
Urban Lord VS fantasy world

a young man suffers a heart attack while closing his shop he thought it was his end only to find himself in another world between shock and fear he slowly start exploring and interacting with the new world

Noble_Devil · ファンタジー
4 Chs

new world??


the confused Aslan didn't get an answer but rather another strike to the head from the women

"don't even try to argue with me if you don't want to work in the village you will be leaving me no choice but to ask your uncle enlist you in the army " she threatened before leaving she left a warning

" if I came back and find you still here I will send a letter to your uncle"

Aslan confusion was only getting worse before the pain of the strike got numb he started feeling a greater pain like migraine a wave of memories started rushing in but this memories doesn't not belong to him it belongs to a 14 years old teenager who have the same name Aslan

Aslan was stunned " did i reborn in another world?"

Aslan was excited he was familiar with this scenario he used to pass his free time reading novels specifically the Isekai genra because like many fans he hated the reality he was living in he capes himself distracted away from the suicidal thoughts living inside imagery worlds but his excitement quickly stopped due to his trauma whenever he fells joy or comfort it is usually someone trying to make him let his guard down to take advantage of him

" maybe I didn't die and i am in coma right now"

Aslan tried getting out of the bed although he felt heavy because fat but light at the seem time because there was no pain in his knees back or joint that migraine that he used too also doesn't exist he can breath smoothly with no problem plus he can see very well this brought his joy back it was like a new sensation to him after all he was always sick for more than a decade he forgot how being healthy feels like

moments later his happiness evaporated and tears started flooding his face he realized that he will never see his family again he started whaling snot and tears ruined his cute chubby face usually when his sad Aslan would wait until there is no one around before letting his tears drop because this wasn't much deferent to death of his whole family

the women from before named Matilda was the wife of Aslan father Robert the village chief, she came back to see if Aslan was out of bed or still sleeping but she was shocked to see him cry like that although Aslan lost his mother at a young age and was depressed because he couldn't surpass her death he wasn't the crying type she knew that because she was the one who raised him

she thought that maybe he was afraid of going to the army Matilda didn't mean her words she was only bluffing because even if Aslan himself wanted to join the army she won't agree and won't let him she even used her trusty broom to beat Aslan father and uncle after she catched them discussing the idea of sending Aslan to the Army the poor village chief got the cold shoulder for months because of that

Matilda used to have lot of brothers but she lost all of them in the previous war after all not many where lucky to survive like Robert and his wife who got the title of a baron for his merit but even many of those who survived like Aslan mother Emily were left with scars she died due to her old injuries her health was getting worse ever since she gave birth

that's why the old Aslan was a fat spoiled boy because he was Robert last relation Emily

Matilda quickly dropped her fake angry face and rushed to the broken Aslan and hugged him and comforted hi " Aslan don't i was only joking I didn't to scare you i only to motivate you because I can't stand seeing you waste the best years of you life in your room"

the broken Aslan hugged her back and she lended him her shoulder to cry into this never happened to Aslan before because in every low point in his life no one notice he was very in closed never shares or show emotions the broken Aslan was always behind the closed door of his room this made Aslan a bit comforted After a while he stopped crying and Matilda patted his back and told him that he doesn't have to go today he can go tomorrow

after Matilda left Aslan finally started to calm down and began sorting his memories and understanding his situation from the memories of his predecessor he learned that this world has a lot of mysteries magic and mythical creatures like dragons fairies immortals unfortunately also monsters demons and ghost are real too and this village was not safe although it was rich with resources it wasn't developed because the land his father received was near the new borders of the new lands the kingdom got after the last war therefore their was a lot of stories of people encountering monsters in the forest and surrounding mountain range there was even attacks on the village itself that's why his father and his men would go out regularly to subdue and eradicate monsters

Aslan started looking around to see if he could spot anything out of place to see if this is really not the product of his imagination but no mather where he looks nothing out of ordinary after walking around the house although it looks old it was well built but he was confused to why it was deferent from the other houses in the village but he remembers that his parents used a lord Sigil when founding the town it was a secret known to few people in the village because lords sigils are a valuable treasures in this world the holder of the Sigil are called lords they have special abilities and powers bestowed upon them by the high presence

the cities with lords are deferent from those who don't have them only lords have authorities to build special buildings blessed by the high presence that have special effects although with enough knowledge and power one could build magnificent cities on par with the lords lands it will take longer period of time arguably hundred times longer or even thousand times in high level cities case the kingdom his father fought for is a human kingdom with a lord rulling that's why a normal man like Robert became an intermediate martial warrior equivalent to an intermediate silver master he could reach higher rank with his merits and the kingdom resources but he was limited by his potential

Robert have a lot of merit even enough to exchange a noble title in the kingdom but not for the lord Sigil although the kingdom might have lord Sigil but it is very important to their foundation and future it took hundred's of years for the kingdom to get that number it takes 10 silver rank cities and one gold capital to found a kingdom

you can get bonze level Sigil from killing monsters but the drop year is very low the expert estimate that is 1 in a million and every person can extracted with loot once in their lifetime that shows that Aslan parents were very lucky to get it while fighting the beasts tides

and to upgrade your land you need 10 Sigil of the same rank and compiling the required merit you can advance

and every Sigil can be aquired through combining 10 Sigil of a lower rank witch makes it impossible to get enough to improve your land through killing monsters plus there is other requirements to meet before you can advance to higher rank

the sigils could be replaced by hell cards of the same rank that can be aquired through conquering hell monarch lands

hell monarch are the equivalent of the lords but they follow deferent rules and have deferent goal for example the lords main goal is to develop the land and build better environment and living condition while teaching hire morals and values the hell monarch goal is to destroy and deceive and tempt the living into their side and are not governed by the high presence they serve an opposite force name the hell conscience

according to the light temple both the high presence and the hell conscience are creations of God it is said that they're purpose is to push the wheel of progress and evolution in the world while testing the living to see who will follow their creator and who will submit to his desires

the light temple is the main religion of continent

Author note : i think this is enough introduction to the world i will get to more detail when the mc start interacting with them

if you have questions fell free to ask in the latest chapter comments section i will try my best to answer