
How to Care for Horses

John took Alan to the captain of their guard and introduced him.

"Alan this is the captain of my household guards. He name is Kevin."

"Hello Captain Kevin, nice to meet you officially." Alan smiled and bowed slightly.

Kevin was surprised to see the humble nature of Alan and smiled. He then said " It's good to meet you too Master Alan."

John felt proud seeing Alan's mannerism.

Even though he had not been in contact with anyone else other than his grandmother. He was a well behaved child. And he had also noticed earlier that Alan can carry himself in a dignified manner like that of a nobel born.

"Captain Kevin, Alan wants to ride the horse few minutes everyday. Could you help him?" John asked the captain of the guards.

Kevin obliged happily.

"Come master Alan, let me take you to see the horses". Kevin took Alan to the tree where horses were tied up for the night.

There was still a bit of light in the sky when they reached the horses.

Keven approached his horse and patted it. "Master Alan whatch what I do for today as it is very important to take care of your horse before you learn how to ride them."

Allan nodded exitedly and started observing carefully.

Kevin started rubbing its coat with a brush.

Alan looked around and found that other guards were also taking care of their horse's.

While Kevin continued rubbing the horse's coat meticulously, he spoke again.

"Master Alan, Horse's are very intelligent animals. If you care for them, they will return back your care and affection in multiple folds.

Many of us guards, soldiers, adventures and even bandits use our horse in battle. It's very critical in those cases that you have a strong bonding with your horse."

Alan nodded his head listening to each and every word with wrapped attention.

After given a proper rubbing. Kevin started checking its hooves. He called Alan to come closer.

"Look here master Alan. We have to check their hooves for any injuries, infections or some sharp or unwanted objects that might have been stuck in here." Kevin pointed his finger at the hooves inspecting them.

After that, Keven got some grass and put in infront of his horse. Pat its neck and came near Alan.

"So Master Alan do you have any questions ?" Kevin asked him.

I think i got all your points Captain Kelvin. Once I starts caring for a horse, I might require your guidance again". Alan said and thanked Kevin.

Alan wanted to do something, so he went and asked the guards and caravan drivers whether he can get grass for all their horses?

The guards became uncomfortable at this, but captain Kevin agreed to Alan's request.

"Remember master Alan. Horse's can sense your emotions. If you are nerves or afraid, they will avoid your touch and even will bite your fingers off. You have to be calm and confident."

"Ok Captain Kevin. " Alan took a deep breath and went to get the grass.

Alan started feeding the grass to the horses. He started patting the neck of each of the horse when they bent their neck to eat. Almost all the horses felt skittish initially, but calmed down soon.

For some odd reason not even a single horse rejected his touch nor any tried to bite his fingers.

Kevin felt surprised to see this. Alan was acting like an experienced stable boy.

Alan thanked Kevin for helping in understanding thing about horse. Then he went out a bit further where no one can see him. Then he started to practice his sword movements. This time he executed sword skill movements slowly. Identifying the mistakes he made last time. After first set of movements he carried it out again. This time he worked on his mistakes and he corrected more than half of his mistakes.

He went back towards the camp after that as he didn't want to make anyone worry about him going missing. He met Helen sitting outside their tent talking to John.

They saw Alan approach and looked at him.

"How did it go?" Helen asked him first. Before John could.

"I learned a lot grandma. Captain Kevin taught me on how to take care of the horse and how to feed them. I think I can help the guards take care of their horses from tomorrow."

Helen chuckled and John also felt amused.

Alan continued " Grandma, Is it ok if I started practicing the fighting skills and combat skills every night? I will be doing it away from the camp but I won't go far."

Helen was silent thinking and John looked at her. He was sure that she would disagree. And instruct Alan not to go out of the camp area.

To his surprise Helen agreed.

"You can, my dear. Make sure to carry your weapons with you while you go out to practice. And make sure you take care of the horses and try to learn as much as possible from others also."

"Thank you grandma. I will do as you said." Alan beamed with a wide grin on his face.