
Unreciprocated love

Closing my eyes, I let the tears flow freely,it was a bittersweet feeling. i felt happy yet alone. I knew I had to be strong,if not for me, but for the child growing in me. l have experienced a lot of pain perhaps this child is a comfort. A reminder that I can live, I can feel and I can achieve anything. I rubbed my stomach. Feeling happy yet sad as everything I have experienced in the Kim family came back. How i begged and cried to be loved. A forced marriage always amount to nothing. Yet I still love him. ................................. ........................ Five years later, Staring at the skyscraper building In front of me, the biggest conglomerate in the country owned by the top family in the country , I grinned coldly. I was walking into the company when I felt a force push me. I waited to embrace the cold floor when someone caught me. I opened my eyes my heart skipped a beat seeing the same eyes that broke me years ago. Those brown eyes belonged to only one person .............. Felix Kim.

TriciaX3052 · 若者
6 Chs

Chapter one: For my family

I never imagined my life like this, a young normal girl trying to figure out her life and career getting married out of the blue. I sighed softly. I am Alexia Clark the youngest daughter of the Clark family. One of the top ten family in the country though we were below the other families we were comfortable. My father is the CEO of X - EMPIRE and my elder brother Mark is the president. Weeks ago we suffered a major breakdown when the deeds and top files of the company when missing. Our company was falling, my dad tried all his possible best though it all seemed like it was all going to crash, that until the Kim family came to our rescue but with a price, I was to get married to the son of the family the eligible bachelor of the country Felix Kim. I thought it was a contract marriage but the family said no contracts which was quite suspicious, I found it weird that they took interest in me. The family has connections, he could get married to any high societal girl but why me huh . Mark didn't seem too pleased with the idea. For an unknown reason, he hated Felix Kim and I didn't know why. Mark was voted the best husband and loving boyfriend among the ladies of the country. His looks and personality were enough to drive them crazy. No one even knew i existed, unlike everyone else in my family. I wasn't social. I preferred writing and meditating. 

Laying on my bed drowned in thought I had no idea what to do,i am just eighteen should I be selfish and choose myself over my family or be a filal daughter. I took one of my books titled trial of a teen and went through it. I had to face my challenges rather than let it define me and preharps this was better, i could save my family and also get married, then father won't have to worry. Preharps this is fate, little did I know this marriage was going to be my worst nightmare yet also my breakthrough. My story unfolds in an unexpected yet epic way that carries one on a rollercoaster of emotions just like it did me.