
Am not hiding anything.

There was a total of forty guests present for their wedding banquet. And each Guest went home with expensive gifts in a red double happiness bag.

Chen Lihua's beautiful dresses succeeded in making eyes stay on her for the rest of the day. It was as if she was a runway model, advertising the clothes of a designer.

Even when Chen Lihua and Liu Longwei went around to have a toast with the guests that did not stop them from looking at her. In fact, they instead had the opportunity to catch a glimpse of her beautiful looks and figure.

Liu Longwei noticed the stares his wife received from both the male and female guests, even the old and the young, and he felt like gorging their eyes out.

But his jealousy didn't last for long as he consoled himself with Chen Lihua's beautiful smile.

When the wedding banquet was finally over. Chen Lihua sat at a place, tired from the stress she had accumulated from the day.