to protect the people close to him, don't get him wrong. But the people close to him could only fill the void in his heart for so long. He knew that more than likely, when the knowledge of Kyuubi came out... His friends would either ignore him, or abandon him. He knew it would more than likely happen. After all, even though he defended the village from the Ichibi there was still some villagers that despised him.

Most just began to become neutral towards him. With a rare few actually being friendlier towards him.

He knew it would take a while for the entire village to accept him as a whole... But he was patient. after all, any normal child would have broke under the treatment he received. But patience and the willingness to try and give others a second chance were strongly embedded in his being.

After all... How can the world know true peace, if humans weren't wiling to give others a second chance?

The question wasn't if peace was possible... the real question was were people willing to try?

"Alright gaki. One last thing to give ya before I give you the first mission you had in months." Jiraiya said, breaking Naruto from his thoughts. Naruto rose an eyebrow, and gave the perverted hermit a questioning look. "It's time... I give you your inheritance money." The perverted sage explained.

Naruto and Shiroi blinked before they separated (though they still held hands) And they stared curiously at the white haired pervert. "What... Inheritance money?" The blonde asked.

"Let's see... The last time I checked your account for ya, the sum of money your parents left was about... 10.1 Billion ryo. and it steadily increased over the years to about... 15.3 Billion." Jiraiya shrugged in a uncaring manner. After all... He had nearly fifth-teen years to get over the shock of the amount Naruto had. Now it was time to see everyone else's reaction.

The reactions were as he expected. The toads all held blank expressions before they gradually turned into shock, and disbelief. Their jaws hanging loosely, and so wide open that flies would have no trouble building a home in them.

Naruto had frozen over in shock, his eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. Slowly he brought his hand forward and he slapped his face, leaving a mark imprint on his face. "15.3 B-Billion?" He muttered. Altair... Well Altair just pulsed in confusion on why his wielder was so shocked. Kyuubi however currently had his jaw hanging from his mouth as his eyes were also widened to the size of dinner plates. He only had one thought to sum this all up.

"The gaki is fucking rich." The fox uttered, as he slowly regained his composure.

Shiroi merely had a blankly expression on her face, before she slowly began blinking. She only had one thought at the moment. 'SHOPPING SPREE!' She excitedly thought. Meanwhile Jiraiya, Naruto, and Kyuubi all felt a cold shiver run through their spines. Before they dismissed as nothing.

However Jiraiya got an image of Minato giving him a terrified look "NO YOU OLD FOOL! TAKE MY SON AND RUN AWAY BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!' The fantasy Minato frantically roared before he faded away. Jiraiya blinked owlishly before he idly wondered if he was going senile.

"I'm... Rich." Naruto uttered, before a wide smile spread across his face. "I'm freaking RICH!" The blonde yelled as he pumped his fist in the air. Everyone watched with a smile on their face as they witnessed Naruto's reaction.

Jiraiya gave a broodish grin, as he stared at his apprentice... Come to think of it, hasn't it already been a year and a half since he took the young blonde on this journey? That meant... Jiraiya grinned wider, Tomorrow was the tenth of October. That meant Naruto's birthday was tomorrow... Meh, he figured this was a good birthday gift for him.

After all it not's everyday you find out about your family account that has over 15.3 Billion ryo in it.

"Alright gaki, enough celebrating! It's time I give you your first mission since your journey." Jiraiya began a light grin crossing his features as Naruto suddenly stopped, and stared at him in anticipation. Along with Shiroi who was giving Jiraiya a curious stare. And the toads who leaned forward wanting to know what their summoner's mission is.

"It's simple low level B-rank..." Jiraiya began "With the possibility of it being a high level A-rank." He quickly finished, seeing the disappointed expression on his student's face.

Naruto perked up at that, while Shiroi hummed in thought at what the mission could possibly entail. The toads merely sighed in slight disappointment seeing as their summoner would only need them if he was fighting an S-rank Shinobi. with nothing else to do they quietly left leaving only Fukasaku, and Shima with the trio of travelers.

"What does the mission entail? Ero-Jiji?" Shiroi asked giving the Sannin a stare that said he wasn't taking no for an answer.

"Just a small bandit camp that's been causing some trouble for a settlement near Tanzaku. However the reason why it could possibly be considered a high level A-rank is because it's been said a Shinobi has been seen among them." The white haired pervert seriously stated.

Shiroi's eyes slightly widened, before she glanced at her blonde boyfriend. She knew he could come back from the mission without a scratch... But that didn't stop her from worrying for his safety.

"Naruto-chan. Even if this is merely a low level B-rank. Please remember to be wary of anything that could and would happen." Fukasaku sagely said.

"I understand Pa." Naruto answered with a grin. "Goodbye Ma, I'll be sure to bring you back some food recipes next time." the blonde said to the female toad.

"It truly was an interesting and fascinating experience staying you ma, and pa." Shiroi said with a beaming smile towards the little toads.

Fukasaku, and Shima smiled to both Naruto and Shiroi, before they both looked blankly towards Jiraiya. "Jiraiya-chan... If I hear you corrupted these two wonderful children... I will hunt you down and cut off the thing that makes you a man. Understood." Shima said in a blank tone.

Jiraiya, pale as a ghost fearfully nodded. "Good luck on your mission Naruto-chan. And Jiraiya take good care of these young ones." The male toad stated.

Jiraiya merely gave the two toads a grin, before the trio disappeared in a poof of smoke.

It had been a day since the they returned from Mount Myoboku. And since than Jiraiya had thought it best that Naruto do this entire mission on his own. At first their were protest mostly from Shiroi's side. But he managed to convince them (though Shiroi needed most of the convincing) And now both Jiraiya and Shiroi were watching as Naruto entered the settlement where the bandits had been said to have been harassing.

"So... Now we will finally see if Naruto's training has payed off." Jiraiya stated. Shiroi merely gave Jiraiya a glance, before she huffed at him. Still angry about not being able to assist Naruto in his mission.

"You know... You could prepare yourself for tonight, and I'll tell you how Naruto did tomorrow." The perverted sage said, a slight leer in his voice.

Shiroi raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Jiraiya grinned "Tonight is Naruto's fourteenth birthday." He trailed off, a knowing expression on his face.

Slowly Shiroi turned her head towards the white haired perverted sage. "What exactly is the date." She asked with a undertone of excitement in her voice.

"October tenth." He merely answered.

Shiroi gave a feral and predatory grin before she stalked towards the hotel the trio were currently taking residence in. "Don't interrupt me and Naruto-kun tonight okay ero-Jiji. Otherwise... I'll kill you." The silvery white haired vampire sweetly said.

"Oh don't worry... There's some hot-springs in this town that I wanted to check out anyway." He leered... Though he never said anything about not adding Shiroi and Naruto's relationship as a inspiration for his next book!

He inwardly gave a perverted laugh. Oh he could just imagine how his fans would react!

As Naruto sat down in a stool near at the bar. He had a sudden urge to beat Jiraiya into a bloody pulp. but ignored in favor of obtaining information. It had been exactly several hours since he entered the town. and the first thing he did was find a local tavern and enter the sake selling bar.

Jiraiya had often told of how taverns could and always will have information worth obtaining.

During his walk through town, he noted how everyone seemed a bit tensed and looked upon him with wary eyes. It didn't bother him per-say, he just didn't like to be looked at in the middle of the street.

so he quietly slipped into the crow and blended in. He was pleased to note how everyone immediately lost sight of him and continued on with their business.

After several hours of wondering, he found a tavern and quickly entered it. Once he had entered it, he immediately noticed two suspicious speaking in the background. And two townsman conversing hurriedly in front of the bar stand.

He decided he would listen in on the townsman conversation first seeing as they were closer. Than after he heard enough, he would listen in on the two suspicious others conversation. So he quietly sat down on a stool close to the two townsman, but not two close.

And pretended to browse through the various drinks they the bar had. His ear perked up however as he listened in on their conversation.

"I can't believe those damn bandits are harassing the hard-working people of this town." Said the first male, the one on the left.

"I know what you mean man. It's bad enough that the crops aren't growing so well this year, now we got fucking bandits stealing what little money we have! Fan-fucking-tastic!" The other said, a slight slur in his voice. Evidence of the effect of alcohol on him.

"Teh, why do these stupid bandits have to ruin others lives? Huh? It's so simple to just get a job and live a honest life. But no those bandits just have to go the easy way don't they? It's pathetic if you ask me." Said the first one, taking a swig of his sake.

"Yeah. as a matter of fact, I heard those two people in the back are apart of that little bandit group." That got Naruto's attention

"Oh really? Well maybe we should tell them to get the fuck out of our town."

"No, we can't do that."

"And why the hell not!?"

"din't you hear the rumors? They say a Shinobi is apart of their group."

Naruto quietly stood, having heard enough, and having heard what he wanted to hear. He discreetly, and silently moved towards the two inn the back. Once he reached a close enough distance, one of them glance in his direction. Calmly and silently Naruto moved towards two gentlemen whose back were against a wall with cups in their hands.

He quietly leaned on the wall in the same position, only he crossed his arms. Fortunately he was close enough to listen in on their conversation, as they whispered among themselves.

"Hey when do you boss is gonna let us... Kidnap some of the women of this town?" One leered. Naruto felt a surge of disgust flow through him, he barely resisted the urge to growl. Altair pulsed in anger and blood-thirst.

"I don't know when boss is gonna let us have some fun. But all I know is, I cannot wait." The other licked his lips in anticipation.

Another surge of disgust went through Naruto's being at hearing the two men's conversation, But he forced himself to be calm. He would deal with them later, when the time presented itself.

"So what time did boss said to return to camp?" The bandit slurred.

"Ummmm... Around sunset why?" The other bandit merely pointed his finger out the window. "Cause the sun is beginning to set, though not by much. I'd say the time is about... Five o'clock."

"Yeah... good point. Alright we'll finish our drinks and than return to camp kay?"

"I hear that!"

Naruto stoically waited for the two individuals to finish their drinks. Idly listening in on more of their conversation. And the more he heard, the more disgusted he became. They were actually talking about raping the woman of this settlement. It disgusted him beyond comprehension.

They earned his attention however when they began speaking of their boss. Apparently their boss was an A-rank missing nin form Konoha that joined Amegakure.

He racked his memory for anyone he knew of that betrayed the leaf and joined Ame.

Nothing came to mind.

He was brought out of his thoughts when he noticed the two bandits stumbling out of the tavern. He waited until they left before he to began leaving. After leaving the tavern, he looked around the streets, before he caught sight of his two targets stumbling away from the small town.

He slowly followed them, discreetly stopping and finding a hiding spot whenever one stopped and looked in his direction. Once they would begin moving again, he would immediately exit his hiding spot and slowly blend in with the crow all while they remained oblivious to his discreet stalking them.

Soon they began to exit the town, and Naruto immediately took to the trees, trailing his targets from a distance.

Every now and than one would stop and look behind them. Before they would simply scratch their heads with a confused expression on their faces. Than they would shrug and continue on like nothing happened. This pattern continued for several minutes before they heard a rustling in a bush.

One immediately drew the sheathed blade at his side, and stabbed into the bush. the only thing that came out was a small brown rabbit, and it looked fearfully at the two men in front of it.

The other laughed at his friend for being startled by a little rabbit. The other angry at being laughed at took his anger out on the rabbit, and promptly stabbed the bunny in the head repeatedly. After the sixth time, he gave a satisfied smirk, and resumed their walk back towards their camp. It was several minutes later did Naruto see their camp coming in sight range.

Naruto nodded to himself, and he silently got closer to the two bandits via treetops. He silently took out two of his throwing knives from his pouch, and with incredible speed threw them with great precision. The knives hit their targets right in their throats, They gurgled for several seconds before they went limp.

The blonde silently created two clones to dispose of the bodies, while he made several other clones to scout out the camp. He stoically and silently stayed in a tree only several meters away from the camp.

He need not worry if they spotted him. With his gray colored robes and his hood obscuring his face and golden blonde hair from view, He almost like a shadow at night or sunset.

After several minutes, the blonde realized that it might take longer for the clones to scout out the camp. So he jumped onto a tree branch, and laid himself against the bark of the tree, his right leg dangling off the branch as he went to take a short nap.

He jerked awake several minutes later as his clones dispelled themselves, he silently hummed in thought. It seemed this bandit camp was not as large as it truly seemed.

There were a total of twenty bandits, counting the two he killed. Apparently they were getting to rest up for the night, and they would raid the settlement tomorrow. He wouldn't let that happen. And it seemed his clones had taken it upon themselves to plant exploding tags around the camp, all of them placed in positions that it would immediately take out most of them.

As for the supposed Shinobi in charge of these bandits, well it seemed he was resting in his own tent, and he specifically told his men that he was not to be disturbed.

Naruto's face immediately switched into a impassive expression. Slowly he brought his hands forward, he made a single hand-sign, and silently flared his Chakra slightly as to not alert the Shinobi in the camp. Several moments later the exploding tags detonated, and immediately the screams of the bandits sounded out as some were being killed for being to close to the explosion or losing a limb or two.

Naruto instantly created several Shadow clones to deal with any survivors. While he himself merely jumped into the center of the mayhem. He slowly moved towards the tent in which the Shinobi was residing in, every now and than a bandit would attempt to stab him. But they were quickly killed by a clone, after that the clone would jump back into the fray and finish with dealing with the surviving bandits.

Just as he reached the tent in which the Shinobi resided in. It opened and the Shinobi he was targeting slowly walked out.

Naruto's eyes hardened as he caught sight of the former Konoha Shinobi. "Rokusho Aoi Former Konoha Shinobi wanted for stealing the Nidaime Hokage's Rajin." Naruto coldly spoke.

Aoi rose an eyebrow, before he looked around the battlefield, and he bore witness to Naruto's last clone finishing off the last of the his men.

"Well, what do we have here? A little punk thinking he can beat me? What village to do belong to?" He asked, before he spotted the Konoha insignia's on the blondes robes. "Wait don't answer that. It's obvious your a Konoha nin." He smirked in a somewhat arrogant manner.

"Well what are you gonna do now gaki? Are you gonna run away now that your dealing with a A-rank Shinobi." He confidently said, almost as if he was expecting Naruto to do exactly that. Unfortunately for Aoi, he was dealing with Uzumaki Namikaze Naruto!

"No. I've here to kill you and retrieve the Nidaime's famed Rajin." The blonde coldly and coolly said, as he slowly drew Altair from it's sheathe.

Altair pulsed in anticipation, excited that it would be fighting with it's wielder in a true fight.

Aoi sneered as he stared into Naruto's confident eyes. "You think you can beat me!? Gaki! I don't think so! I won't even have to use ant jutsu of any type to beat you!" He arrogantly declared before he recklessly charged at the blonde.

Naruto narrowed his eyes at the Jonin's arrogance. "Teach that pathetic, and worthless human what it seems to cross US Naruto!" The Kyuubi snarled out as he sneered at Aoi. Altair seemed to agree with Kyuubi as it pulsed in anger, and a faint red glow emanated from the blade. 'I understand.' Naruto thought as he got into his KenJutsu stance.

He held Altair in front of him, with tip of the sword hovering just above the ground. His legs were slightly spread apart, not to far, but not to close either. And his left hand was lazily behind his back. To most people the stance might be lazy, or somewhat arrogant. However a true KenJutsu master would see, the way he positioned his sword was so that he could deflect, block, and counter attacks coming from the left, and rights, while he could also do it from the front as well.

Yet it also allowed him to attack at all of those sides as well. And the way he positioned his left arm, made it so he could be able to react almost instantly to any and all attacks from behind. And finally the way he positioned his legs made it so he would be able to move quickly and efficiently.

The stance was perfect for both attack and defense, while at the same time making others believe he was arrogant, and overconfident.

Unfortunately for Aoi, he was not a KenJutsu expert. So it was completely understandable, that he would be anger and enraged with Naruto's seemingly arrogant, and lazy stance. He immediately whipped out a hilt of a sword from his shirt. And he channeled his Chakra into it, Instantly the Tobirama's legendary Rajin sprang to life.

The Konoha traitor charged at the blonde, who by now had already slightly raised his sword to deflect the Rajin.

"HA That pathetic sword won't stop the Rajin! FOOL!" Aoi arrogantly roared. As the two legendary blades clashed. Now Aoi was expecting Altair to be sliced through. However he didn't expect Altair to successfully deflect the Rajin.

Aoi's eyes widened, before he angrily glared at the blonde. "That was a FLUKE!" He yelled before he attacked the blonde again.

The following KenJustsu battle... Could hardly be classified as such. For every strike, and feign he performed, the blonde seemed to be at least several steps ahead of him. Every strike was either blocked, deflected, and countered with. Nothing seemed to work against the blonde, his defense was just to strong, the counters, deflects, and blocks were executed perfectly, and with such grace as well.

Aoi roared in anger as he performed a horizontal strike against the blonde. Again the blonde gracefully, and perfectly deflected his strike, directing his arm into the ground instead. Aoi grit his teeth before he spun and attempted to feign a vertical strike, but again it seemed like the blonde was expecting that as he only tilted his sword to the left and once again blocked Aoi's diagonal strike. His face impassive the entire time.

Aoi felt his anger increase, before he began to wildly perform a series a stabbing attempts to stab the blonde. Naruto merely tilted his head everytime he aimed for his head. And he used Altair to deflect most of the strikes on his body.

"WHY DON'T YOU DIE!?" Aoi roared in anger. This brat was mocking, taunting him! He could feel it! Who did the blonde think he was!? He was Aoi Rokusho, A-ranked criminal in Konoha, and Jonin in Amegakure. Who did this brat think he was!? He was a no body! a worthless brat with no talent! So why couldn't he HIT HIM!?

"HOLD STILL!?" Aoi screamed again, as he swung the Rajin with more force, aiming towards the blonde's head.

Naruto having enough of Aoi's anger induced strikes, blocked, and countered by moving Altair to cut Aoi's hand, he succeed, and Aoi winced. Using that chance, the blonde spun around and gave Aoi several quick strikes to his upper body and legs. And finally he ended his attacks with a stab into Aoi's left hand.

"AHHH!" Aoi roared in pain. As he attempted to hit the blonde with another horizontal strike. Naruto merely removed Altair from Aoi's injured hand and gracefully slid back avoiding the attempt to cut off his head.

Aoi cradled his injured hand, and he glared maliciously at the blonde.

"Your stance is sloppy, your attacks are unrefined. Your waste your movements by moving around so much, when you could just be patiently waiting for me to strike, and above all else your impatient." The blonde lectured in a emotionless voice, though there was a hint of disappointment in it.

Aoi glared at the blonde as he rose to his feet. "DON'T LECTURE ME YOU PATHETIC WANNABE! YOU CAN'T BEAT ME! THE RAJIN WILL TASTE YOUR BLOOD FOOL!" Aoi roared as he jumped in the air and descended upon the blonde, using his uninjured hand to hold Tobirama's Rajin. Naruto slightly shook his head in disappointment. This man wasn't a swordsmen, no he was just a thug fighting with a legendary weapon like it was toy.

It was time to end this once and for all. This fake swordsman didn't deserve to wield the Rajin. Altair sensing that Naruto wanted to end the battle once and for all, glowed a dark red for a moment, before it dulled. Though there was only a slight red glow to it.

Naruto swung Altair to meet with the Rajin. Aoi still believing that Altair clashing with Altair was just a fluke swung forward as well. Both blades met in a furious clash, before a slight cracking sound was heard. Aoi smirked believing his opponents blade was breaking.

However to his shock and horror, The Rajin's blade suddenly snapped in two, and the hilt was reduced into dust. He stared disbelievingly at the asjes of the Rajin in his hand. "W-What?" He uttered stilling gazing upon the ashes in his hand. "H-How is this possible!?" He raged, as he glared at the blonde in contempt. Naruto merely gave him an impassive stare, as he sheathed Altair in his sheathe. He patted the sword on the eagles head for such a good job.

Altair pulsed in contentment.

"DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU'VE DONE!?" Aoi roared, before pulling out an umbrella.

"I destroyed the Rajin. A blade which you stole from Konoha, and stole from the Senju clan. I'm certain, that should the Nidaime Hokage was here... He would fully agree with my course of action." Naruto coldly spoke.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" Aoi yelled, before he throw the umbrella in the air and performed several hand-signs. "NINJA ART SENBON SHOWER!" The missing-nin roared before over dozens of senbons began to shower themselves in Naruto's location. The hooded blnode merely narrowed his eyes before the wind around him picked up.

The senbons began to wildly plant themselves on the blondes location, each time more and more senbon landing in the blondes exact spot.

Aoi laughed insanely as he watched his opponent die by his signature technique. "That's right! DIE! You piece of shit!" He gleefully exclaimed.

The senbons stopped raining down on the blonde, and the dust that kicked up slowly began to fade away faster than normal. Aoi never paid any attention of that however, as he grinned. "Heh, that'll teach you to never fuck with me huh... ga...ki?" His eyes widened to the size of dinner plates however, as he saw Naruto... Standing in the same spot completely unharmed.

All of the senbon which had been launched were all scattered across the area around the blonde.

"H-How?" Aoi trailed off, beginning to lose his voice.

"I got the idea after reading about the Yondaime Raikage's lightning armor." Naruto began as the wind around him picked up once more. "I created this little technique as an inspiration of the Raikage's lightning armor. As you know, The Raikage's lightning armor allows him to have a perfect defense and a drastic increase in speed." The blonder opened his eyes for this part.

"So I figured, why not create a technique similar yet entirely different from the lightning armor why not create a type of armor just like the lightning armor, only instead of blocking all types of attacks. Why not make so that you could control the wind around you, to slow down projectiles, and all attacks." Once again the wind around the blonde made itself known.

"I call this little technique... Wind field. With the Wind field I can control all the wind in an area of my choosing. Air pressure, oxygen, wind strength. I control all that and more in this area." The blonde finished explaining with a smirk. "I developed this little technique when no one was watching me, and when I was all alone when I was training."

"N-NO! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE! i REFUSE TO BELIEVE SOMEONE LIKE YOU CAN BEAT ME!" Aoi roared, before he blurred through multiple hand-signs. "Fire style: GRAND FIRE BALL!" The missing-nin exclaimed placing every ounce of chakra into the technique. A massively large fire ball began to move towards the blonde's location.

Naruto took a deep breathe, before he cleared his mind like how pa instructed him on how to do. His eyes snapped open not a second later, before he blurred through hand-signs at ANBU level speeds. "WATER STYLE: WATER PHOENIX!" The blonde roared, using his clans most prized Jutsu for the first time.

To Aoi's utter shock and amazement, water from the atmosphere, from the ATMOSPHERE! began to converge around the blonde before it took shape into a massive phoenix the size of Kyuubi made entirely of water emerged from it. The water phoenix gave a mighty screech before it slammed itself into the fire ball, not only causing the fire ball to extinguish, but for a slight mist to settle in as well.

"H-How That level of water manipulation is said to be only be a level on who Senju Tobirama achieved!" Aoi yelled out in tired rage.

"during my time in Mount Myoboku. Pa made sure that my elemental manipulation would be better than anyone else's." The blonde began. "He had me creat over thousands of Shadow's after my SenJutsu training, and got them to work on my water manipulation, since my wind manipulation was already at an acceptable level. He wanted to make sure I was ready for the world." He begn to walk towards Aoi, who had long since fallen over in exhaustion.

"He wanted my water manipulation to be on Tobirama's level. And I didn't want to displease him, so I complied." The blonde explained as he knelt beside Aoi, and place hi hand to his throat. "You will die now." Naruto tonelessly said.

"What are you gonna do? Choke me to dea-" The missing-nin couldn't continue speaking however, as he felt a sharp pain in his neck, almost like something had piercing it. He saw the blonde withdraw his hand, and to his shock and amazement, he saw to foot long blade extended from the hooded blonde's bracer, before it retracted.

"Why did you betray Konoha?" Naruto asked, curiosity seeping into his voice.

Aoi feeling his life begin to fade, saw no harm in revealing the blonde a bit of his character.

"Power." He answered.

"Power?" Naruto asked, his eyes narrowing a bit.

"Yes... I left the village for power. Power is all that matters in this cursed Shinobi world. Those with power thrive... While those with power die and are forgotten, and abandoned. If you have power, than you ultimately control all aspects of everyday life for people. Ideals, principle's, dreams... They are all useless without power. With power you can do anything you want." He explained.

"You would abandon all of your principle's for power?" Naruto growled out.

Aoi chuckled. "Principle?" His chuckles turned into coughs "What is principle huh? Can it get a roof over your head? Can make your men all fall in line? Can it bring you the pleasure's of the world?" The missing-nin resorted.

Naruto merely looked away, as that was a question he couldn't answer.

Aoi seeing this, continued "The fact of the matter is boy. Is that power is the only thing that matter's in this world. Friends, love, and even family are all useless. Power is the only thing that matter's." the Konoha traitor bitterly said.

Naruto could only look at Aoi in a disappointing stare.

"Don't look at me like boy. We're different me and you. The difference is that I have no problem sitting on a throne with a bottle of Sake in one hand, and the company of a woman in the other. you?... Your hands will always be empty... Because... Of your... Foolish principle's." Aoi slowly said before the life faded from his eyes.

Naruto slowly brought his hand forwards and placed it on Aoi's head. "Your words were bitter, and may have held some truth to them... However it does not make them right. yasuraka ni nemuritamae (May you rest in peace)" Naruto said as he shut Aoi's now lifeless eyes.

"You would show him respect even in death?" Kyuubi asked, as he awaited the blonde's response.

'The dead must be respected Kyuubi... No matter who they are.' The blonde thought back as he stood. Kyuubi snorted but accepted his answer. Naruto turned his head when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Only to meet with Jiraiya's soft and assuring face.

"I saw and heard everything Naruto... And I'm proud of you." Jiraiya said with a warm smile. "Now get back to the hotel, Shiroi is waiting for ya over there. I'll deal with this mess." The sage said, a gleam entering his eyes for a moment... Not that Naruto noticed however.

Naruto smiled back at his teacher before he nodded, and he silently began his trek to the hotel.

Never seeing the shit eating grin on Jiraiya's face. 'My student will finally become a man.' Jiraiya blissfully thought with a perverted expression on his face.

As Naruto entered his hotel room, he immediately felt like he was being stalked. It also didn't help that he heard what appeared to be small footsteps every now and than. But he merely assumed it was rats or something. So ignoring the feeling of impending doom He got to work on getting undressed.

He first removed all his pouches, belt, and scarf. Once that was done, he removed Altair from his waist and placed the sentient blade on wall, than he removed his robes and by proxy his hood. He removed his hair from it's spiked ponytail letting his hair flow just past his shoulder's in a spiked mess. He removed the dark orange mesh shirt he wore underneath his robes, revealing his muscled chest.

He immediately felt like he was looked at like a piece of meat. But once again ignored the feeling. Next he removed his black leather boots, he unstrapped the leather strapping's on the boots, after that it was a simple task of tugging them off.

Than he removed his dark orange socks, and finally he removed his black pants leaving him only in his Ramen themed boxers. Satisfied he began moving towards the moving towards the window to shut the curtains... Before he felt himself be yanked off the ground and thrown across the room, where he landed on his bed.

He tried to stand up and face his attacker, only to have his arms pinned down, and for something to sit on him. He struggled for several moments, before a giggle reached his ears. He stopped... He knew that giggle. The moonlight shown through the window, revealing Shiroi clad only in a pair of panties and bra, straddling our blonde hero.

A grin was spread across her face as he stared down on the blonde, and she hungrily licked her lips. "S-Shiroi-chan w-what are you d-d-doing?" Naruto squeaked out.

"Aw, don't fret Naruto-kun. Let Shiroi-chan take good care of you tonight." The silvery white haired girl cooed, before she brought her lips to meet the blonde's, her tongue already dashing out into his mouth. Naruto stiffened in shock once again, before he slowly began to kiss back, his own tongue dashing out to meet her's in a battle for dominance.

Shiroi upset that she was losing the battle she had started minutes ago, slightly increased the force of her kiss, not wanting to lose.

Naruto being stubborn, fought back with his own tongue, and a battle of the tongue's ensured with no winner being anywhere in sight.

The slits in Shiroi's eyes began getting thinner and much more feral. Naruto felt her fangs getting longer, and he experimentally licked them. The sharpness of her fangs made his tongue bleed slightly as he licked the point of them.

However blood didn't seem to be of any concern to Shiroi, because instead of her tongue trying to find a way into his mouth. He found her eagerly licking his tongue, happily and in a feral manner licking the blood off his tongue until it healed. They parted as they needed to breathe, however Shiroi had a different idea it seemed.

As she suddenly bit down on the blonde neck. Naruto didn't know what was going on, but on instinct he bit down on Shiroi's neck. After several moments Shiroi removed herself from his neck, and she gave off a pleased growl at the small spiraling twin bats on his neck.

Naruto pulled his mouth away from Shiroi's neck, and he was surprised to see a small symbol of the Uzumaki clan with what appeared to be blades crossing behind it on her neck. Hearing a pleased growl, he turned his head to see Shiroi also looking at the mark.

The feral and pleased smile she had on her face, was enough to tell him that she was pleased with what he done.

He didn't have time to complete his thoughts however as she caught him in another fierce and passionate kiss with her tongue already demanding an entrance into his moist cave. He complied and opened his mouth for her to enter.

Shiroi released a very erotic moan into the kiss and as she rubbed down on Naruto third leg with the blonde groaning with her. she slowly pulled away a trail of saliva connecting them. She licked off the saliva, before she gave blonde a seductive and seducing grin. "Naruto-kun after tonight we are going to be true lovers." She said as she unhooked her bra.

Naruto only had thought running through his head 'best birthday ever!' He thought before he pulled Shiroi in for another kiss.

Their neighbors would be having noise complaints the entire night... Not that they cared.