
Times we shared

These overwhelming feelings that are stored within me, I want to tell him about my feels for him, but I can't for I fear of rejection. The moments that we had shared; those slow times in my memories, and the fact that you are in my life I'm glad about. I remembered the time I made you smiled that was one of the best days of my life. But you need to know this that I am a person who didn't felt love, is also scared of it. The worst thing I fear is that put my trust, time and heart into someone who doesn't want it and threw it away. The thing that I had from the public and also from you is that; I may say that I hate the attention, but that's not the case one thing many don't know that attention is one of the things in the world I crave the most. It gives me pure joy knowing that there is someone who gives the attention that I want.

"The fact that you're there makes feel better and lifts me to become person," I always thought to myself.

I also liked the things you did for me and others; especially, your kind that one of the best quality of your personality, but there is also your compassionate side and your loving side well to me I like all sides of you. It doesn't matter what you do? You somehow manage to make me laugh and smile and that is what makes me attracted to you.

I fear you may not like what see when you get know well; that is if you get the chance to do that. Your opinion fears me sometimes and the fact that you don't know how you make me so nervous. I remembered the conversations we had, and the ways were close in our little world. I ache some to your arms safe and sound away from the danger and corruption.

Do you believe in soulmates I hope you do, because I strongly believe in it and I hope you're the one? I want you in my life to be one that I was seeking for along to have a future together and share many memories whether it is good or bad I don' care. I want to tell you what scares me and the secrets that I have never shared with anyone else. Would you tell me yours? The things that scare you and also your aspiration; your experience and views on matters in the world. One thing I would have from is your optimism, I know that I am not the most positive person around, but I would try willy hard to charge.

I hope that you will love the weird side for me for instance, my taste in music, my addiction to food and reading. I'm not a people person I prefer to stay in a secluded spot and read or listen to music. I hate crowds and loud gatherings, also public speaking makes me very anxious. Also, I am a very sarcastic and sassy person, did I mention that a writes poems although I'm not good at it, to me it is a way of expressing myself through words because those are my thoughts on paper.