
Unreal Journey: Book 1

Cover made with canvas A long time ago, a princess of Zion and a prince of Purgatory liked each other a little, but after a one-night stand, their lives changed for the worse. No one truly accepted the fact that someone from Zion could ever be with someone from Purgatory, but after there was news about the princess being pregnant with the prince's child, all hell broke loose. A war was going to take place if that baby was born, and after careful consideration, when the children were born, she separated them and made them live somewhere else, far away from Zion and Purgatory, waiting till the right time to find out the truth. But the princess was also told something else: that these children are something so powerful that they can destroy the entire universe. Want to know how? Then read Unreal Journey, Book 1. Warning this book mentions rape and mental abuse.

FoxLover0615 · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Chapter 6: Fallen Angels

Only two days till school would start again, but these two felt like they would be drastically short.

Especially when you have a godmother who trains you till you have no energy left

"Why are you training us like soldiers?" Heather asked angrily, using her last breath to speak before collapsing to the ground.

Heaven sits down, also trying to take her breath.

"Heaven's right, you train us to the point of exhaustion, like, is that even healthy because that sounds like abuse?" Heather says, rolling her eyes.

"You two are lazy and need to grow out of it because you will take your parents' throne when you are older, and you need to protect yourself against any demonlings," Rebecca says.

"Well, we haven't seen any demonlings in a week. What are the chances that another demon will come back? Heaven ask still sitting down

"True, but this training is to protect yourself; maybe it won't be needed against others, but it could be used in your normal daily lives," Rebecca asked.

"How?" Heather and Heaven asked

"Well, maybe when you're fighting against a monster that's trying to take over your throne," Rebecca says.

"Listen, rebel," Heather says.

"It's Rebecca," Rebecca says.

"Whatever Rebecca said, I know I agreed to save our parents from Lucifer, but still, you really expect some teens to save gods when they don't even have special powers like you or that guy?" Heather says.

"You're right," Rebecca says.

"I am," Heather says surprised

"Yes, you need to unlock your powers at least before school starts so we can train them," Rebecca says, putting her right fist in the palm of her left hand.

"Well, thanks a lot, Heather," Heaven says, and Heather rolls her eyes.

Learning to control my powers will bring me closer to finding out more of the truth. "Perhaps I will finally see my mom and dad," Heather thinks.

"Hey Unity, get over here; we need to go," Rebecca calls out, and Unity hops on over.

"Can't I just eat in peace?" "Like, I cannot live without food." Unity says

"Calm down, girl; you can live a few seconds without food," Rebecca says.

Unity changes in Pegasus

"Hurry up and get on; I want to come back and eat," Unity says.

Heather and Heaven go on the Pegasus

"This is going to be awesome again," Heaven says.

"Oh, my mom and dad, make sure I live after this," Heather prays, and Unity flies off and Rebecca follows.

Unity lands in the same building that Aunt May works at.

Once the three landed, the once-pegasus turned into a nine-tailed fox and hopped onto Rebecca's shoulders.

"hey Unity I pretty much don't understand you. You can turn into a half-fox, half-pegasus, and say, "What are you?" Heaven asks

"I thought I explained to you before that I'm a pegasus, half nine-tailed fox and half pegasus; earlier, I came out of a ball, and only I can come through since it accesses Heaven," Unity says.

"Wait, if you have access, how come we can't fly there?" Heaven asks

"Because you have to go there yourself, your wings give you access to Heaven, and since you're also part demon, there's a chance you won't be able to go there," Rebecca says.

"So now matter what I can't go into Heaven," Heaven says.

"Wait, if that's so, is it the same for Hell?" "Are we banned just because we are part angel?" Heather says.

"Maybe, but I don't know exactly, and like I said, it might also just be according to your wings," Rebbeca says.

"So the best possibility we might have at finding our parents is if one of us has demon wings and the other has angel wings," Heather says.

"Right, which is why we came here to learn which one has which wing and how to fly with your new-found wings," Rebecca says.

Rebecca says and walks to the edge of the building with her back towards the twins.

"How will that work with me?" "I don't have any wings," Heaven says.

"Neither do I," Heather says with a weird look on her face.

"Well then, we will force it out of you," Rebecca says, then falls

forward of the building

The twins then run to the edge and watch Rebecca fall.

Rebbeca's wings come out, and she flies up to the top of the building.

Once Rebecca landed on the building, her white wings with blue streaks shone in the amber-blue sky.

"Okay, now your just flexing," Heaven says and crosses her arms.

"Okay, Heaven, I want you to jump off the building," Rebecca says, and the twins were surprised.

"What are you crazy? I could die!" Heaven yells

"No, you won't, because I'll make sure you won't," Rebecca says.

"So will I," Heather says.

Everyone is at the edge of the building.

"I don't know if I can do this," Heaven says.

Rebecca got impatient, so she pushed her off.

Heaven falls off the building.

"What the hell, she could die!" Heather yells.

"Don't worry, her wings are going to pop out; just wait," Rebecca said.

Heaven still doesn't have her wings out and is still falling.

Heather doesn't listen to Rebecca; instead, she jumps down and tries to grab Heaven's hand.

Heather's wings came out, which surprised her but gave herself a better chance to save Heaven.

For Heaven, everything felt like it was in slow motion; it didn't feel real.

"Am I really about to die?" Why does this feel so fake? Why does this feel like slow motion? I don't want to die. Heather, please catch me. Heaven thinks of putting her hand out to Heather.

As Heather reaches out to grab Heaven's hand, she looks at her in shock.

"HEAVEN!" Heather screams.

Inside Heaven's mind

I see a girl on the ground who looks exactly like Heather. She was impaled, while my leg was broken.

I was crawling toward a woman I couldn't recognize.

I couldn't talk as I was shocked by what I saw.

A demon woman that was a full-blown shadow

Everything was being sucked into her, including me and Heather.

Once we were inside, it was dark, cold, and terrifying.

I saw my aunt inside this shadowy creature, and she was crying.

"I'm sorry, you two." I failed you. "I wanted to protect everyone and save everyone, but I failed you," Luna says.

"What are you talking about?" Heaven says she is crawling towards her.

"I needed this to happen. You must be from the future, which means Rebecca's plan worked. "Whatever you do, don't trust them, don't become a god, and don't use Supernova," Luna says, and everything went black.