
Uzumaki Legend

Naruto's son, accidentally returns to the past after being defeated by the Otsusuki and meets his grandparents. Seeing that he had nothing left to lose, he decides to give them gifts, gifts that will change the entire history of the shinobi world. One of the gifts is the best Dojutsu in the shinobi world, created by Jiraiya. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I do not own Naruto or its characters. This is my first story Fanfic focused on the restoration of the Uzumaki clan. Harem (Hinata, Ino, Karin, Honoka, Tayuya, ...) patreon link: https://www.patreon.com/kralux Hope you enjoy the fanfic :)

kralux · アニメ·コミックス
58 Chs

To whirlpool

In the middle of a forest Tsunade was lying on the ground gasping for breath, next to her was Shizune in the same state. In front of the two was Kushina who was sheathing her Katana while smiling. 

"Come on lazy girls, it's not that big of a deal, this was just the warm up" Kushina joked. 

"WHAAAAT, this is just the warm up? I can't take it anymore Kushina-sama, be merciful please" Cried Shizune who was exhausted. 

"Don't mess with the girl Kushina" Said Tsunade as she stood up. 

Kushina who was laughing at Shizune's reaction to her joke said "Ok, it's a joke Shizune-chan we are done with the training today. By the way, what did I tell you about calling me Kushina-sama? Call me Kushina-nee" Kushina said to Shizune. 

Shizune hearing Kushina's words felt relief, Kushina's trainings were hell, something she wasn't used to. After the conversation between Kushina and Tsunade where Tsunade agreed to join the new Uzumaki clan, Kushina had forced Tsunade to train with her to regain her sannin strength. The first week Kushina and Tsunade trained every day until they were exhausted, but one day they noticed Shizune and forced her to join 

"Hump, I won't call you that Kushina-sama, not since you dragged me into this infernal training" Shizune replied as she turned her face away in protest 

"Come on Shizune don't be like that, besides I wasn't the one who had the idea to train you, Tsunade was" Said Kushina blaming Tsunade 

Tsunade hearing what Kushina said looked away avoiding looking at Shizune "If we both train, you will too. Besides, you're too weak right now, you lost to those bullies" Tsunade said 

"I'm just a chunin and that man was a jonin, how do you want me to defeat him Tsunade-sama" Shizune justified herself. 

"Those ranks are just formalities, it has nothing to do with your strength" Tsunade replied. 

When Shizune was about to answer her again Kushina interrupted them "Since I see that you still have strength left to argue about, we better use it to train again, right?" Kushina said with a sinister smile. 

Tsunade and Shizune hearing Kushina's words made their blood run cold and they started sweating, they turned to look at her and said "Nooo" They said in unison "We're too tired, let's go back home. We won't argue anymore Kushina-nee" Shizune said afraid to go back to training 

"Good, then let's get ready for camp" Kushina said with a smile as she heard Shizune call her Kushina-nee 

Seeing Tsunade and Shizune getting ready to go find a good place to camp Kushina said "Aren't you guys forgetting something?" Said Kushina pointing towards a tree. 

There stood a small sleeping pig, it had pink skin and on its neck was a pearl necklace, it was wearing a vest. 

"TONTON" Shizune exclaimed as she ran to pick it up. 

When they were leaving tanzaku-gai they had gone to the market to buy supplies for the trip, there they found a vendor selling a small pig that looked very smart, Shizune instantly fell in love with the pig and convinced Tsunade to adopt him. She named him Tonton, a silly name, but it matched the pig perfectly. It has been traveling with them for a whole month and while they were training it took the opportunity to sleep. 

"Come on Tonton, we have to go" Shizune said as she woke up the little pig. 


Once they got the tents ready Kushina who's belly was rumbling said "Shizune, go hunt us something for dinner. And don't complain this is part of your training" Kushina ordered Shizune who was sitting in front of the campfire she had lit. 

"But Kushina-sama I'm too tired, besides I've learned to hunt since the academy, I don't see how hunting now will improve my shinobi skills" complained Shizune who didn't feel like going hunting 

"Oh, you're complaining" Kushina said in a dangerous voice. In a quick move she picked up Tonton in her arms and said "Since you don't want to go hunting we'll have to eat this lazy little pig" Said Kushina drooling as she looked at Tonton. 

Tonton started to scream in fear as Shizune said "No Kushina-sama I'll go get food, please leave Tonton alone" Shizune said afraid that Kushina would actually eat it 

"You are way too hard on her Kushina" Tsunade said as she drank some sake. 

"I'm not, she has to learn to endure situations like this. I'm pushing her body and mind to the limit so she can overcome them" Kushina replied as she sipped some tea 

"How long will it take us to get to Uzushio?" Tsunade asked. 

Kushina didn't answer, she looked at Tsunade, took out a Kunai from her bag and in one swift movement cut her hand. She raised the cut hand and showed her blood to Tsunade. 

Tsunade at the sight of the blood shuddered a little, but she managed to recover quickly, throughout that month she overcame her fear of blood little by little, and today she seems to have overcome it completely. He can finally become a medical ninja again. 

Tsunade seeing the cut on Kushina's hand got up and went to her, she took her hand and started to heal it with her mystic palm 

"I see you finally got over it Nee-chan" Kushina said with a proud smile for her cousin. 

"Yes, I was able to get over it thanks to Dan and Nawaki's memory. And thanks to you Kushina-chan, thanks for helping me overcome my fears" Tsunade said with a smile as she finished healing Kushina's hand. She then went to sit down again and started drinking her sake. 

"I see you were able to overcome your fear of blood, but the sake I can't get it out of you" Kushina snorted when she saw her drinking again. 

Tsunade ignored her and continued drinking her sake "You didn't answer my question Kushina. how long will it take us to get to Uzushio?" asked Tsunade again 

"How is your strength currently nee-chan, have you been able to return to your peak?" asked Kushina As she looked at Tsunade 

"Yes, I've already regained my strength, and thanks to your brutal training I'm stronger than ever" Tsunade said firmly 

"Good, since you've already regained your strength we can move faster. We will arrive at Yōsui port tomorrow and from there it will take us a day of sailing to get to the main island of Uzushio" Kushina explained 

"I don't understand why go to Uzushio right now. Didn't you say that there were Uzumakis in Kusagakure?" asked Tsunade 

"I wanted to go look for them right now too, but we have to go to Uzushio to analyze the state of the islands and see if we find anything in the ruins. We don't know what's on the islands, there might be hidden dangers in uzushio and we won't be able to protect the others, once we investigate the islands, we'll go pick them up" Kushina said 'Besides, I'm not sure if Karin has already been sired. I don't want to accidentally prevent her from being sired' Kushina thought. 

"What do you plan to do once we get back to Konoha?" Tsunade asked. 

"We are going to establish the clan in Konoha, with you we are already guaranteed the majority of the votes, no one can deny us the reconstruction of the clan" Kushina replied 

"That wasn't what I was asking, I'm asking you what you will do in the future and why are we going to Uzushio, I don't think there are any Uzumaki in Uzushio and the most you will find will be some weapons and some ryo. what do you plan to find there?" asked Tsunade 

Kushina sighed and replied "I'm going to analyze the state of the city and see how long it will take us to rebuild it." 

Tsunade was surprised to see that Kushina planned to rebuild Uzushio. 

"You plan to rebuild Uzushio?" she asked surprised "If you plan to rebuild the country why are we going to settle in Konoha?" asked Tsunade 

"Although I don't hate Konoha, it doesn't mean I want my clan to risk their lives for Konoha or the fire country. Konoha will only be a temporary place while we rebuild Uzushiogakure in secret" Kushina said. 

"That's crazy, once the clan is established in Konoha, it will be almost impossible to leave the village, neither the Hokage nor the Daimiyo will let a big clan get out of their control" Tsunade replied 

"They can try, if they try to stop us from leaving by hook or by crook, we will have to do it by crook. 

Besides, the Uzumaki clan will cease to be a Shinobi clan, I don't plan on my brothers losing their lives in meaningless missions and fighting wars that are not ours. We have never bowed to anyone as the other royal clans that submitted to the Daimiyo have done. The Uzumaki clan is master of its destiny, we only fight our wars and not that of others. 

We will only use Konoha as a shield while we reestablish ourselves" Kushina explained. 

Tsunade was glad to hear Kushina's words, she wouldn't stand to lose her family again 

In the morning Kushina, Tsunade, Shizune and Tonton were on the outskirts of Yōsui, a port city of the fire country that was located near the whirlpool country. 

Kushina who was wearing her black clothes that covered her entire body decided to use the search scroll to see if there were any Uzumaki in this city, something she had done in every city they passed through, but she failed to find anyone. 

When Kushina used the scroll in this city another red dot appeared on it. 

"There is an Uzumaki here Tsunade-nee" Kushina exclaimed loudly and cheerfully. At last she was going to meet another member of her clan 

"Let's go" Kushina shouted as she started to run, when Tsunade grabbed her. 

"You can't just run off and meet that person so suddenly, we better look for him and observe him for a while and find the opportunity to introduce ourselves" Tsunade said 

Kushina who saw that she was right nodded and they started to move slowly towards the Uzumaki. 

Suddenly they heard a big commotion in the city, many screams of men and women fleeing for their lives 

"PIRATEEEEEEESSSS, RUN, HIDE IN YOUR HOMES!" shouted a desperate man. 

"RUN RUN RUN RUN, BRING US YOUR GOLD AND BRING US YOUR WOMEN, IF YOU DO THAT MAYBE WE WILL FORGIVE YOU YOUR LIVES, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Said a thick voice coming from a large ship that had a flag of a skull with a clown nose. 

Once the pirates landed in the town they started looting the stores and breaking into the villagers' homes. 

"KILL ALL WHO RESIST, BRING ALL THE WOMEN SO WE CAN HAVE FUN" Said a man with a man wearing an orange hat with a skull painted on it, on his face he had clown makeup and a red clown nose, on his body he had an orange cape covering his entire body 

The pirates kidnapped the mayor and took him to their captain 

"Tell me old man where do you hide the ryo?" the clown asked the mayor 

"I'll never tell you damn pirate, there's nothing in this city for you. Once Konoha finds out about you, they will eliminate you" Said the old mayor with a stern look on his face 

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, boy oh boy, we have a brave one here, do you see any Shinobi from Konoha here...even if they were here, we aren't afraid of anything" He then turned to one of his minions and nodded. 

The pirate searched for a random man in the crowd and brought him to his captain 

The captain looked at the man with a smile and said "You see that old man, because of him you will have to die today, and all because he can't tell me where he has all the ryo in the city stored. What a shame right" Said the pirate captain as he pulled out a knife. 


The captain just laughed as you watched this scene. 


"HAHAHAHAHA, you see old man, you give your life for this town while being sold so easily" Said the pirate as he cut the desperate man's throat " Garbage. Bring me the girl" Said the captain after killing the man who had told him about the girl 


"HAHAHAHAHAHA, WHAT A LITTLE BEAUTY WE HAVE HERE" Said the pirate as he petted the teenager. He then looked up at the mayor and asked "Will you tell me now, old man?" 

"Yes, the city's money is kept in a chest in the mayor's mansion, this is the key. Now let my granddaughter go please" The mayor begged. 

"HAHAHAHAHA, see it wasn't that hard" Replied the pirate as he took the key and gave it to his men to go and collect the money. "And about your granddaughter, she's too pretty to let her go so easily" Said the pirate as he ripped the girl's clothes off. 

"kyaaaaaaaaaaa" Shouted the girl. 


The captain seeing the girl's body got even more excited and licked his lips. As he was about to start touching her, he suddenly sensed the imminent danger and jumped to dodge. 

In front of the girl stood a hooded man about 6 feet tall with a giant sword in his right hand 

"Who are you?" asked the pirate cautiously sensing the danger the man posed 

"You're not worthy of knowing, you scum, you'll die today" Said the hooded man in a thick voice 

"I don't think I will, I Buggy the pirate was an elite mist jonin, I've already faced worse than you" Said the pirate 

"Get out of here now and you can..." the pirate started to say, but suddenly his world started to spin, he noticed his body was still standing, but now without his head 

The hooded man started to wipe the blood on his sword and said "Buggy, a ridiculous name for a ridiculous man" he turned and started to walk away when he froze, suddenly a hand stopped him. 'How fast, I didn't feel him coming' 

"Wait a minute" Said the voice 

"Who are you, and why are you stopping me? Strange" Said the hooded man with caution in his voice. 

"Too bad you don't remember me Kenji-sensei" Kushina said as she took off the cap that covered her face 

Kenji at first was confused. how did a stranger know his real name? But as Kushina showed her face his expression changed from confusion to surprise 

"Kushina-chan is that you?" said Kenji in surprise.


Sorry for not posting for so long, I've been trying to write this chapter for a long time but I couldn't think of anything.

I hope you liked the chapter, don't forget to comment and give me your power stones.

by the way the Buggy thing is just an easter egg, this is not a naruto and one piece crossover. 

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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