

Who doesn't desire to be a King or Queen? Well in the modern vampire world no one. Zara Lee is offered to rule the vampires. But she was about to decline the offer when she is forced to accept it because of the sudden decision of marriage by her fiancé. Will she become the queen? But things don't go easy when she finds out who was behind all this and especially when her fiancé is determined to ruin her image. The worst is yet to come as the throne is full of secrets yet to be revealed.

Thunder_Gurl_2 · ファンタジー
15 Chs

9. The person upstairs

Ava was buying something for herself at a cosmetics shop. A man wearing a black leather outfit, riding on his bike stopped by the shop. He handed a pendrive to Ava, "Here, this will help you take revenge on Zara", he said and went away.

Ava looked at the pendrive doubtfully and mumbled, "What could be there?".

Jane walked out of her house and saw a flower in the open area beside her house she went near it and bends down to take a look. "It's so pretty", she thought as a smile formed on her face. Suddenly she got pushed, but she managed to land on her hands. She turned around to see three kids giggling and laughing. They were probably around the age of eight or ten.

"Are you okay?", a concerned voice approached her, it was Zara. She helped Jane to stand up. "Is it fun?", she asked coldly to the kid who pushed her earlier. Zara stared at him as she walked towards him. When she stepped on his foot he started backing away and soon fell on his buttocks. He started crying and other kids looked at him amused. Zara kneeled down on one knee, "Is it still fun?", and turned her head towards the girl holding a bag of candies. Zara stood up and snatched the bag from the girl's hand, the amusement on the other kid's face disappeared.

"It's fun to trouble people isn't it?", Zara takes out a handful of candies then stuffed them in her pocket. She hands the bag left with two or three candies back to her, "Here, that's what you deserve", she said and dropped Jane home.

Leo stared at Zara from afar in his car, his phone buzzed and he recieves the call. "If you told Zara about anything.....your brother is lying unconscious on the floor in front of me. Nothing can stop me as I get one call from the person who has been following you", the man on call told him. Leo's expressions changed, a hint of fear reflected on his face. He looked around, the phone got disconnected, he tried to call but it was switched off.

Leo gazed at Zara for a moment then drives away.

Zara saw Leo, "What is he doing here?", she thought.

In the recess Ava sat on a bench in college and played the video on her laptop. "Zara Lee murdered her classmate in high school", she read the first line in the video. Her eyes widened and she slammed the laptop shut. She clapped a hand over her mouth surprised. "Oh my god", she murmered.

Ava took the pendrive and cautiously puts it in her bag. Even though she wanted to spread the newfound information, it was best to be patient for a few hours more.

Ava found Zara with Pearl in the empty hallway, "Did you really murder that girl Sofia?", Ava gave a sly grin. Zara froze in her place, instead of feeling shocked she was pissed. "Where did you here that nonsense from?", Pearl hissed. "I have my ways.....ah what should I do with this information?", Ava teased.

"I will also tell everyone here", she said as she didn't get any reactions.

"Also? Is there someone else as well?", Zara asked in a coldly. Ava cursed herself for being foolish. "Who else will I tell? hah", she said nervously and rushed to the classroom. Zara and Pearl exchanged confused looks.

Leo went home and clumsily unlocked the door, "Robin!", he called out his brother's name as he searched every corner of the spacious house. He sat down on the couch, the large window with beautiful view of the city didn't help the uneasiness and worry in his mind.

But he suddenly stood up and left his house.

In the afternoon Mr. W asked Zara to meet her at his house. He puts a silver mask on the coffee table, "Wear this tomorrow, for the king or queen's face shall not be revealed. After you win a different mask will be assigned".

"Sign this agreement for participation", he handed her a document and pen. There wasn't much to read except for a few lines that said:

Zara Lee

Do you agree to participate in the selection of next King/Queen ? If yes, sign this document.



Zara signed the document and leans back on the beige sofa. "I heard you were getting married tomorrow though", Mr. W said but it only made Zara engrossed in her thoughts. "I guess you'll get married in the afternoon and then go to the palace in the evening?", Mr. W asked casually.

"No, the timing kind of clashes", Zara said in a dry tone.

"Being part of a patriarchal family is hard isn't it? Looks like your family is only concerned about your wedding. They should've considered your choice for once. You can stay here for some time, just in case. Anyways this house is way too big for one person to live alone", Mr. W suggested with a genial smile.

Just then a series of dull thumps were heard from above. The carpet in the room made the sound dull, it appeared the sound was only in one area instead of being scattered. Zara and Mr. W looked up immediately.

"Ah it must be the housekeeper arranging some furniture. I'll be back", Mr. W gave a fake laugh and went upstairs.

The room only had floor covered with a blue carpet and white curtains on all the windows. Mr. W went inside the room and sat near a person with duct tape around his mouth along with hands and legs tied with chains. "Don't get over excited it isn't your brother", Mr. W said in a mocking voice. He had kidnapped Leo's brother Robin in order to stop Leo.

Zara saw a car pulling over in front of the mansion.