

Kevin and Joy both experience an unexpected and painful end of their first loves at the tender age of 17 because of the accident that happened. Eight years later, they meet again as adults by playing the game of love hide and seek. Will Kevin lose his first love twice in his life, or does fate have other plans for them? ~*~ This story is a work of fiction. All the places, events, businesses, characters, etc., are the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to the real person, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form, or by any means without the prior permission of the author.

8 Chs



A random number of investors greeted us as we entered the venue. While Pierre is having a conversation with other businessmen, I excuse myself first to go to the washroom. The event hasn't started yet.

When I got to the washroom, I turned on the faucet and washed my hands. After a while, the door had sprung open. I looked at the woman who entered and I was a little surprised when I saw Nathalia. But I immediately changed the expression on my face when she smiled at me.

"Oh, you are Zaira Lou, right?" She asked in enthusiasm as she walked towards me.

"Hi. Yes. I am." I tried not to stutter. Turning off the faucet, I took a tissue to wipe my hands.

"I knew it. I always see your name on SNS. You are so famous. By the way, I'm Nathalia. Nice meeting you in person." She offered her left hand to me, asking for a shake of hands.

I looked at her hand. I don't know if I will accept it or not. It's not that I don't want it, it's just I am not comfortable. I promise to distance myself from the people that are part of my past life.

"Oh, sorry. Am I too straightforward?" She took back her hand. "Anyway, nice meeting you Ms. Lou." She smiled and walked past me.

Am I being too harsh?

Ah, never mind. I need to go back to Pierre. I walked over to the door, but before I could hold the doorknob, I heard a name that made me stop and made my heart beat a little bit fast.

"Oh, Kevin?"


Is she talking about the Kevin I know?

"What's up? Huh? My condo's passcode? Hey, are you going to my place again?"

Are they close? How? And why is Kevin going to her place? Do they see each other often?

"Okay, okay, fine. I'll text you. Alright. Ah, by the way, don't be late later. You should be here before the event is over. Okay."

What? Is Kevin even fetching her? What exactly is their relationship with each other?

How did they become so close?

Or perhaps... there is an intermediary between the two of them?


Huh! Why am I asking about them anyway? I shouldn't care.

I took a deep breath. Right, I shouldn't care.

Shaking my head, I opened the door and exited the comfort room.


What was that? Was she eavesdropping?

Or maybe not?

Never mind.

After I texted Kevin the passcode of my condo, I left the comfort room and returned to the venue.

Many investors came and the event started shortly after. The jewelry exhibit is now open, so I immediately went to the Laurent Jewelry area. I need to see what their new jewelry is.

Laurent is very famous, so many business owners want to partner with them and many investors want to invest in their company and customers to buy their jewelry. But, our company is also famous. We produce very high-quality and unique jewelry. And I'll make sure we get a lot of customers tonight.

As I was close to their area, there were many investors surrounding their stall.

Seriously. Why don't they try to look at ours? Jeez.

But anyway, I'm interested in seeing the new release of their jewelry design.

I waited for the investors and other business owners to leave Laurent's stall before I approached. And I was amazed when I saw their newly released jewels.

Why is all the jewelry they design always unique? Especially the bracelet. It's so very beautiful. How can they come up with these unique designs? Ah, right! Zaira is their famous designer.

She's amazing. I envy her.

But maybe we could create much better than them.

Hmm. I need to do something.


"Your designs are so amazing! You really never fail to amaze me." Lorina, one of the buyers said to me.

"Thank you so much, Lorina. I'm glad and you like them."

"Yes. My friends also really like your designs. In fact, they had purchased a lot of jewelry from Laurent. And we badly want to purchase the bracelet right now. You know, we are so very happy that you decided to sell it. We've been waiting for it for so long."

Wait, what did she just say?


I didn't decide to sell that.

No way? Did Pierre release it?

"Really? I'm so happy to hear that. I hope you and your friends will continue to like our jewelry." I smiled, awkwardly, but I didn't make it obvious.

Ah, why Pierre? Why did you release it?

"Yes, of course, they will. We will. I'm excited about purchasing the bracelet."

"Thank you," I smiled. Then, I excused myself from her. I roamed around, searching for Pierre.

While I was searching for Pierre, I caught Nathalia standing in our stall, taking a photo of our jewels.

What does she think she is doing? Doesn't she know that what she is doing is forbidden?

Ah! This woman.

I walked in her direction. "Excuse me?" I called, interrupting her to take a photo of our jewelry.

She was surprised to see me.

"Miss Nathalia, right?"

"Oh, hi! Yes, yes. It's me, Nathalia." She said, smiling awkwardly as she secretly put her phone in her wallet. "Oh, we met again," she laughed awkwardly.

But does she think I didn't catch her?

I smiled sarcastically. "I'm pretty sure you're aware that it's forbidden to take pictures of jewelry here. So, I'm asking you nicely to delete those photos you've taken." I politely said.

"Ah... Well, I am not..." She paused and smiled awkwardly at me again. I guess she realized that lying wouldn't work for me.

"Apologies for my reckless action. I was just really amazed by your jewels. They all look so amazing..."

"Thank you and you liked it. Please kindly delete the photos." I strictly said but politely.

"Oh, right. Sure. I will delete them right now." She said, checking her phone and deleting the photos of our jewelry. "I have already deleted them. Apologies again." She showed me the gallery of her phone and I could not find any pictures of our jewelry.

Looking back at her, "thank you, Miss Nathalia. Thank you for your understanding." I smiled. "Excuse me." I was about to walk away when she spoke.

"Ah, wait. Can I ask you something?"

Huh? What will she ask me? Why do I suddenly feel nervous?

"Okay, sure. Just no personal question."

"Don't worry. It's not personal. Well, I just wanted to know if..." she looked at our jewelry again. "How much is the bracelet?" She asked as she looked at me again. "If I'm not mistaken, that was the first jewel you made, wasn't it? It's more beautiful than I thought. I really like the design. I would like to make a purchase."

I looked at the bracelet for a moment before looking at him again. "I'm glad and you liked it, but I apologize. We don't sell that one."

"Huh? You're still not selling the bracelet? Then, why is it on the exhibit?"

I smiled. "Since I have already answered your question, may I excuse myself now?"

"Ah, yeah. Yes, sure."

"Thank you. Then, excuse me." I excused myself and found Pierre. To be honest, I didn't know that the bracelet was on display because I never even wanted to sell it.