
Chapter 13

" It's right if we try talk to the community living there first and get their views. If they're receptacle we can go ahead. Meeting dismissed" Ryan had never been in a meeting for long. He loved brief and to the point meetings thus in his company his directors usually discussed through matters before presenting it to him. He believed that this way no time was wasted during meetings he was present. He left the meeting room and went to his office and he never thought he'd see this person again.His ex girlfriend, she was the most annoying human being he'd ever come across and wondered how she managed to get past his guards. Her mere presence caused him headache and RightNow the air in the office was already suffocating with the look of war she had on." I'm sorry sir we tried stopping her..." he raised his hand to the guard indicating he'd handle it. He could only imagine the trouble she had caused to his men. He removed his coat and loosened his tie and unbuttoned the first three buttons of his shirt. he knew it wouldn't go well. " Why did you put restriction on me to access your office!" and there she goes her nonstop rumblings." I thought I told it was over between us" " Which is! I'm here to stay whether you like it or not! You are mine and no one can have you!" He smirked. This is how he'd found himself on the other side of the Great River when he was escaping from her. This woman was no peace. When they were still together he couldn't even interact with other women in peace. He didn't know how she always popped up and known his locations ruining his meetings with female investors and his other female friends. She had even slapped his mother claiming he was cheating on her with his mother. She was ridiculous and he'd had finally called off their relationship after what she did to his mother." You and I can't be and never will we be!" he said calmly but the seriousness in his voice could be heard clearly. He was a calm and peaceful man and he didn't deserve her at all. She laughed maniacally as if he had said something so hilarious and got up from the coach she'd been seating and walked to his chair holding him by his sleeves " Who gave you the right to even think that!" ' Wow!" he couldn't help exclaim in his head. He was now regretting the day he had approached an innocent harmless Tiana. He should have known she was a masked heartless human. He even knew she had multiple relationships with different men when they were still together. He'd loved her and shown his sincerity to her but oops he was just wasting his precious heart and time on an ungrateful woman who didn't care about him but wanted to own him like some property and control him.No no she had played with the wrong man and it was time to put her in her place. First he had blocked her card which he had given to her and he could tell that was among the reasons she was here. She surely would have destructed him one day with how she was spending his money every day. I mean her expenditure was ten times his and he could swear he'd never heard anyone spending that much.Well she had just broken a record. The door to his office was opened and he breathed a sigh of relief seeing his father at least this she devil would leave." This is not finished!" she said in a whisper to him and threat could be heard in her voice. He chuckled since he knew it was just the beginning.She picked her bag and left without even paying some respect to my father's presence. What a woman!