

Lan Yue was your everyone like average boy, with a sweet family and friends and with a very positive outlook towards world. Then one day his entire village, friends and family was massacred in front of his very eyes and he also got very badly injured which almost left him to die. But he was saved by an unknown person who gave him a new life and the reason to live his life which is his revenge and the his saviour also taught him martial arts and weapons and he himself became weapon for his enemies. But with time he will undergo many changes in himself and he will emerge as the most dreaded and villainous person who will rule over the entire SUN CITY. Hello everyone I have created a discord server for all of us to interact with each other and to get the best of all of my works. So here is the link for the discord server . https://discord.gg/gFqESRzv

Pritam_Mohapatra · アクション
185 Chs

Gu Hong's Plan

They did the same as he told them and began to wait for him to bring the breakfast for them without any complaints.

Gu Hong then diligently prepared the breakfast for the three of them and he took fifteen minutes to complete the breakfast.

After the food is prepared Gu Hong poured the food in plates and bowls and then took food to the dining table one by one.

In just two minutes Gu Hong has placed all the food items on the dining table in front of both Li Weixiao and Ling Xue and also for himself.

After that Gu Hong also took his seat in the dining table and then he told both Li Weixiao and Ling Xue to began eating the food to which they both nodded their heads.

After that the three of them began to eat their breakfast together and both Li Weixiao and Ling Xue found the food quite tasty and enjoyable.

While they were having their breakfast Gu Hong reminded both Li Weixiao and Ling Xue that today is the day of the party.