
Carnival Nightmare

14 September, Year 2299 of the Kronos Calendar

Time 05.30 PM

 Behind the Cheerful festival of Red leave Town. A Raven cloak women was running away for her life, with a bundle in her arms. Behind her twenty-five or so soldiers was chasing her, heavily armed. She kept on running and running, and never dared to even stop nor looked back.

 But life was never that easy, the distance between her and the soldiers was becoming shorter and shorter, as they soon catches up to her.

"Surrender Women, and give us the child!" Shout one of the Soldiers

"Over my dead body you will!" she retorted

 That little taunt angered the Soldiers greatly. They surrounded her, preparing to attack. But then, a sudden loud screech sounded from the back of the line.

 A female Soldier with shoulder lenght Raven-blue hair, green eyes, and pale skin started killing her comrades. The other soldiers was dumbfounded at first but soonly recoverd and bluntly spewed insults


"You whore! DIE!!!"

"Bastard! you dare to kill us? Noble soldiers?!?!"

 The female Soldier snorted "Huh? Noble? you guys?" she then laugh "hahaha, how amusing! You guys are nothing but pigs! now DIE"

 She started slashing her Sword left, right, up, and down, repeatedly until only ten of the former twenty four soldiers remain.

 The women was also dumbfounded, she couldn't believed herself 'They're actually fighting amongst them self!' she though 'I need to run, i need to get him to safety, i need to get out of here'.

 She told herself repeatedly to run away but she didn't move an inch from she was standing. It was like some unknown force was trapping her to freeze.

 "Hey! watch out!" the female soldier screamed towards the women hysterically, but no response.

 Suddenly the female soldier sprint towards the women, and barely made it to save her from a B-class Mecha-tiger. But it came with a great price. The female soldier's left-hand to her back was torned open not to deep, but still looked painful.

 The remaining soldiers who saw the scene,  was running away, saving their own-precious-life, but sadly, their sudden movement was a grave mistake. The Mecha-tiger's attention shifted to them as soon as they ran.

 Seeing the beast's eyes were locked on them they ran faster, which agitated the tiger to chase them even more. But even with superhuman speed, a speed of a human is by no means slower than those of an animal. No matter hard hard they ran, no matter how tricky the path they chose, they were followed. But, their death wasn't a peaceful one. They were played by the Mecha-tiger. Bit by bit their flesh was torn opened by the tiger, loud and painful screeching could be heard for miles away, but sadly, no one could hear their broken wails, as the closest town was having a grand festival, which created a loud cheers, making them clueless of the event that was happening outside their very Town.

  "A- are you alright?!?" the woman came neared the female Soldier.

 "I'm fine, and I do not require your assistance." The female soldier retorted, holding her injured arm. She tried to stand up but to no avail. Blood was oozing out from the female soldiers arm and back, Seeing the scene the women though 'She will die of blood-loss I need to do something!'. She then ripped of the cloth from her skirt and tended the female soldiers wound, the female soldier was annoyed. But, she still let the women tend her wound, after all, that wound would only became a hindrance to her later on.

 By the time the last of the soldier died. The Mecha-Tigers attention was on the injured Female Soldier, women, and the defenceless bundle in her arms.

 The women was still tending the Soldiers wound, when the tiger was already fifty meters away from them and ready to attack. The women forgot about the tigers existence and didn't realize the mistake for it. The soldier already realized it, but ignore it since she knows it be a suicide if she just come charging with her wound, and letting the women tended her wound would be for the best.

 The Mecha-Tiger walk towards the tree that is forty meters away from it and leaped from its standing to the tree in front of it, watching them from afar.

 By that time, the women just finished tending the soldier wound, and just realized what situation she was in. She took the bundle and hold it tight, like a Dragon guarding its treasure.

 Each passing second could felt like a ticking bomb that could kill them anytime, and their life was already at the Mecha's mercy.

 Suddenly, the Mecha-Tiger jump from its place and directly went straight to them. The women closed her eyes.

 She was afraid, afraid of that beast, afraid of dying, and she was only able to make it this far because of her duty to protect and her love for her child.

 But thankfully that never happened, As the women opened her eyes, what she saw shocked her. A single man, stood on tip of the Mecha-Tiger, with one sword at each hands, sparking with electricity. His hair was like the moonless night sky, his eyes were blood-red, and his skin is pale. He was wearing a cloak to hide most of his body, except, his head.

 The women was happy but surprised at the sametime. Meanwhile the Female Soldier, was standing there, also surprised at the sudden appearance, but for a very different reason.

 Her face turned to rage before in the matter of seconds.

"YOU!!!" she pointed the cloak men with her right index finger, face all frowned "Are you trying to KILL me? can't you just come sooner! I was about to die here, and YOU just came in at the LAST second??!?! ARE YOU FREAKING' INSANE!?! Can't you came a little bit faster? No, YOU just HAVE to come at the last SECOND, HUH?!?"

 Ignoring, The cloak men barely glanced at her before he went near the women and kneeled down.

"Greetings, My name is Koriant, and I'm here to escort madam to our base, at the order of Master Rosegold."

 Feeling displeased and annoyed, the female soldier step up front and pinch Koriant's left ear, and pulled it towards her rosy lips, which wasn't sweet at all.

"Don't you f*cking ignore me you-" She started her rambling again.

Ignoring the injured yet lively female soldier, the women straighten her back and introduced herself "Hello, my name is Louisiana, thank you for saving me and Little Ko"

 Hearing the introduction, the female soldier finally stopped. She puffed her flat chest out  and introduced herself. "The name's Jackerbelle, call me Bell for short!" she said in a proud tone.

[A/N: with that the intro have finished! fiuhh no more long title to write.]

"Now, that's done, let's get moving shall we?" said Koriant while leading the way.

 🔯Somewhere in Red Leaf Town

 While koriant was leading the way, few attacks happened, whether it was from Normal beast, or Mecha Beasts. But fortunately, Koriant was able to kill them easily.

 They manage to arrived at the town before the Sun sets, and get them self some refreshing free beverage from the festival (But mostly Belle). But at the end Koriant had to drag the half drunken Belle to their destination.

 Arriving at their destination. Louisiana saw a Three story building, the walls was painted in red, and it had brown roofs, creating a ancient vibe around it.

At the top there was a board saying Impasse

 At first Louisiana thought that inside was quite gloomy because of the building. But little did she know.

 Entering the Three story building, Louisiana, Was surprised, the inside was really lively. Some was partying with a glass of beer in their hand and some were joking around, even there was a person that was sleep dancing! She was so amazed, she quickly forgot about her previous thoughts.

 Not long after they arrived, a beautiful women with a sharp features walks up to them.

"So she's Louisiana?" she asked Koriant who was standing at front.  

"Yeah" he replied shortly

"I see" she smiled to Louisiana, and welcomed her "Welcome to Impasse guild! My name is Jane,...

 After Jane introduced herself, she led a little tour for Louisiana, around the guild. Meanwhile Koriant took the drunken Bell to her own room, and maybe put a little prank on her too.

 Jane then led Louisiana to a small passage on the third hallway of the third floor. It was a Dark and eerie passageway, and several creeks was often heard.

 There was also many artifacts and more hidden passage all around it. Jane also told her that only of a very few knows this, including her, Rosegold, Koriant, Belle, and another three or maybe four now.

 It was a quite spacious guild, and the dinning hall was probably one of the largest room they had.

Time was passing by quickly soon it was already Eight O'clock. Many of the Guild members was going to their own home, and some stayed behind to begin their night shift at the guild.

 Jane led Louisiana, to her room and let her rest. "I'll wake you up tomorrow at seven. Please make yourself comfortable, Oyasumi!" Jane smiled at her.

 After she left, Louisiana, put Little Ko on the bed and fed him. After he fell a sleep she washed herself quickly before soon falling a sleep.

Sorry for delating the previous one, needs editing

If there is any mistake and ideas please do tell


Alcainecreators' thoughts