
Unpredictable Decisions

Al has been haunted by her nightmares of someone coming after her since she was a little girl. When her best friend Marco helps her travel to the devilish man to save her parents, Al is faced with a terrible secret. Will she accept her fate or fight for the life she dreamt of?

CatLadie26 · ファンタジー
9 Chs

The Trip

Once Al placed everything she thought she would need in her book bag, she meet Marco downstairs, who had a bag of his own. What could be in his, she thought to herself.

She didn't say a word to him, since she came down Marco knew she was ready to go, he began to step out the front door when Al grabbed his arm, tugging at it. He looked at her to find her crying. He smiled, reassuring her it would be okay, "why do you cry all the time?"

She let go of his arm, putting a pouting face on.

"Only because you're mean!"

As they walked towards the train station, Al wanted to ask him a few more questions, she still didn't know much about this guy. "If you can't tell me his name, can you at least tell me why he is after me?"

Marco froze, not thinking she would ask, really hoping she didn't ask. He lets out a deep breath.

"Listen, all you are ALLOW to know is that you were chosen a long long time ago."

"Um… how? When I don't even know the guy!"

"Let's just say, your past life did and well, you can blame her for everything that is happening to you now." He tried to explain without giving too much away. He knew if he did, he would be in trouble. There was a time the man had killed a guy for telling him a lie, let alone love the girl he does.

Al could tell he wasn't giving up that easily on telling her, she would just have to find another way around it. She look forward keeping an eye on all the things they passed by, memorizing, hoping she will remember the way. She had never been to the train station, let alone on a train.

They reached the station, Marco went to the ticket booth while Al took a seat on one of the benches next to the entrance. She look around seeing all the people come and go, some sitting down, waiting like her. She thought to herself who knew so many people were traveling, though she had bigger problems to deal with.

Marco approaches her, standing in front of her. "We are in luck, the train is already docked. We should get going."

Al stood up without even thinking, it was like her body was moving on it's own and she was watching. Once on the train and inside the assigned cart, Al began to feel herself again. She didn't want to talk to him anymore, she didn't trust him. Marco, seeing the sadness on her face tried to change the subject,"how was the two months without me?"

She began to laugh with sarcasm following behind it, "you should know already, just because you disappear doesn't mean the whole stops rotating."

Marco paused, she was right. Her life didn't stop or slow down any when he was gone, he knew the bullies were still there and the dreams followed the night.

They stayed in silence as the train began to move. Half an hour passed when Al couldn't take it anymore, "I need some water, I'll be back."

Marco watched as she walked passed him and out the door. He placed his elbows on his knees and hands on his face. "Ugggggh."

In the hallway, Al was unsure which direction the diner cart was in, went left in hopes she made the right choice. She went through three carts when she got to the last cart. As she went through each one, she seen fewer and fewer people. In the last cart was a man in a black cloak in the front row. Al quickly turned around hoping to escape fast enough, thinking she had to be asleep if he is here. The man grabbed her arm before she could make it through the door all the way, as she turned her head and not moving her body. She realized the figure was bigger than the usual one she seen in her dreams, though she was unsure to why he was grabbing her arm. Before she could react, Marco calls out,"Romeo! Don't do it!"

She turned her head to look at Marco only to have the man pull out a dagger and quickly stabbed her in the right shoulder. Al's eyes got huge, all her pain nerves screaming at her in her shoulder. All she could think was what the hell just happened and how she had never felt this type of pain in her life before.

Marco jumped over her and swung a punch towards Romeo's face. He stumbled backwards. Romeo placed his hand on his face, rubbing the pain while saying,"If I killed her, Master couldn't use her blood and he could finally perish. You know as well as I do, if her blood ends up in the wrong hands, everything will be ruined. We need to kill her."

Marco's eyes quickly landed on the dagger that fell from Romeo's hands. He reached for it as fast as he could, since it was right next to Romeo, Marco was able to come up with the dagger from the ground and sliced up Romeo's arm from his wrist to his elbow. He grabbed his arm and screamed in pain.

By this point, Al fell towards the floor, her left hand grabbing her shoulder. She couldn't even force herself to scream, tears wouldn't even leave her eyes, her body going into shock. Her vision began to blur, before everything went black, she managed to lift her head to see the two men fighting.

"Romeo! You were not ordered to kill her, you and I both know he will hear about this and he will kill you." Marco said as he went to pick Al off the ground.

Romeo screamed out because of the pain while saying,"I don't care! Master took everything from me because of her, if he continues to live then others will end up in the same boat as us." Marco knew he was right, but he had a plan to save her.

Marco left him in his puddle of blood rushing Al back to the cart, none of the people that they passed even noticed the whole situation happening as if they were invisible.

He laid her down onto the seat in their cart, "Al stay with me!" He lightly slapped her face hoping to get her attention. She didn't made a sound. He opened her eyelid, but only seen white.

He quickly ripped the bottom of his shirt. He torn Al's shirt the rest of the way where the dagger had gotten her, exposing her bra and stomach. He figured she had packed others, she can changed when she woke up.

The wound was deep, but it wasn't wide. He used the rest of her shirt to wipe off the remaining blood around the wound. The smell of her blood was driving him crazy. His pupils were racing to the sides of his eye balls. He couldn't control his self, he began to rub his index finger down the side of the wound were a little blood slowly flowed out to. This blood that the man he worked for wanted so badly, gave incredible powers. When he placed his finger to his lips and rubbed his tongue against them, he could feel the power flowing through him, not much, just enough to feel a small surge of energy. He began to reach for more when he pulled back,"Fuck! That's your best friend, you can't let power have control over you."

He quickly wrapped her wound with the piece he ripped from his shirt as tight as he could. He placed a pillow under her head and sat across from her. He began to rub his hand on his lips with a grin beginning to creep behind it, all he could think about was the power that flowed through him moments ago.