

The perspective of time was halted in ways that only one could see. They're dawdling next to Felix out of range while the third guy in his peripheral behind - holding a blueish knife as the color shifted into the infrared spectrum.

'Everything, I can see 'em.'

As the knife came near his neck, Felix tilted his body slowly maneuvering to reciprocate the force and direction of the edge like one.

While attempting to evade, bending over the left angle, comes after a flying dagger almost touching his eyes but after pinching the ground with the tip of his finger, enough force to move like a sword limbo - dodged it by tilting over backward as the blade whips slightly gaze at the border of his hair across his head.

Tacking his back to continue the flow of gravity, almost as if a perfect backflip, the dagger was stuck on a wall as he then grabbed the geezer's hip at the same time, down to its knees pivoting like a snake taking a prey into a submission. As Felix kneeled, holding onto the person's kneecap, he moved one step forward pushing the rear, abruptly grabbing the wrist and changing the direction of the arm, not leaving a gap in between.

Gave a slight flick on the achilles to lose one's balance, lifting and whirling the body which practically prevented the other two from approaching — an uncounterable ippon-seoi-nage right onto a solid concrete. 



Felix breathed out just as the perception of time reverted back to its form. Although it may seem helpful at times, it takes a toll on his body as the consciousness and his lungs could not follow one another.

The other two were taken aback not adequately to a sound of crooked slam, rather, after witnessing this individual's prominent combat prowess.

The imposing guy keeps his head up and a slight extent to his right shoulder, removes his mask and scarves, which reveals frightening smiles with undeniable blemishes across his looks.

They continue to glance at each other, reading the room. The other one behind was about to rush in but was stopped by the unmasked.

"I'm intrigued."

He was stroking his chin while looking between Felix and his fellow on the ground.

"I'd like to have a chat but I think we've wasted enough."

The unmasked guy turned around but right before leaving, Felix felt a chilling animosity though facing back peeking one-third of his scarred face.. a question but more like a threat.

"Perhaps, are you one of them? I hope not.."


Leaving one guy behind on the floor, they suddenly vanished out of thin air.


That startled him... but became anguish after seeing his splattered macchiato.


Felix was looking to check if anybody's around, thinking if he could still somehow drink the rest inside the La Bibiana cup. But he changed his mind after seeing the old man lying flat on the cold ground in a darker shade of the alleyway. Long forgotten…

"Oh, shit.. sorry."

As he was about to approach him, he felt a sharp, frigid metal point already resting in his shoulder thinking if they went back. But contrary to what his thoughts, another strange-looking person but distinct from the guys he'd fought earlier appears next to the old man. A coat-like trench and this time without a mask. The coat resembles an emblem in its torso - unfamiliar yet could easily be mistaken as a common design.

"Luckily, we're right just in time."

Felix has a mouthful of foggy air, a fight or flight response kicks in but.. He was suddenly looking at the level of the old guy... He collapsed.

A figure of a woman faced Felix downward as she walked next to him. Everything was in blur.

"Cos.." Felix mumbled.

—"He's saying something,"

The guy whispers while they both look at him. Felix was trying to construct a coherent sentence right before losing consciousness.





Felix opened his eyes and was trying to adjust his vision in a very bright contiguous place. Almost as if Dave's office.

"Oh, hello there~ Man, ya' keeled over! Keke"

The guy was sitting backward on a chair with the woman just before he passed out. A chiseled jawline and masculine yet slim appearance. Neatly groomed dark brown hair adds to his overall polished look. He looks European.

"Oh, I didn't do a thing." he was raising both his hands. "And you were about to pass out then what? Fresh off the dome… 'cosplayer!' bwahaha"

He's rudely laughing while looking and pointing at the woman. But it didn't take long until she thwacked his head. Then she looked at me with a mad serious face which Felix couldn't reciprocate because of the outrageous guy that had bitten his tongue.

But now that she's clearly right in front of him, she resembles that of a celestial being, flawlessly proportioned, giving her an ethereal and otherworldly look. Her locks of pitch-purple hair, seem darker than black itself, cascaded down her shoulders adding to her deadly aura.

Felix became serious as his heart skipped…


Not because of her appearance but…

—"Sorry, what are you on about?" Felix pondered.

If her eyes could speak, he would know it's oozing to kill him that instant. A strong masculine sounding voice but suiting that of a feminine side of her figure.

"Don't think that you could fool us. It wouldn't make sense how'd you get inside the rift and somehow manage to defend against the looters. Moreover…"

Felix was thinking she misunderstood the situation. He couldn't figure out what was coming from someone's mouth with a dead-ass straight face, however he noticed that the other guy was pointing his finger right at his arm.

"W-what.. In the fuck.. IS THIS!?"

Felix became a little hysterical upon seeing a clear symbolic cup imprinted on his hand. An intricate outline of a goblet, adorned with patterns, celtic knots, and elements with a fine crosshatch that makes an illusion of colors individually.

The woman thought she was being made fun of and was about to hit him but the old guy intervened with a simple gesture of his hands..

"That's enough." and a voice of conviction.

The woman simply frowned but lowered her head, not in submission but as a sign of respect.

His silver-gray hair, thinning at the crown, is neatly combed back, adding to his dignified appearance. He was looking at Felix from every angle while smudging his grayed mustache and beard disproportionate to his thick sideburn.

"Come with me."



Felix was holding a handkerchief, covering his wrist with permanent markings that mysteriously appeared. 

He has no idea about the sudden turn of events. Now, he's walking beside the old man in a park full of trees with well-gardened grass beneath their feet swishing every step.

"Uhm, I don't know what you guys are talking about but if you'll be asking why, I was just trying to help."

The old man faced Felix counting the wrinkles of his face without a word for 3 seconds.

"Really?" the old man calmly asked.

—"For real!" Felix exclaimed.

"Ha! I don't really mind why. I'm more concerned about the 'what'. What am I gonna do with you?"

he followed, "What's gonna happen next… Despite my age, the future is full of mystery that I have yet to discover in this path."


"We could discuss that later on. But more importantly, despite what you did, instead of praises and commendation, you received criticism and suspicions amongst them. Now, you have all the right to question yourself whether you really did the right thing."

Felix was aware of his intentions to sympathize, but that just makes him a little irritated. He clicked his tongue and retorted.

"Tsk– Unlike any other, there are also people who do things not because they want to, nor do they want to be applauded. But because they can… and nobody else could. Perhaps, they have the right to question my belief?"

The whispering wind blew the peaceful surrounding area hissing the grass like a spring-time in the morning lit of the sun rays filtered by the perforated clouds.

He smiled and waved at the people nitpicking fruits and vegetables, passing on to one another. They were shouting from afar, a simple wave of a greeting.

"Gerard." —"hm?" Questioning a single word…

"Gerard.. Gerard Olden." His name as he examines an apple from someone's straining basket wearing a skimmer hat.

—"Uhm, Mr. Gerard, Sir?

Gerard focuses on Felix to let the guy in a skimmer hat proceed with his work.

Felix followed, "I really thought you were an actual beggar. Aha"

They both laughed at each other as they held their stomach in.

"Ha, you could have responded with your name too. Furthermore, 'Gerard' is fine."

Felix scratched his head awkwardly and followed,

 "Oh, it's Felix.. Brodny."

He just kept on watching Gerard checking on the place, as if examining the byproducts in a large landed estate thoroughly cultivated.

"Anyways, where are we and who are you guys? When can I leave?…can I leave?"

Gerard reverted back to him and instantaneously shifted into a serious gaze. Slightly bent his elbow to point the cane right into Felix's chest while maintaining eye contact.

"What do you mean? You see those farmers, did you not?"—"..." Felix was astounded. "I'm just kidding. Ha Ha Ha"

Felix sighs, remaining silent, mainly due to the old man's laugh like a cloud of thunder amidst chaos. At this very moment, he was questioning whether he's a good guy as the physical appearance implies.

"Come. I'd like to show you what you're here for."

Felix was scrutinizing him, then came to a conclusion to simply nudge and went along with a wishful thinking of eventually leaving the place...