
Uzumaki Touma

The story about a survivor from the main lineage of the Uzumaki Clan. Watch how his story unfolds and how his decisions changed some of the plot and journey of his first cousin Uzumaki Naruto. Uzumaki Medical and Sealing Nin, Taijutsu expert, Body Revival Technique, and 8 Gates. I don't own the art on the cover and I only took it from google.

Daoist_Exp_Gain · その他
24 Chs

Everyone gets what they deserve

The following morning Kushina left for errands and only Touma was left at the apartment. He was about to leave when someone knocked heavily at the door. When he opened the door, *WHAM! He was smacked in the head by Jiraiya.

"Ahhhhh!! You perverted old geezer! Why did you hit me!" Touma yelled in annoyance.

"You damn kid! You set me up! You said you'd cover for me, what the hell was that about peeing in the park?!" Jiraiya scoffs at Touma.

"What's the problem?! You told me to keep Neesan from finding out you were peeping at the bathhouse." Touma says with an annoyed face.

"What's the problem?!! I was scolded by Kushina the whole night and my teacher reprimanded me the whole morning! Do you know how shameful it was to be scolded for hours when you're already at this age? You made things worse kid! Now I can't leave the village for a month." Jiraiya scolds Touma.

"Everyone gets what they deserve! That's what you get for being a pervert!" Touma said with a teasing grin.

"Haha everyone gets what they deserve eyy?" Jiraiya says while grinning wickedly at Touma.

"Hey, wh- why are you making that face old man?" Touma said with a nervous tone.

"I haven't told you the best part? Did you know what my punishment was? What I was supposed to do for a month?" Jiraiya said with a grin.

Touma got nervous and had a heavy sense of foreboding.

"*gulp Don't tell me.. No way.." Touma whispers with a look of terror.

"HAHAHA Since you might have been "traumatized" with what you've seen me "do". The Hokage asked me to make it up to you by giving you some.. "Special Training" after you come home from the hospital." Jiraiya said while wickedly grinning.

"No! No! I I don't wan- want that! You won't be able to teach me anything!" Touma yelled full of fear and indignation.

"HAHAHA you have no choice kid! Kushina already said yes. Now get to school and make sure to conserve your energy, it gets really exhausting when you repeatedly get chewed by a giant frog." Jiraiya says while laughing.

Touma was terror stricken as he imagines his life in the next few weeks. He was starting to regret messing with the frog sage. He started walking to the academy slowly with his knees looking as if they were giving out. You can hear Jiraiya laughing loudly at the background.


Touma arrived at the academy absentminded everyone greeted him and he just nods at them. When he enters the classroom, Mitsune greets him but he doesn't respond and only walks to his seat.

"Good morning Touma!" Mitsune cheerfully greets him.

Touma can't hear her due to him being lost in his hellish imagination.

"Hey Touma" Mitsune says rather confused.

But Touma still ignores her.

"Touma." Mitsune starts to get annoyed.

"Hey hey hey Touma" she tried to poke him.

She got really annoyed so... *whack! He smaked Touma in the head.

Touma starts to get back to normal and looks around.

"Seriously? Getting hit twice in the same morning." Touma looks at the source of the pain and looks at his left. He sees Mitsune with a pout, looking away while crossing her arms.

Touma smiles wryly but continues to think about the horror of the frog sage's revenge.

Mitsune notices that Touma ignored her again so she continuously says "hmphf" but he still doesn't look at her. She starts to get worried that her friend might be angry, she start to get teary eyed.

"Hey Touma I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit you. Are you ok?" Mitsune says with some slight tears in her eyes.

"Huh? Mitsune?" Touma was shocked when he got back to his senses he saw Mitsune with a sad angelic face and he lost himself again this time for a different reason.

"Touma? You're doing it again! Baka!" Mitsune blushes and returns to her seat with a red face while looking away.

Touma smiles and goes to talk to his friend.

"Hey Mitsune, I'm sorry I ignored you I just had a lot in my mind that's all." Touma said apologetically.

"Hmphf! You baka! What were you thinking about anyway?" Mitsune said with a pouting expression.

"I'll tell you later after school." Touma said with a smile.

"Alright, but you better have a good excuse." Mitsune says still pouting.

Touma can only smile wryly at how weird his friend was acting.

While Touma was confused, the people around them were even more so. Touma just arrived yesterday, what was he doing acting all friendly with the cold goddess? They had never seen that much expressions

come out from her before.


After class Touma and Mitsune were walking to the Hospital. He told her what happened yesterday after they parted ways.

"That's what you get for trying to prank one of the legendary sanin. I think I wanna go watch you get eaten by a frog." Mitsune said while giggling in a happy manner.

"Hey! It's not funny! Yo- you can't watch! It it's a spe- special training you dummy!" Touma yelled while blushing.

"Who are you calling dummy! Baka! Want me to hit you again?!" Mitsune said while pumping her fist upward.

*sigh "I used to think you were an angel I guess you only look like one." Touma said with a weak voice.

"Yo- you! What ar- are you talking ab- about?! Baka! Baka! Baka!" Mitsune blushed heavily at what Touma said.

Touma laughed at her reaction and continued teasing her so she ran away while Touma followed her.

After their training before parting ways, Mitsune asked to talk with him.

"Hey Mitsune, what's up?" Touma said with a grin.

"Do you have time tomorrow?" She asked shyly.

"I don't know but you know I have training with Jiraiya-Sama." Touma said while thinking hard.

"Oh right I forgot, Nevermind then." Mitsune said with a weak voice.

"It's alright I'll just tell him I'll be late tomorrow." Touma grins at her.

"Really?!" Asked Mitsune full of expectations.

"Yeah, he'll probably understand." Touma continues to smile.

"Okay! We'll talk about this again tomorrow! Bye bye!" Replied Mitsune with an excited voice.

Touma watches her dissappear while smiling. The smile quickly disappears as he starts to remember the cruel impending fate waiting for him.

Sorry for the late chapters there are problems with our internet service provider.

Thanks for the support! Don’t forget to write a review.

Another chapter in a few hours.

Daoist_Exp_Gaincreators' thoughts