
Unrequited (Jimin x reader)

Some love stories have no end..they are just half written, disappearing before they even start....will their unrequited love ever be requited?

Borafiqs · セレブリティ
8 Chs

New Friendships

(𝙮/𝙣 𝙋𝙊𝙑)

Love...it's a strong emotion, everyone feels it for their parents, friends, pets and even things at times...then there is the love you feel for one person, a love that is more than what you feel for others but the same at the same time. Doesn't make much sense does it? Love has many definitions but one thing common is that love is a strong emotion.

Everyone feels this strange but familiar emotion called love, but it's not every time that love is returned. A one-sided love one could call it, A love that will remain unrequited...

This isn't a story of me but more of the person I love.


"Good morning guys! How's everyone doing?" I ask looking at the camera. I was live again on instagram like I would be every Saturday morning, I have a sort of fan account and I loved being around here talking to all the people. During the live someone asked if I was interested in joining a group chat, I didn't give much thought and accepted it.

The live ends and I find myself scrolling through the DM when the request of adding me to the group came up, I felt nervous and excited at the same time. Everyone in the group hadn't really met in real ever and all were very different. The only thing common was the fandom.

Everyone was super friendly and I chatted with them for hours, I was skeptical considering they were literally strangers so didn't tell them any information that I thought was important, it could be a serial killer or an old pervy grandpa for all I know!

A couple of weeks passed and I did open up a bit with them, and told a few lies instead of being honest which I will regret later, I know.

With a smile I open the GC again and drop in a 'hi' within seconds the phone was blowing up with messages from the chat as we all talked about our day and random teenage things. I was the youngest in the group being 17 while the others were 19 or 20 so they always babied me. Suddenly the sign of two accounts being added to the chat interrupts the conversation. One was a guy and the other a girl, me and the girl, Luna I found out her name was, hit it off immediately. Me, Luna and Jimin, the new guy, had a group of our own in our big group.

"What's up Lu?" me and Luna were on a call on Instagram, we had started doing it often after a few weeks of talking to her. She was the only one who knew a little more about me than the rest.

"Nothing really, hey y/n what do you think about adding Jimin to our call too?" Luna asked me sounding excited, I bit my nail nervously as I hesitate "hmm ok I guess we can add him" she added him and I heard his voice for the very first time, that voice, oh gosh that voice sounded nothing like I imagined. If angels exist I'm damn sure that's what they would sound like.

"Hey Jimin" I greet him suddenly feeling shy and conscious about my voice "I know I sound like a crow so don't judge ok" I quickly add, I could feel my face heat up hearing him chuckle. Gosh this is awkward, "Hi Jimin!" Luna said in her beautiful angelic voice "hey Luna!" He greeted her back in his amazing, marvelous- well you already know that-Ehehehe

After talking for a few minutes I felt more comfortable talking to him without omitting words or stuttering, I wasn't stupid and knew I was probably developing a stupid crush? But no way shall I give in to that stupid feeling.

"My sis is calling me so I'll talk some other time, bye you two don't have too much fun without me!" I end the call and go down to help Elly, she is not really my elder sister but I always consider her one. Being an orphan Elly was the only one I had, she was like a mother, father and my best friend along with being like a sister and I was glad I had her. She is 23 and was already working so that I could stay with her.

"What do you need my help with Unnie?" I ask her, she calls me to the kitchen handing me the spatula "could you do the dinner today? I have to send some important documents" I nod and she walks to the study after wiping her hands dry. I still am in awe of how amazing Elly is at times, this woman really seemed like a robot.

(𝙀𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙋𝙊𝙑)

You finished making the dinner with perfection, you loved cooking since you were younger and would make simple things for your father hoping he would appreciate you and praise you.

"Ahh life is so boring" you pout slouching on the couch and putting on Netflix "is the dinner ready y/n?" Elly asked from the study "yup" you shout back waiting for her to come so you could eat together.

"I wonder what y/n is doing now" Jimin thinks to himself as he laid in his room staring at the ceiling "maybe I can text her, but it can be too late for her..." He pouts and decides to text you anyway. He sent you a message and waited for your reply when he got a message from Luna. He chatted with her for a while before falling asleep. Your messages were left unread or ignored, you did not know.