
Unwavering Hope 2: Life-Altering Events

Five years after the fairytale double wedding, the gang reunites as Vincent freeloads along with Sarah, Aiden, Olivia, and Samar who all live in Aiden's mansion with Mavis and Pauline as their neighbors with their respective spouses who are away in Phoenix most of the times. But the fairytale marriages aren't as dreamy as they thought it would be.

Olivia_Madhavan · 現実
15 Chs

Introduction To Dr. Liu

Later that night, Olivia headed to the hospital an hour early before her shift started. Well, I don't blame her because Vincent kept bragging about his Trung Ngyuen business in Vietnam. And now, an additional thing to bug her about; TRAVELING ALL THE WAY TO HO CHI MINH! Even I have known Vincent for quite some time, and after all these years, I still don't like him. But since Sarah has forgiven him and the other guys love him so much, I just keep quiet about it. Maybe, I should start an ANTI-VINCENT club and ask Pauline and Olivia to join me as its founding members!

Ahh... well we ain't in high school anymore, so I guess I missed my chance.

Returning back to the story.....

Olivia was brisking, stomping each step towards her office which was downright to the corner of the main hall. She thought, "Why on Earth do I have to travel with him!? I must have done something horrible in my previous life!" Deeply immersed in her thoughts, she bumped into a tall old man with a suit and tie who was perfectly healthy and fit for a senior. Olivia's eyes widened with each passing second. That man was her ideal. That man was her inspiration. That man was under the list "100 Most Influential People In Healthcare." It was none other than, Benjamin A. Breier; Kindred's CEO!

She immediately bowed and said, "Good evening! Sorry, Sir! I should watch where I'm going!" She normally would never bow in front of anyone like that. But the man before her was someone who she always looked up to. I suppose that she would obviously want to be on her best behavior. Personally, I would consider it bad luck if I ever met Santiago Calatrava; my favorite architect. There is always this one person we look up to and dream to be like them. Well, I want to work on a big project like the "Athens Olympic Sports Complex" and get the dignity, respect and worldwide fame. I have built an image of him in my head; his works spoke about him; that built his character in my head. If the real person doesn't turn out to be like the one I imagined for all these years; it will be a huge disappointment. That's just my opinion. However, Olivia here encountered an opportunity that changed her life forever.

"Dr. Madhavan Anand? I've been wanting to meet you for quite some time and talk about your work here!" Mr. Breier said with a wide smile spread across his face. "Commendable Dr. Madhavan Anand! Commendable! Genuine doctors like you are extremely rare! I've never seen an individual who wants to take up all the night shifts."

Olivia finally beamed after being angry for the whole day. I believe that she has been drying to hear some praises about her work since that's been only causing problems in her private life. Even if a person chooses to be a stubborn workaholic, they do want to be appreciated for the work they do. "Thank you so much for the kind words, sir! You just made my day!"

"Your welcome my dear." He responded. "Which reminds me, I wanted you to meet this doctor for quite a long time. He doesn't work in your department, but he's another earnest fellow like you. I've invited him for dinner after his shift, he should be here any minute now."

A few seconds later, a man in a white coat wearing spectacles with a thick black frame walked over with his briefcase and spoke, "Alright Mr. Breier. I'm ready to go."

Mr. Breier placed his hand on his shoulder and said, "Not so fast buddy! There's someone I want you to meet!"

The man looked over to see Olivia in front of him. His eyes widened in recognition but then he composed himself and greeted while extending his hand, "Pleasure to meet you, Dr. Madhavan Anand. I'm Dr. Liu." His eyes impulsively narrowed at the mere sight of her. When I heard this story, I felt like he didn't wish to see her at all. However, turns out I was wrong, and he had every right to react the way he did. Since he cared enough, he spared her dignity by greeting her with a common public salutation.

Olivia gave him a firm handshake and asked, "Likewise! I'm sorry but have we met before?"

BAM! Bullseye! He could have exposed her then and there, but then again, he is a man of not only dignity but also integrity. He responded with a smile, "I'm afraid not personally. But the cardiology department gossip about you quite often so I get the gist."

Olivia raised her eyes and questioned with a crooked smile with her arms folded, "Oh really? What topic does the gossip revolve around?"

Dr. Liu answered with an emotionless visage, "Like how you're the only married doctor in this hospital. And the fact that you are a cougar."

Okay, that's a little offensive and a little extreme. Well, but he ain't entirely wrong. Samar is actually two years younger to Olivia. Long story short is that they were pushed in the same grade as Samar had a vigorous curriculum in his country, so through a lot of hard work, he managed to catch up to her. Ah, well, what's the point? She still managed to get ahead of him. That's how life is supposed to be. But he just cannot accept that...

Mr. Breier immediately burst into laughter at the comment. He high-fived Dr. Liu while Olivia just gaped at them with her mouth open. They shared a laugh and then stopped after a few minutes. Mr. Breier said while wiping his tears off, "Oh! Now that joke is gonna be stuck in my head all day! But Olivia, seriously; hats off to your husband who doesn't mind you working here every single day and night! And I can't believe that he's even letting you go to Ho Chi Minh for three months! Dr. Madhavan Anand; NEVER LET HIM GO!"

Olivia nodded and greeted them goodbye to head for her shift. She walked away with all sorts of thoughts wandering in her mind. They were definitely about how angry Samar actually was when he found out about the conference. There were other things in her mind too. I just do not know what they were. She never shared them with anyone. Not even me.