
Chapter 300 The Last Straw that Breaks the Old Ox's Back

This push-up event was his best chance to beat Xu Fan. If even his strongest suit of strength couldn't overcome Xu Fan, then what grounds did Li Niu have to claim the championship title of the sports meet?

More importantly, he had just boasted boastfully, making a bet with Xu Fan. If he lost, he'd have to kneel and call the other person "grandpa."

"I absolutely cannot lose!" Li Niu roared in his heart, and with strength he didn't know he had he began to rapidly perform push-ups at a much faster pace than before.

However, because he was doing them quickly, the push-ups he was performing were no longer very standard—they just barely met the requirements. Compared to Xu Fan's movements, which were precise and flawless, Li Niu's fell short.

Even so, Li Niu's speed still was unable to keep up with Xu Fan, from 78:100, the score had now dropped to 150:220.