
Untold Myth

This is the Prologue of the most epic ballads ever told. A tale of Titans and gods, a tale of gods and men. When time was young and the energy of the cosmos flowed freely over the land. This... is the age of magic.

Mickzy · ファンタジー
24 Chs


|•Chapter 23:- war•|

Vidarr was fascinated by what he was hearing, what was actually going on in Midgard? "You don't say." His copy which was behind Bell asked. "Where is your teacher?" Bell knew he had to be very cautious either Darius or this godly beings might kill him. "Why do I find myself in such situations?" He said to himself. "What do you plan on doing if I tell you?" He asked courageously.

Vidarr spoke with an emotionless face. "I never particularly liked the Dark elves. We shall execute your teacher. Get in the way, and we shall execute you too." Vidarr was being plain but his comrade Orion didn't agree with him. "Vidarr, this isn't what the All Father sent us to do."

"Relax, it'll only take a minute." Vidarr smirked. His clone spoke once again"Now...where is your teacher?" Bell steps back with a million thoughts running through his mind. If he was going to run how will he do it without getting killed, if he lies he would die, if he betrays Darius there's no assurance he would live to see the next day. After so much consideration, he came to a decision.

" fine I'll show you where he is" Bell said with a straight face.

Vidarr clone disappeared as he spoke calmly this time "We are going nowhere. Tell your master to come out."

Bell immediately hurried to his teacher. On arrival he looked at Darius with a pale look in his eyes. "You got trouble" he blurted.

Darius was sitting in some sort of dark chair inside the cave, drinking strawberry wine. " What is it?"

"Some weird poeple want to kill you" Bell said, and an expression was visible on Darius face it dissappeared immediately it came. It was a little sign of fear, could the energy his sensing be really what they are? He let's out a giggle rising from his chair, as he followed Bell to the unknown folks who are looking for him. It wasn't long, they arrived at the location of the two individuals.

"You better be worth my time." Darius spoke, this time he wasn't with his two acolytes they had taken Lorcán out since he said he wanted to train his physical strength. Which Darius agreed, it would be really troublesome without them.

From where Vidarr stood, he could feel the nasty dark elven magic. "We have come for your head, Dark elf."

Orion sighed looking at Vidarr "I wont be a part of this". Bell used the opportunity to escape due to the chaos he had planned it out all along. It was finally his golden moment.

Darius let's out an annoying laugh "You and what army? You underestimate me."

"Hmmm" Vidarr smirks "funny you should ask that, I happen to be something of a one man army myself." Another clone of himself appears right in front of Darius and attempts to stick his long sword in his neck. As earlier stated, his ability is to melt through the fabric of space and time, making him as fast as an instant. Darius had mastered all his elements which made him scary, as the clone was standing before him, he saw the attack moving towards him in slow motion. When the blade touched his skin, it turned into stone breaking in that moment, as the clone was still holding it his aura went through the blade into the clone turning it into stone. Darius then pointed his index finger towards Vidarr, with a snap of his fingers a small dark ball appeared infront of him. This what was known as a dark hole attempting to pull Vidarr in.

Immediately the hole is formed, this Æsir Vidarr need not fret, as he instantly disappears and emerges 5m aback Darius.

Orion smiled "Hurry it up. I smell battle in the air."

Not far from where they were Lorcán has killed Adonis and Hector. During the training he managed to isolate them and killed Hector without magic only his gun which released him from the restraint of hector spell and he went ahead to kill Adonis. He had sustained a considerable amount of injury. But, that wasn't the only battle ongoing Oton had been moving plans forward and the outcome was the cry of war.

With a smile, Vidarr melts into space, not remerging, becoming completely untraceable by whatever means, becoming literally non-existent. In his camouflaged state, he plans to appear just behind Darius and sticks his sword in his back. Oh but nothing would happen, not until he materializes again, with the blade already deep in the dark Elf's body. He made sure he would target the heart so as to prevent regeneration.

A bank of clouds scudded across the sun and the late afternoon breeze blew with a chill bite. Vidarr being absent from the battlefield, was strange to Darius. From his experience in battles, he knew this was trouble. Darius also seemed to have dissappeared seeing Vidarr dissappear. The clouds colour turned grey, with three seconds already passed Vidarr reappeared as the dark elf seemed to have dissappeared. Darius came down from the heavens, couldn't be seen by the naked eye but for those who could see him saw him him holding a blade made out of pure lightning attempting to slice through Vidarr. In his lightning speed.

Vidarr own movements could not be seen but tracing the dark elf was not a chore. One moment, his hand was down, the next, it had clamped down on Darius' offending wrist, holding it like an adamantine vice. "You cannot win. That was predetermined by your genes, you are of an inferior race. And I am an Æsir, Odin's personal warrior. " As his speech began and as he held the foe in a way that impedes movement, he also covered his body in a special type of Mana skin. One which prevents non-ether based magic from affecting him. A purple glint is seen in his right eye

"Oh fuck. Here we go again." Orion sighed.

The scenery is apparently unchanged but any astute sensory mage would detect a weird flow in the natural energy there. "You are now inside my domain. In this place all the natural energy flows Into my body, I can see how your magic pathways react to the slightest stimulus, I can see your moves before you make them, I can move without even thinking. In this space... "His body flickers, his hand moves forward and almost exceeds the speed of light, ramming into the opponent's chest. Due to this speed, he not only completely vaporizes the elf, after contact is made, his arm is also completely destroyed and at seemed as though it was never there. The Dark elf was killed

"Now let's find the Titans" Vidarr turned to Orion who was just smiling.

Cold war began, different countries started having dispute with each other. Either because of a glitch in their trading partnership or open threat or fear of one overtaking or attacking one. What ever has caused this big chaos was nothing but ordinary.

Kanras was a village in the southern region controlled by the southern emperor they were the second biggest region in this realm and then we have the northern region which is far more developed than any other region out there. They aren't that big but there technologies makes up for it. The western known for their varieties of food and Eastern was the largest. Of course, they've been in Harmony in this magical realm, trade has been happening in close doors. Crossing to the other parts involves crossing a large ocean and ships are only available to the nobles so the citizens have no use of traveling that far.

Recently, some of this emperor have tools they shouldn't posses and knowledge not even available to human this has caused man greed and jealousy to sprouts actions are being taken and the war is in motion.

A pawn of Oton, Wang was in the northern region he was there battle strategist and very soon they'll attack the south simultaneously with when the east will attack and also that moment finish the east at that same place before going on to conquer the west.

The east plan is to dispatch two armies one to the west and the other to the south

The west was keen on fighting only in the north and any that interfered would be eliminated along side.

The south rivals the west, and will attack the north also plans on killing any Eastern soldiers that comes their way.

Plans are in motion, spies has been sent and it was only the cry for battle that was left.

kfufufu Oton laughed out loud hearing the reports by one of his searching demon.

A peculiar shift in the sound waves about the vicinity draws this man's attention. "I didn't think anybody would be around these parts today."

Listening in keenly on the movements of the intruder, he notices a clear attempt at hiding one's presence. This person was in stealth mode. "A spy maybe?"

Lorcán had been training but now he decided to do something else. If he was lucky, this was a hostile person and he could test his new tricks. Almost instantaneously fading away and into sight, he appears behind a masked individual with weird clothing.

"Oii." It wasn't long after his battle with the dark elf acolytes he was still in the vicinity training after getting some healing