
Unrequited (Jimin x reader)

Some love stories have no end..they are just half written, disappearing before they even start....will their unrequited love ever be requited?

Borafiqs · セレブリティ
8 Chs

Just a Crush?

(𝙮/𝙣 𝙋𝙊𝙑)

Again it was about Luna, three months since we were friends and Jimin would mention her at least once every freaking day. I was getting a bit tired from all this really, I remember I said to myself I won't give in to these stupid emotions but alas my stupid ass has a crush on him now. I mean who wouldn't he is funny, kind, caring, a dork, cute though he won't agree and damn is he hot, I could literally go on and on about him.

"Hey y/n I want to see how you look send me a pic if you are ok with it" he asked today, on video call we always kept our videos off so this would be the first time I show my face. "Ahem...I'm not sure, I look like a potato" I said and he gasps "Are you serious? I love potatoes now show your face shorty" he teased, this little- "I'm not short! 5.4 is a decent height ok!" I huff out and hear him giggle "still shortyy" "like you are tall you tiny shrunken cupcake" lame comeback, I know but I couldn't think of anything else at the moment because I was binging Masterchef Australia and those cupcakes there occupied 80% of my mind.

"Hey! I'll let you know I'm wayyyy taller than your short ass I'm like 5.8" he said, that's actually kind of short if you ask me "You are short now shoo let me watch master chef" I didn't want him to end the call but there was no way I'd give him even the slightest hint that I like him because he obviously seems to like Luna "I'll let you go if you promise to make me some of those awesome stuff they make when we meet'' he said and obviously I agree, well not really but "Sure if we meet'' is considered agreeing right?

This thing was weird. I was still in denial because it's impossible to like someone you met online and heard only their voice!

(𝙅𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙣'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑)

Does y/n hate me or something? She always seems a bit cold with me...

I drop on my cozy bed and stare at the ceiling blankly, these past few months were crazy. I never thought I'd make friends online and that they would be so fun, none of them knew I was the son of the Chairman of Park group of industries and I planned to keep it that way. It was annoying being in the media spotlight always and I couldn't be myself, everywhere I would be surrounded by people who expect me to behave a certain way. This GC was like an escape from this reality, a place where I could be me and no one judged.

I was deep in thought when my phone pinged, it was a message from Luna. With a grin I text her back, we usually text if it's only us and not call, we are on a call together only with y/n around. It was kind of awkward being on a call with her alone, like I would not know what to say and start asking dumb questions.

We chat for a while and then she says she has to go to bed. I plug in my phone to charge before it gives up on me and make my way towards the bed when a notification pops up...

(𝙀𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙋𝙊𝙑)

You hear the ping of a notification go off and pick your phone to see that Elly added you, Jimin, Luna and a few more people to a new group. The one you were in now had most of the people inactive or the conversation would die the moment it starts making the whole thing awkward. "Unnie let's put it in our story and pick people who would suit for this group" you say walking to Elly, just a month back you had dragged Elly into this fandom thing too because you wanted to share this experience of being a fan with her.

"Sure y/n, maybe Luna and Jimin can add some of their friends if they want" she suggests and you tell them about it. You send the message to Luna and are about to send one to Jimin when he calls you on Instagram "what's the new group about?" He asked straight up not bothering for a greeting "hello to you too. And Elly made that group since our old one was pretty much like a graveyard, you can add someone if you want but they gotta pass the vibe check! I don't want annoying boomers or something there" you said "You are talking like you are making a cult or a company not a chat" Jimin said from the other end mocking you about the vibe check part.

"It's important ok, a peasant like you won't know" you both start bickering over the call making Elly laugh and shake her head at your antics "Enough now you two! Shouldn't you both be asleep?" Elly chims in, making sure even Jimin could hear "Ok boomer" you and Jimin say together and break into a laughter.

"Ah shit we probably pissed off the demon I will go save my life, talk to you tomorrow if I'm alive" you shout into your phone and run as Elly chases you around before giving you a tickle attack.

Luna sat on her huge bed staring at Jimin's account with a silly smile "I think I'm starting to fall for you, I hope he likes me too"