
Uzumaki Vampire

A collection of Naruto x Vampire Crossovers. I DO NOT OWN THIS FANFICs. I REALLY RESPECT THESE AUTHORS THEREFORE I AM RE-POSTING THEIR FANFICS. CHECK THEM OUT AT THE LINKS BELOW. Uzumaki Vampire --> http://archiveofourown.org/works/28582083 Teen Hybrid --> https://archiveofourown.org/works/23478157/chapters/56427370#main Vampire in Rome --> https://archiveofourown.org/works/22311190 Vampire of Prophecy: The Originals --> https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11847619/1/Vampire-of- Prophecy-The-Originals No-Life Duke And His Queens --> https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13972002/1/No-Life-Duke- And-His-Queens Naruto: Rise of the Dark Storm --> https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8768530/1/Naruto-Rise-of-the-Dark- Undead Maelstrom --> https://archiveofourown.org/works/24424102

HersheyHeist · アニメ·コミックス
85 Chs

Chapter 13

Hyuuga Neji scowled as he waited for his uncle to enter his office. He had come here in order to tell his uncle about the looming danger of Hinata's obsession with the one and only Uzumaki Naruto. However, the fact of the matter was that with each passing second he was getting more and more pissed. Why would the normally calm and collected Hyuuga be so angry? You may ask?

Well the answer was oh so simple. He has been waiting inside of his uncles office... For the past three hours. THREE. FUCKING. HOURS!

Neji didn't know whether to be pissed off, or annoyed... (Wait.. Isn't being annoyed?, and being pissed off the same thing? Oh wait... no it isn't.. Oh well.) However Neji did know one thing. He was going to tear his uncle a new one if his ass didn't get here in the next two minutes.

With that final thought, the long haired Hyuuga began to mentally count down the timer in his head. Hmm, what should he have for dinner tonight? Maybe some onigiri? Nah, he's had that for the past seven nights now. Rice with pork? Nah, that was way to common. Hmm, what could he have for dinner that would be a welcome change?

Maybe he could have some Dango? Oh most definitely not! He did not want to risk running into a certain purple haired, trench coat wearing torture specialist who was a high A-ranked Jonin thank you. Plus she creepped him the fuck out.

Meanwhile Mitarashi Anko suddenly felt like scaring the shit out of a Hyuuga.

Back with Neji. The Hyuuga still couldn't decide what to eat for dinner. Maybe he could have some... Nah to stale. Maybe some... Nah to cliche. OH! Maybe he could have some!... No much to sweet.

The long haired Hyuuga sighed, Before an idea suddenly sprang in his head. Maybe he could try some Ramen that Naruto was often fond of. It couldn't hurt to try it. Who knows? It might just taste just as good as Naruto always said it would.

Meanwhile Naruto who was setting up the camp site near the border between the land of fire, and wind, so that his team may rest. Suddenly looked towards the sky. "Someone has been coveted to the greatness that is Ramen." The blonde whispered, making the Kyuubi inside arch an eyebrow. While Altair rattled in concern for his wielders sanity.

Back with Neji. The dark haired Hyuuga decided he would buy Ramen for dinner, if only to see what made Naruto so excited about Ramen in the first place.

He was broken out of his musings when he heard the door behind him open. He slowly turned his head to look towards who was entering the office, and to his relief, it was his uncle. He glanced towards the clock, and he nearly twitched... He was only a few seconds away from from getting told off. However the clan head was safe as he came arrived eight seconds early... The lucky bastard.

Hiashi rose an eyebrow at Neji's presence. Just why was his nephew here? It was then that Hiashi suddenly remembered that his nephew wanted to speak with him on a very important matter. And he was immensely late because he was in a meeting with the clan elders. Dammit! He just made himself look bad, especially infront of his nephew!

The very thought was horrifying! Hiashi just hoped that Neji wouldn't say he's becoming the Hyuuga version of Kakashi... No one wants to be like Kakashi!

"Good afternoon Hiashi-sama. May I incline as to what took you so long?" Neji asked/demanded.

Hiashi rose an eyebrow, it seems his nephew's patience is running low this time. Probably not a good thing. He just hoped his nephew could reclaim some of his patience. After all it wouldn't do for a Hyuuga to lose his temper. They had a very important reputation to uphold... Even though most of the Hyuuga could be a bit... Eccentric inside the clan's district.

He idly wondered what would happen if he ignored Neji's question. But wisely chose not to go through with that action. After all, he didn't want to destroy what little patience his nephew had.

On a side-note: Damn the clan elders for keeping him inside that blasted meeting for over three hours! He had to listen to them argue, and argue over the most mundane things! Who the fuck cares if the cookie jar in the kitchen was broken dammit!

"The meeting with the clan elders went longer than I expected Neji." Hiashi answered, taking a seat in his chair... God he loved this chair, it was so soft, warm, and best of all fluffy.

Ok, so he likes to decorate his chair with various animal furs... Who are you people to judge?

"May I ask what the meeting between you and the elders was about?" Neji idly asked, his curiosity getting the best of him.

Hiashi kept a blank expression on his face, while inwardly he was sweating somewhat. 'Damn Neji and his natural curiosity dammit! Hizashi I blame you for this you bastard. Now Neji has your damn curiosity you did when you reached his age.' The Hyuuga leader thought.

He remembered all the good times he had with his brother, and he remembered how his brother's curiosity often got them inot the most... Eccentric situations. Like that time when they were caught trying to sneak into the Uchiha compound.

His brother was curious of the Uchiha, and their daily lives, so he somehow managed to talk him into sneaking into the Uchiha compound. That was one hell of a day to remember. It was also the first time he had ever met Uchiha Fugaku. At the time Fugaku was merely the heir to the Uchiha clan, and like all Uchiha, was a bit arrogant.

So when he found two Hyuuga's inside the clan compound, he had immediately challenged both Hiashi and his brother to a duel... At the same time. Of course the arrogant little Uchiha didn't win against two Hyuuga's. However, then the Uchiha threw a tantrum, saying that they cheated because it was two on one.

However Hiashi pointed out that he wanted to fight the both of them at the same time because he thought he could take them on. That got the Uchiha to shut up, and to blush in embarrassment. Than the Uchiha heir asked if they wanted to become friends. Hiashi, and Hizashi agreed despite the two clans rivalry.

After two years, they were finally old enough to join the academy... And it was their, that the trio met their best friend. Namikaze Minato. Of course both Fugaku, and Minato were rivals, but Hiashi had no doubt that they knew they were best friends. But after Minato's death, Fugaku had begun to grow distant, until one day Fugaku had cut off all contact with them.

However, Hiashi, and Hizashi waved it off, and assumed Fugaku was just brodding over Minato's death.

...Come to think of it... Doesn't the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki look almost exactly like Minato?... Nah it couldn't be could it?... Wait, wait, wait. The boy's name was Uzumaki... Didn't he know of another Uzumaki... Wasn't it Uzumaki Kushina..? The one Minato always talked about?... And didn't they date for some time...? And.. Minato... Said that he was getting married to her...

'HOLY FUCKING SHIT! AND FUCK ME ALL THE WAY TILL TUESDAY!' HOW COULD I NOT SEE IT!?' Hiashi thought in disbelief. 'The Kyuubi Jinchuuriki... Is the son of my one of my best friends. And all this time I've written him off as some no named brat. And the village has treated him like... OH KAMI! We've all been such fools! But I'm positive others could have known as well.. But who?' Hiashi thought, now making a list of people who could know.

'Jiraiya-sama is sure to know the truth, and then there is Sandaime-sama. Possibly Hatake-san as well, but who else as well. Tsunade-sama is sure to know as she is the Hokage, and... MIKOTO! Kushina's best friend! No wonder she always tried to adopt Naruto whenever she could. But the civilian council had always made it hard for that to actually happen.' The Hyuuga clan head racked his for any other possible people who could know this.

'I know that Shikaku would know this as almost nothing can get past him. And knowing Shikaku, Inoichi, and Choza are bound to know as well, since they spent a lot of time with Minato.. No wonder the three always thought highly of Naruto.. Unbelievable... The truth has been staring me in the face for so long... Yet I never noticed... Heh, My time as a clan head instead as a Shinobi on the front lines has dulled me.' Hiashi released a quiet sad, and amused chuckle.

'Minato... How would you respond to all this village has done to your son... It's funny... Had the village known the truth about your son, I have doubt that they would have treated him like royalty... Much like the Uchiha boy... Teh... It makes me furious just thinking about it. But I have no right to talk... Seeing as I probably would have done the same... Heh... I could have been uncle Hiashi to.'

"Unlce... Uncle... Uncle!"

"Hmm?" Hiashi blinked, and stared into the expectant and annoyed face of his nephew.

"Yes Neji?" The Hyuuga clan leader asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You didn't answer my question. What took you so long with the clan elders?"

"Oh nothing of importance. Just the usual barb here and there." Hiashi answered in a nonchalant manner.

Neji rose an eyebrow at his uncle's wording, but kept silent, and decided to cut to the chase. He had been sitting in this fucking chair for three hours. He did not want to sit in the damn chair any longer, he could already feel his ass going numb.

"Very well uncle. I will not incline any more as to what the clan meeting was about." Neji conceded.

Hiashi inwardly sighed in relief, and the Hyuuga clan head now gazed upon his nephew with hidden curiosity. "So, may I ask why you wanted to speak with me Neji?" He asked.

Neji took a deep breathe, and prepare himself for the conversation that was coming up. "I believe we should keep an eye on Hinata-sama when Naruto-san returns from his mission in Suna." He said bluntly, cutting straight to the point.

"And why is that? Neji?" Hiashi asked, with a raised eyebrow. "Please enlighten me." Hiashi suspected he knew what this was about. After all, he had heard the rumors of Naruto's fiance. And like many of the other Hyuuga in the clan, he bore witness to Hinata's rage when he found out about that little piece of information... Even if it was a rumor.

Though she couldn't do anything, as he had called her in back into the clan compound, so that she could have her weekly spar with Hanabi.

Boy was she pissed that day... She had thoroughly destroyed Hanabi in that spar, he was pretty sure Hanabi is still tending to all of the bruises she has. Which reminds him, he is still arguing with the elders about who he is going to brand with the caged bird seal... Dammit, he really didn't want to place the seal on any of his daughters.

After all, what parent would want to place a inhumane seal on their daughter. Only a cruel bastard would allow that to happen.

"I trust you heard the rumors about Naruto-san's fiance? Uncle." Neji stated more than asked.

Wordlessly Hiashi nodded, who the hell hasn't heard of Uzumaki Shiroi. She was quite literally the talk of the entire village, not only was she the fiance of one Uzumaki Naruto, she was also in good terms with the Hokage it seemed. Everyone in the village knew how Tsunade cared for Naruto like a mother would a child, and so it was quite shocking to hear that Tsunade approved of this engagement.

"Yes I heard about the rumors about Naruto-san's fiance. However they are just that. Rumors." The clan head casually stated, not truly believing the rumors.

Neji cleared his throat "Those rumors are in fact real uncle." He spoke, shattering Hiashi's belief.

"Y-You mean... Naruto-san is actually engaged?" Hiashi said numbly, while outwardly he was a calm as a cucumber, inwardly he was jumping in joy.

'Ha! Minato, and Fugaku! I knew I was right about the fact that Naruto would get married by the time he was sixteen!... Now if only you two were alive, that way I can get my money.' Hiashi thought, before he shrugged, he'll get his money. Even if he has to travel to the after life to get his damn money.

Meanwhile Minato, who was trapped in the stomach of the Shinigami with the other three past Hokage's, suddenly felt as if he should avoid Hiashi should he ever get out of the Shinigami's stomach.

"How do you know this rumor is true Neji? Last I checked, it was yet to be confirmed, and did you not just return from a mission?" Hiashi asked.

"I did in fact return from a mission, however, before Naruto-san left for his mission. I was only just able to catch a glimpse of him leaving the village with a white haired girl, Sakura-san, and Hatake-san. Also I overheard Hinata-sama conspiring with Yamanaka-san on... Separating Naruto-san from Shiroi-san. The name of Naruto-san's fiance." Neji explained, seeing his uncle's confused look.

Hiashi nodded in understanding, before he scowled at the conspiring between his daughter, and the Yamanaka. It seems he would have to speak with Inoichi about such a matter. "Continue Neji." Hiashi commanded, his voice going from relaxed to stern, cold, and calculating. This was Hiashi's 'clan head' mode, as dubbed by Neji.

"I have reason to believe that Hinata-sama has been become obsessive over Naruto-san, and I believe that... Should the chance provide itself, she will attempt to either separate Shiroi-san from Naruto, or... Attempt to kill her." Neji hesitantly.

Hiashi stared blankly at his nephew. Before, suddenly a feeling of pure rage began to overcome him. How dare Hinata conspire to kill someone! Not only that! This Shiroi isn't even a registered Shinobi! So in a way she is a still a civilian. Does Hinata not know the backlashes of an attempted assassination on a civilian in the village!?

There are laws in place to prevent a Shinobi from abusing their authority. And this... This was a perfect example of Shinobi abusing their authority. Hiashi knew one thing however, the Hokage will literally show no mercy at all should she learn of this. Not only are they conspiring against a civilian (At least that's what he assumes) but they are targeting Naruto's fiance specifically.

And everyone knew how much Tsunade cared for Naruto like a son. So understandably so, her wrath would be considered... Nuclear... No that's not the right word for it, it would be more like... World shattering.

"I can't exactly do anything about this Neji. Not least not without evidence." Hiashi said, his voice blank, and neutral.

"I understand uncle. That is why I wish to keep an eye on Hinata-sama. To... Both sabotage, and delay whatever plans she may have." The long haired Jonin proposed, giving his uncle a determined glare.

Hiashi silently closed his eyes, and debated on whether he should allow this. Though to be begin with, this was probably his fault as well. After all, he like many others in the Hyuuga clan knew of Hinata's crush on the Uzumaki. However he assumed it was just that... a crush. A crush that would have no doubt faded with time.

But it seems he was wrong... Dead wrong.

It seems the girls crush on the boy only increased. Hiashi sighed, he knew not doing anything about the crush was going to bite him in the ass later.

He closed his eyes, and he pondered if he should go through with Neji's suggestion. On one hand if he doesn't, Hinata will most likely do something stupid, and thus it will reflect badly on the clan.

On the other hand... This would be considered a clan matter to begin with.

But wait, it is all but impossible to spy on a Hyuuga... But Neji (Like most of the higher level Hyuuga) knew the weakness of the Byakugan... If he could just stay in the weakness of Hinata's Byakugan... Than he might just have a chance.

"Neji. I have considered your proposal, and I have decided that we will go through with this plan of yours. From now on, you are to keep a close eye on Hinata, and the Yamanaka. And I want that whenever you sabotage a plan of their's.. I want those plans to be considered no longer manageable. Understood?" Hiashi said. His voice commanding, and cold. Befitting that of a clan head.

Neji nodded, stoically. "I understand Hiashi-sama. I will perform this mission to the best of my abilities. And for Naruto'san's sake as well." Neji said, though he muttered that last part to himself. With a final bow to his uncle, he silently left the room.

Hiashi, once confirming his nephew was gone with the use of his Byakugan. Turned to one of his most treasured possessions. A picture of him, his deceased wife, Minato, and a red haired woman by the name of Kushina.

'Minato... You must be proud of your son... Yet so disappointed in your village for not following your wishes...' Hiashi thought with a grim sigh, as he seemed to age a few years. He stared at the picture for several more minutes... Before he solemnly began to do his paperwork. He stared as the blasted thing was at least fourteen inches tall... Wasn't that thing ten inches when he came in here?

The smiling picture of Minato suddenly grinned. And it cackled at the confusion, and horrifying realization on Hiashi's face. However, it went back into it's previous state when Hiashi glanced it's way...

Someone... Please call ghost busters already! I'm pretty sure that's NOT NORMAL! But you guys are gonna ignore me anyway aren't you? After all... No one listen's to the author.

Hiashi kept his eyes on the picture for a few moments, before he returned his attention to the bane of his existence. Oh how he wanted to burn that blasted thing with a fire style Jutsu. Look at it, sitting there. Mocking him.

Without another word, Hiashi wordlessly began to writing on the blasted paper's.

He wished he knew how Minato got his paperwork done so quickly though.

Shiroi scowled as she stared at the pink haired Kunoichi beside her.

They were near the exact edge on the border to the land of wind. And Shiroi still had plenty of energy to run there, to Konoha again, and STILL have enough energy to screw Naruto shitless. But the problem was... Sakura didn't.

As a result, They were forced to camp out for the night, however, they did make excellent progress. Now all they had to do was race across the desert tomorrow, and BOOM!

They will break a record, and reach Suna within two days and a half. However if the pink haired girl continued to slow them down... Than Shiroi would have no problem with... 'Disposing' her. She was positive Chachazero would be excited at the idea of chopping her body to pieces and scattering them across the entire clearing if only to amuse her.

Hmm... Maybe she could kill Sakura, and than say it was accident, and that a tree branch fell on her... she just needed a large enough tree branch to make it believable.

Anyways! Naruto, and Kakashi, (along with a excited Chachazero) had left the camp site in order to obtain wood, and hunt for some food. Temari however, did not want to wait for them arrive. (Plus with the news that her village was in disarray no doubt) Had left to continue the journey to her village in order to help out as much as she can.

However, she did promise to meet with them at the village gates when they arrive.

Thus with everyone off to go do their respective tasks. This left Sakura alone... With Shiroi... A very exhausted Sakura, along with a very darkly amused, and slightly sadistic Shiroi...

Sakura + Shiroi = Bloodbath.

"So.." Shiroi trailed, trying her best to hide the gleeful tone in her voice. Her eyes flashed slightly, but other than that she made no other movement.

"Y-Yes?" Sakura asked, giving the white hired girl a guarded look, while she tried to regain her stamina. She gulped.. She did not feel safe at the moment. Her emerald green eyes did a brief scan of the area. She felt as if she were under the gaze of a lioness. A large, and dangerous lioness with claws so sharp, and teeth gleaming in the moonlight.

But for the life of her, the only Chakra signature she was detecting was her, Shiroi, and Kakashi, and Naruto who were at least a mile away from them. Meaning she was all alone with this... Monster.

"Sooo. How long have you've been apprenticed to Tsunade?" Shiroi asked curiously. Though her eyes never lost the dark gleeful glint in her eyes. She idly wondered what the pink haired girl's blood tasted like. Before she threw that though out the window, it probably tasted disgusting, and tactless.

And she refused to put her delicate taste buds anywhere near the pink haired girl's blood.

Sakura shivered at the dark gleam in Shiroi's eyes, and she idly wondered if she should run away screaming.

"How long have you've been Naruto's fiance?" The pink haired girl shot back.

Shiroi raised a delicate eyebrow, before she spoke. "Touche, touche... Wench." She insulted, her tone with a hint of arrogance in it.

Sakura growled "What did you just call me!?" She angrily questioned.

Shiroi smirked 'That's right you little pink slut. Give me a reason to completely destroy you. Now come, and play right into my trap.' The white haired girl thought, before she spoke aloud.

"I called you a wench. Does your brain not have the capacity to understand my words? Maybe if I speak slowly. Will that work out better for you?" She said, with a taunting smirk on her face. Her slitted pink eyes narrowing slightly.

Sakura began to shake in rage "I am not a wench! You whore!" She spat back, giving Shiroi a furious glare as she grit her teeth. And her fists clenched, and unclenched.

Shiroi inwardly cackled in pure glee as the pink haired girl was falling right into her trap. Now all she had to do was push her far enough, and then and only then can the final phase of her plan commence.

"Strange how you would call someone else a whore. When you should really be looking into the mirror." The white haired vampire tauntingly said, her grin growing ever so larger. "Such a ugly, and overly large forehead as well." She added.

Sakura grit her teeth in boiling hot rage, and she was clenching her fists so hard that she drew blood. "At least I do not look like a child with that small body of yours!" She shot back.

A tic mark appeared on Shiroi's head. However, she still kept that pleasant and taunting smirk on her face... Even though she wanted to rip the pink haired girl to shreds for that comment.

"And tell me. Who is the one Naruto is engaged to? Hmm?" Shiroi stated more than asked. Giving the pink haired Kunoichi a arrogant smirk.

"Teh. You probably seduced the idiot, but than again Naruto has always been an idiot. So you probably seduced him, and like the idiot he was, he fell for it." Sakura growled out "But don't worry, before this mission is done. I'll make sure Naruto is back feeding from my hands instead of yours." She said, a confident smirk on her face.

Shiroi's eyes dangerously narrowed, and she released a low, and feral growl from her throat. How dare that pink haired little slut! If that bitch thinks that she will succeed in seducing Naruto, than she had another thing coming.

After all, during Naruto's training trip. She had found it to be quite fun, and amusing to be a little seductress to the blonde. Even though they were a couple, she had found to be amusing to play the seductive girl, while he was the flustered, and shy boy who always stammered whenever she turned on her charms.

Before long they had turned it into a game, Shiroi would try to get Naruto stammering, and flustered by playing the seductress part. And Naruto would try to remain calm and composed. So far, the score was:

Shiroi 531. And Naruto 9.

And the blonde had gotten so used to it in fact, that he no longer blushes when another girl tries to seduce him. (Shiroi made it perfectly clear with other girls to never try again) However, when she did it, oh how she loved how he looked with that blushing face of his.

It felt so good to be the only one able to get Naruto like that.

So the thought that this pink haired slut being able to seduce her man was laughable beyond comprehension. It was so laughable in fact, that Shiroi was inwardly laughing her ass off at the very thought.

"Hmph. I bet someone such as you, who is a bit prudish could never keep up with Naruto. Especially in bed." The white haired girl said, her grin becoming predatory, and feral.

"W-What? D-Don't t-tell me..." Sakura trailed off.

"Oh yes! You don't know do you?" Shiroi chuckled, as she stared menacingly into Sakura's eyes. "Me and Naruto had already confessed our love for each other long ago. All that was left was to tie the knot, and that was exactly what we did." She grin grew ever so larger, and her fangs were once again exposed. "We didn't stop until morning."

That made Sakura blush a deep shade of red, before she glared at the white haired girl. "I knew it! You did seduce him, I guess I should not be surprised. Naruto was always an idiot."

"And you will always be the weakest link to team seven. Isn't that why your oh so precious 'Sasuke-kun' left? So he didn't have to deal with your pathetic existence? Or maybe he left because he was so tried of you whoring yourself to him." Shiroi mused, a dark smirk on her face.

THAT made Sakura snap. With a furious cry of "Shannaro!", Sakura lunged at the white haired girl, her fist pulled back. And the pink haired girl channeled Chakra into her strike to further increase the damage of her punch.

Shiroi merely rose an eyebrow of surprise. She didn't think that the pink haired wench knew the secret behind Tsunade's strength. Though if you think about it, it sounds quite easy to simply channel Chakra into your strikes. However, the amount of Chakara control needed for such a thing was simply put, near impossible.

That's why Shiroi was half impressed with Sakura at the moment. 'Half' impressed being the keyword. Even though Sakura knew how to increase the strength of her attacks she was not a master of the technique. As a result it was nothing against Shiroi's vampire enhanced strength.

With a bored look in her eyes, Shiroi raised her hands to stop Sakura's attack in it's tracks. However, Shiroi stopped when she felt two familiar Chakra signatures speed towards their location. With a smirk on her face, Shiroi masked her emotions, and she widened her eyes in feigned shock.

Sakura didn't know what happened. One second she was charging at Shiroi with the intent to kill, the next? She's laying face down on the ground, with a weight on her back, and her right arm twisted tightly to her back painfully. She could tell immediately that she was being restrained by someone, but by who was a question she wanted answered.

The pink haired Chunin grit her teeth in pain when she felt her arm being twisted even more tightly when she only struggled lightly. She was about to start ranting, when a cold, and seething voice filled her ears.

"Sakura! What did you think you were doing!? Huh!? Do you realize what you were going to do!? Your lucky I stopped you! Otherwise Naruto would have taken your head clean off!" Kakashi harshly said, in cold fury, and the coldness in his voice made Sakura shiver lightly.

"Kaka-" Sakura tried to say. However, she was cut off as Kakashi twisted her arm more tightly.

"Don't Sakura. Now I am going to ease the pressure on your arm so you can see what I meant about Naruto taking your head clean off." Kakashi said, the cold edge still in his voice.

Wordlessly Sakura nodded, and Kakashi slowly eased the pressure on her. Just enough so she could lift her head. And what she saw made her gulp in slight fear.

In front of her, with his back to Shiroi as he stood in front of the white haired girl in a protective manner, was Naruto. However, he was currently glaring at the pink haired girl with anger evident in his eyes. Altair was drawn outside of it's sheathe, and the blade itself was giving off a menacing, and furious red aura.

And the green haired doll on his head, seemed to be giving her a manic, and dark look of pure and sick glee.

However, the pink haired girl had her attention on the thin line of bright red droplets falling from the blade's tip. And she suddenly became aware of the stinging pain on her throat. And she realized that with a start, that if Kakashi hadn't stopped her... She would have been dead.

She gulped at the thought of dying, and at the hands of her teammate no less!

Slowly Naruto's angered expression, switched into a blank look. However, to Sakura that look was far more frightening than she could imagine right now. Idly, Sakura glanced behind the blonde to find Shiroi. And find the white haired girl she did, and she felt a spark of anger flow through her when she caught sight of her smug, and smirking face.

"Sakura... I don't know what to say to you right now. But I will say this. From one on I am going to keep a close eye on you for the rest of this mission understood?" Kakashi coldly stated.

Sakura could only nod.

Abruptly, Naruto turned his attention on Shiroi, now sure that Kakashi had Sakura settled. Despite the blood lust Altair was giving, the blonde refused to kill the pink haired girl... In his eyes, she wasn't worth it anymore.

"Hey don't just let her off the hook like that! Kill her! Crush her body into nothing but bones! TAKE FUCKING ALTAIR, AND SHOVE THE DAMN SWORD SO FAR UP HER ASS THAT SHE'LL BE SPITTING OUT PIECES OF HIM FOR THE NEXT THREE YEARS! DAMMIT! Take your bare hands, and rip off that damn mouth of hers, and shove it back down her throat and then watch as she chokes on it! Cut off her fucking hair, and leave her to be a bald and stupid BITCH! I don't care what you do! Just do something!" Kyuubi roared in fury, as he glared malicously at Sakura through Naruto's eyes.

The blonde ignored the king of the Bijuu in favor of examining Shiroi, making sure she had no injures.

"Motherfucker! I know you are NOT ignoring me!"

"Shiroi-Chan... Are you hurt?" The blonde asked, giving his fiance as concerned look.

Shiroi gave him a bright smile "I'm fine Naruto-Kun. Though I'm a little hurt, that you would think she could even touch me." She said in mock hurt, though the grin on her face spoke otherwise.

Naruto gave her a small smile "I guess I was just a little bit to overprotective for a moment there." He answered.

"But I rather love that side of you Naru-Koi." Shiroi whispered, her voice turning slightly seductive.

The blonde gulped slightly, but a small grin crossed his face. "Keep speaking like that, and you will be limping the rest of the way to Suna. Shiroi-Hime." He responded, his tone similar to hers.

Chachazero made a couple of gagging motions as she looked upon the sight of both of her favorite people were going gaga over each other again.

"But in all seriousness, Shiroi-Chan. Are you alright? Your not hurt or anything?" Naruto asked, concern lacing his voice again.

"Other than a feeling of annoyance towards that pink haired wench... I'm fine." She answered, with a shrug at the end of her sentence.

"I'm glad." Naruto whispered, a small but bright smile on his face.

"... Your really ignoring me aren't you?" Kyuubi said, disbelief in his tone.

Naruto ignored the immature giant kitsune-

"Who's an immature kitsune brat!?"

-And instead the blonde focused turning his attention to Sakura, and Kakashi. A blank look, immediately crossing his features.

"Na-" Sakura tried to say, before she shut her mouth at the sharp glance the blonde gave her.

"Kakashi-senpai." Naruto said, sharply.

"Yes Naruto-taicho?" Kakashi asked, standing at attention while he kept Sakura firmly restrained

"In your opinion... What do you think we should do with Sakura." The blonde questioned.

Sakura nervously shifted, as Kakashi hummed thoughtfully.

"Under normal means I would suggest that we return to Konoha immediately. So that Hokage-sama could dish out the punishment for insubordination, however our mission takes priority. So I would advise that Sakura be kept under close watch, while we continue our mission." The masked Jonin blankly suggested.

Naruto grunted in thought, and he pondered Kakashi's advise for several long moments. After nearly a minute, the blonde wordlessly nodded. "Ok Kakashi-senpai, I want you to keep a very close eye on Sakura-san." Sakura winced at the 'san' to her name "Now than." Naruto began "I believe we rested long enough. So I believe we are ready to move out, any questions?" The blonde asked, placing on his hood, While sheathing Altair.

No spoke. Kakashi because he understood that they had wasted to much precious time with dealing with Sakura's... violent reaction towards Shiroi. And partly because that he knew Gaara meant a lot to Naruto.

Shiroi didn't speak because she was already set to go. She didn't really need to rest at all. She could go for at least an entire month without proper rest and still have enough energy to give Naruto a proper spar. Such is the advantage of being a Vampire.

Sakura didn't speak, because she didn't want to push her luck. It's bad enough that Naruto barely talks to her anymore, but now she was certain that Naruto wouldn't talk to her at all, if not break all contact with her because of this mess. And she really didn't want to push Naruto anymore than she already did with her little stunt.

Chachazero didn't speak because she was already bored of this place, and wanted to find these Akatsuki people and cut them up... Bathe in their blood, and maybe take some of their weapons if they had some.

As for the Kyuubi?

"Motherfucker! Stop ignoring me you son of a bitch!"

... Let's ignore the giant kitsune now, shall we?

Without even a glance towards sakura. Naruto spoke, his voice cold, and neutral "Let's move team."

With that single order, everyone in the clearing suddenly vanished. And the only thing remaining, were the leaves that stood in their place, and the slight breeze that followed after.

Gaara's body curled up in agonizing pain, and the young Kazekage's mouth was opened in a soundless scream as the Ichibi was extracted from him. And the Ichibi within in him screaming in both pain and terror.

"I have news." Zetsu suddenly spoke among the Akatsuki.

Everyone opened their eyes from their deep concentration. It was Pain who spoke what was everyone was dying to ask "What have you to report Zetsu?"

"It appears that Konoha has sent a team of Shinobi to assist Suna in their time of need. From what I was able to obtain, Konoha has sent. The Kyuubi Jinchuriki Otherwise known as the fox assassin of the elemental nations-" That got a series of raised eyebrows from the other members of the Akatsuki. To think that the Kyuubi Jinchuriki is in fact this 'fox assassin' that they heard so much about was... Intriguing to say the least.

"-Hatake Kakashi. The copynin, and Kakashi of the Sharingan. The fifth Hokage's apprentice. And a girl with silvery white hair." Zetsu, and black Zetsu finished.

Pain hummed thoughtfully, and the other members of the Akatsuki looked upon their leader with curiosity. "Zetsu." Pain spoke after a moment of silence, causing Zetsu to stand at attention. And the others to jump a bit as their leader had spoken so suddenly.

"I want you to place a seal to the entrance to this cave. Also keep a close eye eye on the Konoha Shinobi, Itachi, Kisame. Stand by for the use of 'that' Jutsu." Pain ordered.

Wordlessly Zetsu nodded, and the plant like being broke apart. Creating a white Zetsu clone. Without any interaction whatsoever, the clone melted into faded into the ground.

"Good." Pain said, approval barely notable in his voice. "Now let us continue. We still need another two days to fully seal the Ichibi." The ringed eyed man ordered, causing the rest of the Akatsuki to focus on their task.

The masked individual atop the head of the Gedo mazu statue went completely unnoticed.

'So the Kyuubi Jinchuriki was sent to rescue the Kazekage hmm? Excellent, just as planned. This will be the perfect time to see just how well the Kyuubi Jinchuriki has progressed. Based on what Zetsu has told me, the Kyuubi Jinchuriki is very powerful. Powerful enough that he can defeat Pain, and STILL give me a good workout.' Tobi chuckled 'I'm glad I decided to have Zetsu spy on the Kyuubi Jinchuriki when he went on that training trip with Jiraiya. To think the boy would become so powerful...' The masked man hummed thoughtfully.

'Could it be that the Kyuubi Jinchuriki is actually this so called 'child of prophecy?' If the boy is indeed the child of prophecy... Than perhaps I can convince him to join my side. After all, we don't really need ALL of the Kyuubi's Chakra to revive 'it.' Only a fraction is really needed' Tobi mused. 'Though I am not sure if 'he' will approve of it when he is revived... He probably would approve or he won't. Nonetheless if I can get the Kyuubi Jinchuriki on my side...' Tobi trailed off in thought.

The masked man idly glanced towards the young Kazekage when he noticed the Jinchuriki shifting in agony. Without any remorse, the masked man returned to his pondering.

After several minutes, he suddenly stood. He would have the Kyuubi Jinchuriki on his side one way or another. After all, he was a master of manipulation. He learned from the best after all. Converting the blonde Jinchuriki will be as easy as converting Uchiha Sasuke. All he needs to do is find out the best way to pullthe Jinchuriki's strings.

Everyone was a puppet. They just needed their strings pulled. Manipulating the blonde will be simple. After all, he had already had one Jinchuriki under his control. Having another one? Child's play.

With those thoughts, the bright red light flashed from the masks only hole. And a single Sharingan eye flashed menacingly, before the masked man's entire being was absorbed by a black hole like portal. Coming directly from his Sharingan.

His absence went completely unnoticed.

Naruto suddenly phased into existence in front of the gates into Suna. Shortly after, a large cloud of sand suddenly shot towards him, and stopped just behind his feet. Showing that he had ran through the entire desert, and that he was so fast that even the sand had difficultly keeping up with his speed.

The hooded blonde slowly stood, and faced the gates of Suna. He pulled down his hood, letting his golden blonde hair to freely sway in the wind, and Chachazero sleeping peacefully atop his head. Beads of sweat rolled down on his face, yet he payed them no mind.

Slightly behind the blonde, Kakashi phased in behind him. The Jonin's mask drenched in sweat, and the former ANBU panted hoarsely. However, a soldier pill quickly remedied the problem for him, and he notably stood straighter.

Behind him Shiroi phased in. The white haired vampire didn't didn't like she was even a little exhausted. However, beads of sweat were visibly rolling down her face. And the pink eyed girl gave the desert sun a withering glare. One day. One day she would destroy that blasted sun!

And finally, Sakura phased in behind the white haired girl. However, the pink haired girl collaspped shortly after her appearance. Exhaustion visible on her face as she greedily drew in gasps of breathe. Like Kakashi, the pink haired girl was drenched in sweat. However, the girl pushed her self to her feet. She swayed slightly, before she righted herself.

digging into her pocket, the pink haired girl pulled out a soldier pill. And like Kakashi, quickly she ate the pill, the effects were immediate. As the pink haired girl notably stood straighter, and she quickly wiped away the sweat from her face. She glanced at Shiroi's form, and a scowl formed on her face as she took note of Shiroi's passive face.

Meanwhile Naruto, quickly glanced at his team for several moments, and he slightly nodded. Without any words, the blonde moved forward towards the gates of Suna.

Inside the seal, Kyuubi slowly opened his eyes. "Shukaku... My brother, soon we will save you... However, I can't promise that you will be complete." The giant fox softly uttered in his deep voice.

Altair rattled slightly, ready to serve his wielder to the best of it's ability.