
Uzumaki Fire God

There was an elderly man who had lived during the warring states period. He was a senior to Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, but little did anyone know that he hailed from a planet called Earth. When the Uzumaki family was on the brink of extinction at the age of 100, he emerged to protect his family.

Hkj · アニメ·コミックス
80 Chs

Ch-48 Double Bone

You can read 12 chapters ahead of everyone on patreon.


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Kagutsuchi, who was sent flying after being struck by an unknown force, was once again struck, propelling him towards the meteor hurtling from the sky. Another impact ensued, causing Kagutsuchi to cough up blood. The force of his trajectory intensified, hurtling him even faster towards the meteor. With a resounding boom, he collided with it, creating a massive impact crater.

Struggling to recover, Kagutsuchi slowly stood up on the lower side of the fallen meteor. Suddenly, he raised a hand crackling with spiritual pressure, clutching onto something as if gripping someone's fist. Similarly, with his other hand, he mimicked the gesture, as though grasping the fist of another.

"Limbo technique, I had forgotten about this," Kagutsuchi muttered, his face marked with gloom.

Summoning his power, he conjured two flame pillars that encircled the Limbo clones of Madara, effectively entrapping them. With swift determination, Kagutsuchi leaped towards the ground. As he neared the earth's surface, a tremendous surge of Reitsu erupted from his body. Clenching both fists tightly, he let out a powerful shout, "Haaaaa!" Then, employing Shunpo, he vanished from sight, reappearing to strike the meteor with a forceful double-fisted blow. A moment of silence hung in the air before the entire meteor cracked and disintegrated into fine dust.

"Sōkotsu (Double Bone)"

Even after the destruction of the meteor, two fire pillars formed from Kagutsuchi's immense Reitsu remained suspended in mid-air. This showcased the extent of Kagutsuchi's formidable control over Reitsu. Gradually, the Limbo clones of Madara began to fade away, indicating a time limit to their existence.

With a gentle descent, Kagutsuchi touched down on the ground and lifted his right hand. His Ryuujin Jakka, his weapon, came soaring into his grasp. It slowly transformed from a katana into a wooden crutch. Simultaneously, his upper body garments materialized, and his white Haori draped over his shoulders.


All the Kage-level powerhouses stood in awe, their gazes fixed on the sky, unable to comprehend the magnitude of what they had just witnessed. The colossal meteorite alone had the potential to obliterate their entire village, and Madara had harnessed its destructive power solely as a means to secure his escape. The shock of this realization gripped them.

However, their astonishment reached new heights as they beheld Kagutsuchi, who defied all odds and demolished the meteorite with his sheer strength. This indelible image would forever be etched in their memories. Witnessing Kagutsuchi soaring through the air, initially resembling a performance, the onlookers soon recognized the truth as they witnessed his injuries. It became evident that he had not been feigning, but had genuinely been struck by an unknown force.


Kagutsuchi stood there in silence, deep in contemplation, analyzing his encounter with Madara. Despite his own formidable power, he knew that killing Madara was no easy task, considering the numerous ways in which Madara could ensure his survival. Nonetheless, it was evident that Madara would not impede Kagutsuchi's plans. Nevertheless, Kagutsuchi understood the importance of remaining prepared.

"Uncle, are you alright?" Mitsuo approached Kagutsuchi and inquired with concern.

"Hmm," Kagutsuchi responded with a nod.

Onoki stepped forward and asked Kagutsuchi, "Did Madara Uchiha manage to escape?"

"Yes, he is undoubtedly powerful, and individuals like him often possess numerous means of escape," Kagutsuchi replied, acknowledging Madara's strength. Onoki, understanding the implications, nodded in agreement.

"But why would he target you? It doesn't make sense," voiced the Third Kazekage, clearly perplexed. "After hiding for so long, why would he emerge from the shadows to engage in combat with someone he has no animosity towards? It's utterly bewildering."

"In a forest, there cannot be two lions, for their interests would clash and collide. The same holds true for individuals like me and him," Kagutsuchi calmly stated, his voice filled with contemplation. "However, instead of a mere forest, this entire ninja world serves as our stage. Our paths inevitably intersect, and our conflicting ambitions and powers bring us into confrontation."

He paused for a moment, reflecting on the complex dynamics at play. "Madara and I may not have a personal animosity, but our roles as formidable figures in this world of shinobi necessitate a clash. It is the nature of power and influence, where only one can truly reign supreme. That is why he made his move against me, for our destinies intertwine, whether we seek it or not."

As Kagutsuchi glanced towards the Third Raikage from the corner of his eyes, he spoke in a measured tone, "Contain your fighting spirit. Even if I am not at my peak, it is more than sufficient for me to defeat you." With those words, he unleashed his overwhelming Reitsu, filling the atmosphere and leaving everyone present breathless.

The sheer intensity of Kagutsuchi's released Reitsu sent ripples of awe and apprehension through the gathered individuals.

"And do not fret, perhaps you all will have the honor of facing me in battle soon," Kagutsuchi cryptically remarked. A sense of bewilderment swept through the crowd as they exchanged puzzled glances. Kagutsuchi showed no intention of elaborating further, leaving them to speculate on his enigmatic statement. However, Mitsuo, perceiving the underlying meaning, comprehended Kagutsuchi's veiled message.

"Let us depart. Kushina should have awakened by now," Kagutsuchi declared. With that, he utilized Shunpo, disappearing from the scene. Following closely behind were Mito, Mitsuo, and Hiruzen, leaving the perplexed onlookers to contemplate the implications of Kagutsuchi's words.

Before their departure, Hiruzen took a moment to engage in a conversation with the other Kage present. Recognizing the importance of fostering strong relationships and upholding peace, he emphasized the need for unity and cooperation among their respective villages.

(A/N: if you like the story please vote power stones.)