
Unsold Slaves Have Returned As Warriors

Unsold slaves became warriors. Thanks to this, I'm being misunderstood as a legendary teacher. It's nice to be a professor at the best academy on the continent, but What are you guys doing here? N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Chapter 17 - The Battle for Favoritism Is at the Academy

Chapter 17 - The Battle for Favoritism Is at the Academy

"How kind the master is! He's still working on a request to protect the children of the county who have nothing to do with him!"


Yuri's fist created a gust of wind, tearing open space and splitting Tia's fire.

"How do you know that? Did you send a spy to spy on me?!"

"They couldn't enter the mansion. The exclusive driver must have considerable skill."

"Luca too?! Wow, no way. I told you to send me a letter of regards. Do you think I gave you the owner's address to stalk?"

"What's the use of a letter that you can't reply to because of its security or confidentiality and have to write all of it in lies! You should report it yourself!"

"That's right. Yuri, have you seen the master's face?"

"I saw it, I saw it. Because the spy drew it with dye. Even though it was blurry, it was still so cool..."

"The three airs were snapping."

"Look at what they are talking about. Master was originally meant to be such a big prize!"

As Tia swung her staff, her ground cracked and her fire screen rose.

Luka fired his sword and released a blue ice aura that offset his power.

"Hehe, Tia knows too."


"Huh. My spy said there was a familiar familiar around the mansion. I'm glad I'm not a demon."

"Ha, it is the duty of a slave to ensure the safety of his master."

"Then keep watching. I'm not going to leave my master's side from now on."

"Yuri, since when did you not know how to be so shy? And didn't you call the master your brother?"

"That, that's a title that can only be used between me and my master! Why is your memory so good!"

"Hey, look at these magic circles. If you don't have a decent memory, can you draw all of this?"

"That's right."

Luca nodded her head. Behind Tia's back, complex magic circles were continuously drawn.

The higher the hierarchy, the more the main magic circle is needed. Hundreds of complex shapes are more beautiful than any art work and are connected and organically operated.

Formulas are written on the outermost circle, and countless auxiliary magic circles engraved for mana circulation play their roles in the right place as if supporting a heavy furnace.

All elements most efficiently. At the same time, Luca affirmed that the profession of a sage is worthwhile for Tia, who can cast without making a single stroke or mistake.


Rukawa, who offsets Tia's magic with a sword containing an aura, and Yuri, who evaporates with a fist that exudes fighting spirit, also broke through the realm of common sense.

The longer their conversation, the bigger the problem in the land where the battle takes place.

It is truly reminiscent of the end of the world.

If ordinary people were here, they would not have been able to hold out for even 2 seconds and turned to dust.

"Even if it's tough, it's too tough. How long are you guys going to hold out?"

"I mean. I thought Tia would be the first to leave."

"The Fist of Yuri also provides wide-area healing and mana recovery for allies, so it must be that effect."

Luca said calmly. It was only then that Tia and Yuri realized the reason why this fight would not end and opened their mouths.

"Tell me about that!"

"Did you know and continued?"

"I want to win someday. It's guts."

"Before that, Master will grow old first, child."

Tia sighed. Yuri, who had been looking disapprovingly at her own fist, pricked her ear perched above her head.

"Oh, Goddess? Yes yes. I'm listening. Stop destroying continents? Hey, how did we do that..."

Yuri then looked around.

The land the size of a city with a radius of about 10 km from the demon castle was completely ruined to an irreversible level.

"... I did some."

"Ha. Yuri, can you ask the goddess if she has any good ideas?"

Her exhausted Tia asked for it as she removed her magic circle.

"Ah, yes. Hmm... A newspaper?"

Yuri found the tray that Sword Saint Aisha had brought in the morning. She opened the newspaper that was lying with her and read the text.

"The legendary teacher of the warriors... Inaugurated as chair professor at the academy? Luca, Tia, look at this!"

Luka and Tia also pressed their faces to both sides of the glass. The three people's cheeks met and became convex like buns.

"Is Master now a professor?"

"Wow, good... ! If you are a chair professor at that caseus, it's a great position. I'm sure everyone will respect you very much from now on!"

Tia looked at her newspaper and blushed as if it were her own.

"Really? I want to congratulate you! ... Yes? What are you talking about?"


"The goddess said she never appointed her master as chair professor..."

"What? Then master was tricked by the bad guys?! No, the master is smart, so there's no way..."

"You must have an idea."

"Ah, I went to challenge for the chair professor position. You have a plan."

"Challenge? Then, since everything else has to be left up to luck and time, are you planning to pass all the jockeys for this year's 'Opticulum'?"


"Huh. It's the academy's most difficult graduation test."

"Oh wow... Thiung? Tia really knows about the academy."

"She said she wanted to go since she was little."

"Yeah, I really wanted to go. Ah! Then, in addition to helping the master, should I also apply for an instructor position? If you're a former warrior, I'll give you a seat."

"Is that seat mine?"

"It's mine."

The three glared at each other again, dissatisfied. As each of them was about to draw their weapons, Yuri's ears pricked up again.

"Yes? Oh yes Ugh, I see."


"Stop the physical fight."

"Do we fight because we want to fight too?"

"Ah... Heheuk."

Yuri, who was listening to the goddess, suddenly blushed.

"What's the matter?"

"He said, wouldn't it be easier if all three of you got married...? . She said that she did not allow polygamy and polygamy for nothing..."

"Radish... Shi, I hate it! Lucca, Yuri, and the same master... This... ?"


Tia burst into her magic, unable to bear the agony that popped into her head.

"I'm fine."


"However, about a year after I got married first? I want to fully enjoy my newlywed life."

Luca declared calmly. On the other hand, Tia and Yuri felt somehow immoral about sharing Wicker with two other people they considered like sisters.

"Well, if even Luca says that..."

"To the glass? Driving me crazy."

Eventually, seeing Yuri gently lowering her tail, Tia slapped her on the forehead.

"I'm not married right away, but with my master... I mean, I wanted to start dating! Still... It's not that we don't want to be together..."

"Well then. Is it a matter of order?"

"That... Go?"


Before anyone knew it, the three of them potentially agreed to share Wicker, but everyone was so caught up in the mood that they forgot their shame.

"Both Luca and Tia want to be Master's first, right? I feel the same way."

"How do you decide?"

There was silence for a moment.

Tia snapped her fingers along the way.

"Let's win."


"We are also entering the academy as Master's students. Master will need a lot of help to challenge for chair professorship."

"How do I get admission?"

"Wouldn't the goddess recommend it?"

"They tell me not to use it as I please..."

"Anyway, and?"

"I'm sure Master doesn't recognize us, right?"

"Ah, I guess."


Luca and Yuri agreed. The three also recalled memories of not recognizing each other until they read the name tags when they reunited two years ago.

"Master, you don't know our names. Only yellow, black, and white are known."

"The race is the same, but the appearance is completely different."

"All races must be misunderstanding. Originally a wolf beast..."

"Then do you think I'm a man too?"

"With that kind of condition, in a real sense, who will be chosen by the master can decide the outcome? Wouldn't everyone be able to understand if I fell for the master and proudly became the first woman?"


"That makes sense."

The two nodded.

"Or, since the past ties with the master are strong, it can be considered as a victory even if you find out who he is first, right?"

"That's right. If we cover it with our mana, we can also hide the slave link."

"What if neither of them ends?"

"Let's say the person with the best grades in the academy wins. Master is now a professor, so an excellent student is a good fit."

"It makes sense. Instead, don't each of them have their specialties now. They'll all be perfect, so there's no comparison."

All three of them nodded their heads in agreement.

"Ah, what about the name tag? You can't go to the academy with a hero or swordsman."

"Ask the goddess."

"Goddess, is it possible? ... He is angry at me for not using his authority for useless things."

"Then let's keep fighting."

"You said you would! It is accomplished."

Three people face each other in a triangle. Tia, who speaks the most among the three, organized the contents in a clear voice.

"From now on, the three slaves Lucas, Testia, and Yuri will proceed with a game to determine the position of master's wife at Wicker Pedia. The three of them enter the academy and become master's students."

"If you become lovers with the master first, or if the master recognizes your true identity and calls you by your childhood name, you win."

"Of course you can't reveal your identity."

"If there is no match by graduation, the person with the best academy grades wins. However, each of them challenges in a field that is not their own specialty."

"The winner becomes the master's first mistress!"

In her final sentence, Tia blushed in embarrassment.

"We're not lovers, we're a couple."

"A marriage is a marriage... Alright, the mating partner..."

Listening to Luca and Yuri saying a word at a time, Tia shouted as she closed her eyes tightly.

"Anything! She becomes the first woman! More!"

Her remarks last skyA huge pillar of light descended from the sky and surrounded the three of them.

It was the moment when the miracle of the goddess became a reality.



The soldiers who were looking at the ruins of the castle from afar opened their mouths in a daze and were stunned.

One by one, they turn their eyes toward the sky as if possessed. Dark clouds lift from the dark sky and light shines on the ground.

A huge pillar of light in the center.

Feeling the warmth that could be felt from afar, the soldiers knelt down and put on their mitts without realizing it.

"Welcome to the miracle..."

"The day I see the miracle of the goddess with my own eyes..."

Holy aura surrounds all units.

It was the perfect answer.

Until now, it has fought for the lives of countless races living on the continent. Even with death right next to them, they cut down the demons with only the spirit of sacrifice.

The soldiers were proven that their time was not in vain, and they were rewarded, so they felt relieved and shed tears of admiration.

"It's a great flash..."

"Ah, like..."

The soldiers embraced each other and sang songs of praise to the warriors.

Finally, the long war came to an end.

"General. Shall we issue an order to withdraw the entire army?"

The unit commander asked a question to the general, Sword Saint Aisha, who was observing the pillar of light in a dignified position at the forefront.



The unit commander bowed her head to show her respect, then looked at Aisha's profile for a moment.

Even with the title of the three swords of the continent, he is not always proud and always lofty. Even now, even after seeing the miracle of the goddess, she maintains an emotionless expression without showing any signs of surprise. Each strand of her silver hair is as beautiful as a piece of art.

'As expected, it's the spirit of the swordsman. Just looking at them makes me respect them.'

After a short admiration, the unit commander turned around and headed back to his unit.

And Sword Saint Aisha.

'I'm going home now!! Yas!!'

Inwardly, I sang vain delights.