

Kevin and Joy both experience an unexpected and painful end of their first loves at the tender age of 17 because of the accident that happened. Eight years later, they meet again as adults by playing the game of love hide and seek. Will Kevin lose his first love twice in his life, or does fate have other plans for them? ~*~ This story is a work of fiction. All the places, events, businesses, characters, etc., are the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to the real person, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form, or by any means without the prior permission of the author.

8 Chs



My soul woke up because of the sound coming from my phone. Without opening my eyes, I searched for my phone on my bed but then I realized it was inside my pants pocket.

As soon as I took it from inside my pocket, I place it in front of my ears without looking at the phone screen, being unbothered by whoever is calling me.

"Hmm?" I hum with a sleepy voice.

"What the? Are you still sleeping!? Anyway, can you go to my place? I left my flash drive there above my drawer. Gosh! I badly need it right now! I have a presentation in a few minutes!" It was Nathalia's voice on the other line.

"Huh? Can't you go back there? I'm still sleepy."

"Are you kidding me? It's already 2 PM, and my presentation will start in a few minutes! Please, Hiro!"

My sleepy eyes suddenly opened widely at what she said and I immediately turned my gaze to the wall clock.

Seriously? It's already afternoon? Did I really slept that long? Damn!

"Come on! Get your ass up, and get my flash drive to my place and deliver it here. Hurry! Thank you, Hiro!!!"

"Wait..." however before I could react, she immediately hangs up the call. "Hiro again. I'm Kevin." Murmuring, I got up from my bed and went straight to the shower room.

My phone beeps while I am dressing up. Looking at the phone screen, I saw Nathalia's name together with her message.

/Hey, could you please double time? I really need to start my meeting./

Tss. Shaking my head, "you shouldn't forget the thing that's important to you," I murmured.

After getting dressed I went out of my room and I went straight downstairs. Good thing I woke up at this time so I couldn't see that woman's face.

"Good morning, sir." One of our maids greeted me as soon as I could go down the stairs.

"Good morning," I greeted her back with a smile.

"Your food is ready, Sir. Madame Fontevilla said you must eat before you leave the house."

But yeah, I don't eat food here at home.

"No, thanks, Aling Tessa. I will just eat outside. Thank you. And please just call me, Kevin. I'm going." I said, walked over to the main door, and left the house.

I'm really hungry but even if I lose consciousness from hunger or even if I die from that, I won't eat food here in her house. That way, my indebtedness to her will not increase. Tss.

When I came out of the gate I immediately took a taxi and went to Nathalia's place. I am supposed to ride my bicycle but I have to hurry. Tss.

She's so careless. How can she forget the thing that's important to her?

On my way to her condo, I received another text from her. Yeah, she wants me to hurry. This girl! Does she know that my house is far from her residence? Fortunately, no traffic today.

/I'm on my way to get it. Just wait./ I replied and put my phone in my pants pocket.


When I arrived at her company building, I immediately walked inside. Since she doesn't have time to go out, I will deliver her flash drive to her office. The guard greeted me as soon as I entered the building and most of the employees here on the ground floor were looking at me, they are even smiling at me as if they are showing some respect. It's obvious that they know me, but that's only because of the woman who adopted me. I am actually a nobody.

Walking over to the lift, I click the open button and as soon as the door opens, I get inside. I was about to click the 15th-floor button when someone stops the door from closing. Lifting my head, my eyes widened a little bit to see that person. I also saw a bit of shock on her face when she saw me but it also changed immediately.

'Joy...' I only whispered in my mind.


"Yes, I am on my way." I am talking with Pierre on the other line. He is currently in Japan today for a business meeting, and I'm on my way to the Monica JL Company, to attend a presentation on his behalf. So, I will be meeting the person again that was part of my past. But anyway, the past is past and I am no longer Joy anymore. I am Zaira.

/Okay. Take care and call me when the presentation is done./

"Sure, I will. Wait, when will you go back by the way?"

/Why? Did you miss me already?/ I heard him chuckle on the other line.

Chuckling, "Yes. I miss you already." I firmly said. Well, that's the truth. I missed him already.

/Ah, I feel like I want to come back right away./ His soft laughs dominate my ear. /I miss you too, Zaira./

"Uhm. So come back quickly and let us have a dinner date later,"

/I will. Wait for me./

"Alright. Then, see you later."

/See you. I love you./

The moment he said that my wide smile slowly disappeared. Again, I suddenly felt guilt when I heard that word. This is not the first time that he told me that and this is not the first time either that I felt guilty every time he is telling me that he loves me.

It's not that I don't want him to tell me that, but it's just... I can't say that word back to him.

Pierre is a good man. I owe him a lot, everything. I am so thankful that I have him in my life. And I don't know what I would do when I lose him. But... right now, I'm not ready to love him more than friends.

/My meeting is about to start. I'll call you later./

I go back to my senses when he spoke.

"Okay. Bye. See you. Take care there."

/You too,/

Then, I hang up the call. I let out a breath, still feeling guilty. But anyway, I'll make sure I make him feel that he's as important to me as I am to him.

After a couple of minutes, I arrived at Monica JL Company. I parked the car in front of the entrance and got out of my car. I walked straight to the entrance and headed for the elevator. I saw that the elevator was about to close so I walk fast and luckily I was able to stop the door from closing.

I smiled from being able to stop the door of the elevator from closing. I'm hurrying.

When the door opened widely, I saw a guy inside and as I lifted my head, I was surprised to see who this person is.

It was Kevin.

For some unknown reasons, my heart suddenly skip a beat.

He is also looking at me and like me, there is also a trace of shock on his face. I quickly changed the expression on my face. I shouldn't make it obvious. But I felt a little tremor in my body and trembling in my chest.

But wait!

Why is he here? What is he doing here? Why do we need to meet again?

So what? I don't have to care. I should have had no reaction. I should not be affected.

That's right, Zaira. Act like a stranger, like you never knew him.

That's right. That's what you should do after all.

I walked inside the elevator and pressed the button up to the 15th floor. Silence enveloped the interior of the elevator and I am wrapped with awkwardness. I shouldn't have rushed to take the elevator. I would never have seen him again. But anyway, I don't have to care if we ever meet. Again, I was no longer the Joy he knew.

The elevator stopped on the sixth floor and the door opened. I thought he would come out on this floor but there were people coming in and they are a lot. When they entered the elevator, I was pushed backward causing me to clung to Kevin.

Seriously? Does it really have to happen? Urgh! This is annoying!

Kevin is laying his back on the elevator wall and I am in front of him. I tried to step back, to keep my distance from him but as the door closes, I was pushed again by a woman behind me causing me to cling to Kevin again, and my two hands came to rest on his chest.

Goodness! Did I just touch his chest!?