

Kevin and Joy both experience an unexpected and painful end of their first loves at the tender age of 17 because of the accident that happened. Eight years later, they meet again as adults by playing the game of love hide and seek. Will Kevin lose his first love twice in his life, or does fate have other plans for them? ~*~ This story is a work of fiction. All the places, events, businesses, characters, etc., are the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to the real person, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form, or by any means without the prior permission of the author.

8 Chs


I parked my bicycle outside of the coffee shop and entered inside. I immediately saw Nathalia. Immediately, I walked in her direction.

"Hey," I called her as I sat down on the chair across from her.

Remember, Nathalia? She used to be the person I hated before when we were young, but everything has changed. She has finally realized that I will never see her as a woman, but only a friend. So we are friends now. She is also helping me to search for Joy.

"I have found something." She said after sipping a coffee.

"What is it?" I asked and she took something inside her bag. It was a photo. She handed them to me.

I looked at the photos he handed me and I was surprised to see the photos. It's a photo of Joy's parents' grave.

Wait, what is... I looked at Nathalia.

"What is the meaning of this?" I asked, furrowing my forehead.

"What do you think that means? Joy's parents are dead. If you can see the day they died, it was also the day you and Joy had an accident."

I looked at the photos again. "This is impossible," I said in whispering.

"It's hard to believe, but that's true. We can also go to his parents' grave. I know the address of the cemetery."

No, this is impossible. How did his parents die the day we both had an accident? This can't be.

"Hey, Kev? Do you want us to go to their grave?" Nath asked. "Maybe Joy is..."

"She's not dead, I told you," I said as I looked at her again, cutting her sentence.

"Okay, fine. Whatever. So, shall we go to the cemetery?"

"I want to go alone. Tell me the address."

"What? Take me with you. I want to see her parent's grave too!"

"I know, but let me go alone right now. So, tell me the address."

She scoffed. "Gosh, you're unbelievable. Fine. Manila North Cemetery."

"Thanks. I'm going." I stood up in my seat.

"Okay. Take care. Uh, don't forget to give me some information. Okay?"

"Okay." After I said that, I was about to walk away when I realized... I don't have a car. It would be a hassle for me to take a taxi.

"Can I borrow your car?"


"Can I borrow your car?" Kevin asked me, which made me raise my eyebrows at him.

"I'm sorry?"

"Can I borrow your car?" He repeated.

Oh, geez. Here he goes again. He uses his bicycle again and now he wants to borrow my car. Again. Jeez.

"Seriously? Do you want me to take a taxi back to work again?"

Sometimes I really regret that we became friends because I was always the one who sacrificed for him. Jeez.

"Uhm, maybe? You can call one of your guards to pick you up, right? Come on. Let me borrow it for today. Give me the key."

"Today? You can borrow my car many times. Besides, my guards are busy right now. They can't pick me up."

"Then, take a taxi."

"No. I won't take a taxi. Just take me with you."

"I already told you I wanted to go there alone. So, are you going to let me borrow your car or not?"

Oh, geez. He is giving me no choice again.

"Fine. Here." I handed him my key and a broad smile slipped out on his lips.

"You're the best, Nath. Thanks! Bye! Ah, wait, take my bicycle with you. I'll fetch it later." After he said that, he walked away before I could react.

Seriously? What am I supposed to do with his bicycle? Goodness!

Well, I have no choice now but to call one of my guards to pick me up.



After one hour and a couple of minutes, I arrived at Manila North Cemetery. I got out of the car and I walked into the cemetery. Good thing there aren't many people here right now.

I searched for the grave of Joy's parents, and I found it.

So, it's true. Her parents are dead.

How is this possible? How did this happen? Why? Why did they die?

I knelt in front of their grave. I looked at their photo and I felt a pain in my heart. I feel guilty, I feel really bad. I feel guilty about why they are here. They shouldn't be here. They can't leave their daughter alone.

They shouldn't be here.

I gasped.

Suddenly, I saw a newly bought bouquet of flowers in front of the grave.

Did someone come here before me?

Just then... I thought of Joy.

"Joy," I uttered, wandering my eyes around because I might see her presence, but no signs of her.

Perhaps she's still outside.

I immediately got up from my seat and ran out of the cemetery, hoping to see Joy's presence, but still, there is no sign of her.

Where are you, Joy?


"Where do you want to eat?" I asked Zaira. We had just left the cemetery. Presently, we are on our way to the restaurant of her choice.

"Hmm. What time is it?" She questioned as she looked at her wristwatch. "It's still early. What time is the event again?" She looked at me.

"7 o'clock. Why?"

"Then, we still have plenty of time. Let's just go home. I will cook for you." She smiled. She is so sweet.

"Are you sure? Are you not tired?"

She immediately shook her head. "Nope. I'm not tired. You miss Filipino foods, right? I will cook them for you." She smiled.

"Okay. Sure." I smiled back at her.

Then, she wrapped her hands around my hand and leaned her head on my shoulder. I kissed her forehead.



I sat down on my swiveling chair when I got back to my office. I just got back from the meeting. It's already 3:45 PM, but why isn't Kevin back yet?

I took my phone to check if there was a text message from him but none.

Where is he now? Why is he not coming back yet? I have plans later so I need my car.

"This guy," murmuring, I dialed his number. His phone rang immediately and he picked it up.

"Thank goodness! Where are you now? When are you planning to come back? I have plans later. I need my..."

"Relax. I'm on my way to your office." He cut my sentence.

"Eh? Really?"


Then, I heard the sound of the lift from the other line.

Oh, he's really on his way here.

He said and hung up the call.

After a few seconds, the door of my office had sprung open. It was him who entered inside. He walked over to the sofa and sat down.

"So, how's it going?" I questioned. I stood up from sitting in my swiveling chair and walked over to the other sofa. I sat down across from him.

"It's true. Her parents are dead." He heaved a sigh and he seemed to look so bothered. "But how did that happen? I mean, why did they die on the exact date that Joy and I had the accident? It's weird. It's really weird."

"I know. So, what are you thinking?"

"Nothing. I'm not sure. But."


He looked at me straight in the eyes.

"I've found something."

"What did you find?"

"I saw a newly bought bouquet of flowers earlier at Joy's parents' grave. I have a strong feeling that before I arrived, Joy visited her parents. It was the wrong timing. I didn't reach her. I should have left early."

"Wait, hold on. So, are you saying that Joy is just around?"

"That's right."

"If so, why didn't she ever think of showing herself to you for eight years?" I asked, and he was silent for a moment.


"If so, why didn't she ever think of showing herself to you for eight years?"

I was silent for a moment at Nath's question.

Right. If Joy was there, why didn't she even show up to me? Why didn't she come to me?


Could it be... Is she mad at me?

But why? I don't understand.

"Anyway, don't mind my question. Or maybe Joy didn't go there. Ah, anyway! Do you have anything to do later? I need you to be my date."

"What?" I furrowed my forehead at her.

"Don't worry, it's not a real date as the two of us will go out, eat and watch a movie like the couples do there. There will be a jewelry exhibit later and I need an escort."

Jewelry exhibit? Ah, that's also what that woman was telling me. I don't want to go there.

"Sorry, it's a no. Just find someone else who can be your escort." I said.

"Hey. I let you borrow my car. Be grateful."

"Still, no. I don't." I refused.


"No. I don't want to. You cant change my mind." I said as I stood up. "I'm going. Bye." I was about to walk when she spoke.

"Then, at least be my driver. Take me there and wait for me until the event is over, then take me back to my house. Don't say no because your mother won't see you. You'll just stay inside my car. "

"Okay, fine. Fine. Stop whining now."

She laughed a little. "Alright. I'll be ready at 6. You should come beforehand."

"Alright. See you later." I said and walked over to the door.

"Wait, where are you heading to?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Hey, you ... Of course, I need to send you your outfit later!"

Smirking, "Just send me the address of the shop. I'll pick it up. See you!"

"Fine! See you! By the way, your bike is in the parking lot."

"Yeah, thanks. I'm heading off." Then I exited her office.


I have done cooking Pierre's favorite Filipino food, which is Chicken Caldereta and I am almost done preparing the dishes on the dining table.

Hmm. Where is he? Why is he not coming down yet? Anyway, I'll call him myself.

After setting up the food on the table, I walk out of the dining area and walk upstairs. I headed straight to Pierre's room.

When I got to the front door of his room, I knocked first before entering.

"Hey. Food is ready." I said while smiling while walking in his direction.

He smiled and closed his laptop, then looked at me. "I was about to go downstairs."

"Too late," chuckling, I offered my right hand to him.

He smiled and took my right hand. Then he stood up. We walked out of his room and headed downstairs.

"Um! It's been a long time since I ate chicken curry. I really missed it!" He commented with a broad smile after he tasted the chicken curry I cooked.

I smiled. "I'm not sure if this is also the flavor you're looking for. I just followed the recipe online."

"Yeah. This is definitely the flavor that I am looking for. It's delicious!"

"Thank you. Actually, I added something so it'll taste delicious."

"Really? What did you add?" He asked in confusion.

"My love," I said with a sweet smile, and he blushed.

"No wonder it tastes so delicious."

"Of course," I giggled.