
Unsold Slaves Have Returned As Warriors

Unsold slaves became warriors. Thanks to this, I'm being misunderstood as a legendary teacher. It's nice to be a professor at the best academy on the continent, but What are you guys doing here? N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Chapter 24 - Taking on the Princess, Only With Parental Interview.

Chapter 24 - Taking on the Princess, Only With Parental Interview.

"That is to say, a mongrel."

A woman sitting on a high throne and showing off her overwhelming body. Platinum blonde hair with gorgeous waves was elegantly arranged on the side. The dress that wraps around her whole body is full of royal dignity.

However, the beauty is not to charm men, but to kill them. If she knows her even the slightest bit, she would never think of having an insignificant libido.

"Yo, forgive, forgive!"

Kneeling in front of the woman, the man with his head bowed doesn't even think of meeting her eyes and just prays.

"Fall down."

When the woman lightly flicked her index finger, deep blue mana rose and the man's neck fell with life. However, her dirty blood does not well up.

It is because the scene where the flowers fall is beautiful, but the bloom is dirty. If you ask why, it's because that's her aesthetic values. That is the truth and the truth.

Only those that 〈 Emperor Sandra von Condenburg 〉 gave value can exist in the world, and all other humans are hybrids.

That was her natural common sense that continued after she took office as the 7th emperor of the Denglywood Empire.

The bodyguard drags the man's body away. If he did anything to deserve death, he didn't. If he did wrong he did. As an envoy sent to the court, he was unable to come with the answer the emperor wanted.

"Your Majesty, I beseech you."

The palace steward reported to the emperor. The emperor snapped his finger.

"This is the news that the expedition has just returned."

"Ah, the expedition!"

The emperor, who had looked down on the human race itself with contempt until just now, stood up from his seat, drawing the corners of his eyes into the crescent moon as if he had never done that.

"How long have I been waiting for this time? Are you ready for the banquet?"

"I am fully prepared. I am confident that you will like it more than anything else."

"Okay, that's good. It is the moment of reunion after 13 years. In the history of the empire, do a show that is second to none."

The emperor took a thrilling step. He didn't have the nerve to maintain his dignity as usual.

"Hero Lucas!"

Her heart skipped a beat at the thought of reuniting with him.

He remembers the golden eyes of the little slave boy who stood in front of him 13 years ago.

At that moment, the emperor became a woman for the first time in his life.

She lived her whole life as a weapon of the political world, not a human being. She lived in the realm of heroes, not criminals. She lived as a great wizard, not as an ordinary person.

All of her children are dearly loved, but none of them are related by blood.

For the future of the empire, she gathered the best talented people in each field and gave them the title of crown prince and princess.

It was a natural result. There's no way a man worthy of Emperor Sandra could exist in this world.

To such an emperor, her Hero Lucas was born and was the one who first awakened her love for her.

A lonely face full of heart wounds. It was by no means a mood that could radiate from a boy of his age.

The emperor saw the ultimate beauty in him.

Why is he wearing a slave on his name tag, what is his name, what is the story behind the sword he is holding. The emperor didn't ask such a low-class question, and conveyed it to him.

―Hero, overcome your wounds.Grow up If you come after defeating the demon king, I will give you all of the world.

The blond boy must remember that proposal to this day.

I'm sure you'll be moved if you know that it's the emperor who has taken care of him all this time.

For his sword, sword saint Aisha is attached to his family, and he often sends the best snacks in the world with care. It made him isolated but dependent on the enigmatic Old Man Legs.

'Ah, how wonderfully he must have grown up.'

13 years, a reunion after 13 years.

The emperor was convinced in his heart. If it were that child, he would surely become a handsome man, as if drawn in a painting.

According to Aisha's report, his hair color seems to have changed due to the opened aura, but he has grown up healthy and splendid.


The emperor went beyond the banquet hall and out of the palace gate to meet Lucas. And there.

"... Something?"

There was only a knight preparing a report with his head down.

There was an error in delivery. The return of the expedition was still far away. Only the swift messenger had arrived.

After the cold permission of the emperor was given, the knight began to report.

"... As His Majesty commanded, I watched the hero, but he said he would not return to the Empire..."

As the report continued, the blood from the emperor's face disappeared.

"... The general said he was under escort and could not tell us the destination, but as a result of tracking it, it is estimated to be Caisus Academy."

The emperor is silent

"Your majesty?"

The palace butler intuitively sensed the unusual atmosphere, but it was too late.


The emperor's mana erupted randomly, blowing everything around in an instant. The fancy banquet hall quickly turned into a garbage dump.

"Let's go to the academy. I wonder if my sweet second daughter, Astley, is well. As her parents, shouldn't we check to see what great people are teaching her daughter?"

The butler of the royal palace, who barely managed to use his defensive magic and survived, put on his half-glasses and immediately bowed to his knees.

"I will prepare."

"It is transfer magic. Give me a day."

"... Lord, I will prepare."

When an emperor goes, at least a few hundred people, from vassals to direct escorts and courtiers, must move together.

If it was a super-large teleportation magic circle that would move all of them at the same time, it would be okay to spend a year's worth of national budget, starting with recruiting the great mages.

Even given time is only one day.

There was just that much limit left to decide whether the palace butler would be a human or a mongrel.

'This asshole. This time, I'm going to fuck with something.'

The royal palace butler kept swearing inwardly and decided to prepare a will this time.

"I need to relieve my anger."

The guards who received the order immediately escorted the emperor and opened the door to the dungeon.

Although it is a prison, the corridors were neatly maintained in a new style. It was because it was a place the emperor often used whenever he was angry.

The emperor walked down the street familiarly and stood in front of an iron bar. The guards bowed and opened the large barred door.

Inside, there was a being that could not even maintain a human form through countless repetitions of torture and healing.

"Ugh, ugh... !"

Witnessing the emperor, he instinctively sensed that the time of suffering had come again and scratched his vocal chords.

"Long time no seeThat's right, the former knight commander."

The man with the name tag 〈 Slave Hamilton 〉 barely raised his voice to beg.

"Forgive me, please forgive me... !"

The emperor sat down in the prepared bleachers and laughed at the former knight commander who brought the three warriors thirteen years ago.

Already, he was deprived of his job as a knight leader and disappeared, fell into someone's slave, and his family name was also destroyed and his castle disappeared.

"The crime of treating the hero Lucas harshly and hurting him is great. What did you say at first Ah, it must have been 'Because I am a slave, I brought you here.'"

"Ugh, but the dwarf only followed the specified orders... ! Didn't he praise the warrior until he saw it in person... !"

The emperor frowned at the former knight commander's excuse. He was startled and lowered his head.

"Reflection, I am reflecting... !"

"There is only one reason why hybrid subjects are still alive. It is a sin that cannot be repaid even by death. Get started."

At the signal, 〈 Supreme Advisor 〉 and 〈 Holy Knight 〉 stepped forward.

Taking his scream as a snack, the emperor quenched his thirst with wine today.


After the orientation, I took the students to raid the Water Hall dormitory. I moved a little earlier in the evening so that I could preoccupy a seat at the restaurant.

"What are they?"

"What are you doing standing in a line?"

"... ."

"You skipped our dinner! What are you guys!"

"... ."

"What! Where are they from!"

"... ."

When someone saw us and talked to us, we told them not to answer and to pretend they didn't know like automata, and everyone did a great job.

I get more pissed off if there is no original response.

"Meal tickets, please, twenty-two."

"Uh, yeah..."

Seriously, the meals at the Water Coffin Dormitory are amazing. I want to take out the kitchen.

My students seemed to be nervous at first, but everyone liked it when the delicious food was added.

The water coffin students, who had complained about the long queue for meals, seemed to have informed the professor in charge, Pelia, but we had already finished our desserts and left.

I really enjoyed the meal.

"Shim, do you dare to skip our dormitory meal? Are you beggar?"

The next day, when I entered the special exam hall, Pelia glared at me with a fierce face as she licked the pepper powder.

"You paid for the meal properly. There is no provision to be a problem anywhere."

"Oh, write, you crazy bastard."

"Hey, I'm dying of laughter. Did you at least avenge the loss of the students? Be cute."

Professor Mulan, who is in charge of the Wind Hall, smiled with a drunken face today.

What to say I feel like I'd rather buy them food because they took care of those bombs and didn't take my students.

A fast guy could have had an accident in a week.

"Haha. We've already grown closer. I was relieved to have adapted quickly, Professor Pedia."

The president spoke to me with a friendly smile.

"Are you able to live in the dormitory?"

"Facilities are nice, but I don't like the interior. It's just fine. This is a request for exterior renovation work."

"Good. Repair the request Instead, I want you to focus on that for now."

The president nodded his head toward the examination room beyond the magic mirror.

The prospective students were entering one by one. All of them have plenty of escorts and attendants.

Any person who has the power of the commander-in-chief of a country or a person with powerful political power equivalent to thatAdmit.

Today, the dormitory for the recommended students who have been admitted will be decided.

"For recommended students, the goddess directly determines the dormitory. She came in uncontested, so I stand to rule out adhesions."

"For the past five years, no recommendation students have come to the Earth Coffin."

"If you are a member of the royal family, you will have a lot of talent and skills. This is the problem."

She entered her exam room.

〈 Unemployed Astley Condenburg 〉 An old-fashioned girl with a name tag. The appearance that perfectly matches the image of a carved princess is like a doll.

All of the heirs from all over the continent gathered in one place were showing off their strength or building friendships, but the princess was just standing still like an automata without a spring.

A test to see their skills begins, and the recommended students show off their skills. Swords, magic, and healing arts. No one chose a special item.

Finally, it was the princess's turn, but she did nothing. She seemed to protest that there wasn't a single side of herself she wanted to show.

"It's not easy being unemployed at the age of 20."

"I'm sorry! I hope the Goddess will not send you to the coffin of fire!"

The other chair professors were only interested in the students' abilities without considering the political situation at all, probably because they had studied at the academy all their lives.

It's understandable that the president doesn't expect anything.

Candidates who have completed the test place their hands on the crystal ball. When the priest who received the oracle instills divine power, one of the three types of fire, water, and wind comes out from the crystal ball.

Needless to say, for the princess.

"It's dirt."

The principal shook his head and looked back at me.

"I'll leave it to you. Please take good care of me."

"I took it."

It felt like the princess was glaring at me as if she was looking through her magical mirror.