

Who doesn't desire to be a King or Queen? Well in the modern vampire world no one. Zara Lee is offered to rule the vampires. But she was about to decline the offer when she is forced to accept it because of the sudden decision of marriage by her fiancé. Will she become the queen? But things don't go easy when she finds out who was behind all this and especially when her fiancé is determined to ruin her image. The worst is yet to come as the throne is full of secrets yet to be revealed.

Thunder_Gurl_2 · ファンタジー
15 Chs

3. Invitation

"Zara will get married to the guy she is destined to be with and about us....we don't need to give explainations to everyone. Let's go", Mr. W takes Zara to the college terrace.

Ava darted a glance Zara and then back at Mr. W. Pearl came back to her senses, she was confused to see the sudden crowding. One of Ava's friend appproaches her, "You must know about the guy with your friend from earlier".

"Must be her fiancé", she replied. "No it was a different guy", Ava said in a rather neutral tone.

"You must have seen him afterall he was inside the washroom too", Ava said briskly and Pearl shrugged.

The terrace was hardly visited by anyone probably the reason it was immaculate.

"Now that you know you're a vampire, here", Mr. W hands a letter to Zara, it was sealed with a wax seal stamped with a beautiful design.

"Should I open it now?", Zara asked and Mr. W nods. Zara carefully opens the envelope and inside was an invitation. The vellum paper bordered with gold, Zara begins to read.

"The day is today, 7:30pm, A day for all vampires to unite? What is this?", she looks at him. "A party where all vampires get to meet each other. Also, the current king will be present there", he whispered.

"Current king? Is he not permanent?", Zara asked in a doubtful tone. "Yeah, every five years there is a new king or queen", he said with visible hesistance.

Zara wonders why Mr. W was nervous without a reason. "So will you go or not?", he asked directly since Zara didn't seem to give a clear answer.

"I will. I want to", she said in a neutral tone, Mr. W was satisfied with her answer.

He left after he told Zara to dress up like any other party she would go to and Mr. W will pick her up.

"Pearl", Zara quickly went downstairs to look for her friend who was sitting on a bench. Zara darted towards her, "Was there a guy in the washroom as well? How do you know him?", Pearl asked casually.

"Just someone I got to know recently, when you were inside he was hiding somewhere", Zara sits beside her.

"Is he your boyfriend?", Pearl teased. "No way", thought flashed through her mind how he held her wrist and Zara shuddered.

In the evening Zara decides to wear a soft net wine colour dress with defined waistline and glitter platforms of the same colour. She told her parents that she is attending the birthday party of a friend.

Jane sneaked out of her house, she had an unfamiliar deadpan look on her face. A black four seater car screeched to a halt as soon as the driver saw Jane on the road.

Zara witnessed everything and took a sigh of relief. Jane's gaze went towards Zara's house and she covers her ears and drops to the ground ceaselessly screaming.

Before Zara could reach her the person who was driving approaches Jane and streches out his hand for her to grab on to which she doesn't.

By that time Zara was near her, "Are you okay? Get up", she said supporting her by wrapping one hand around Jane's shoulder and helping her get up.

Both eyed the guy who wore a golden suit and a mask which unexpectedly perked up his overall outfit.

The mask covered his mouth with upper part of face visible, but Zara's whole attention was on the thick bandage on left side of his neck.

She recalled the guy who bumped into her had the same bandage that day on his neck. Her gaze shifted to his wrist so she could identify him with his dagger bracelet but the sleeves of his suit covered his wrists.

"You shouldn't be driving at this speed in this area", Zara said bluntly. "I apologize I was in a hurry", the guy said calmly gazing at Jane.

"Do you live here?", Zara questioned. "Yeah two houses away from yours", he glanced at Zara and then eyed Jane up and down.

"Sorry Ms. Jane", he bows and left. While driving he glimpsed at the rear mirror and smirked.

Immediately after the guy left Jane flicks Zara's hand off her shoulder and went inside the house. Zara was a kind of taken aback by her action.

A white sports car pulls over, Mr. W lowers the window and told Zara to get inside.

Mr. W was wearing a beige designer suit, he could easily be the most popular guy in college just for his looks.

"Why did you tell me I was a vampire?", Zara wanted to ask this question for long. "I want you to become the queen, the present king's term is about to end in a few days", Mr. W looked straight into her eyes.

"Yeah now you have to decide whether you want to do this or not. I'll give you 3 days", he said looking straight ahead.

"I'm pretty sure there are some qualifications though", Zara questioned. "You will be chosen randomly and I will make sure it will be you. Now don't ask me how because I have my ways", he said in an optimistic tone.

"But why me?", she asked and Mr. W went silent for a few seconds then responds, "Should I say it like this? This is what I do, many people like me search for a person suitable for this position. It's similar to casting an actor for role", he explained.

"And after that?", she had questions like anyone else. "I'll explain you that later", he replied and soon they arrive at the place.

It wasn't a clandestine gathering one could think of, the venue was in the city at a mansion. Soon they entered through the gates then their car pulled into the circular driveway with a fountain.

The marble staircase led into the off white mansion that was well lit with contemporary lighting giving a calm and elegant vibe.

As they enter through the large doors the two guards bowed. "The guards didn't bow to the guests earlier", she whispered.

"That's because I own this house", he said smiling.