

Opp_8522 · ファンタジー
6 Chs

the drunkard

The halls of the Academy of Arcane Arts echoed with the whispers of ancient spells and the clatter of swordplay. Here, amidst the towering spires and ivy-covered walls, young prodigies from across the realm gathered to hone their skills in the ways of magic, knighthood, and alchemy.

Among them was a young apprentice named Lysander, a boy of remarkable talent and boundless ambition. With a quick mind and a deft hand, he excelled in every subject he undertook, earning the admiration of his peers and the respect of his teachers.

But beneath his outward confidence lay a deep-seated longing, a hunger for knowledge and power that burned like a fire in his soul. He yearned to unlock the secrets of the arcane, to master the mysteries of the universe and bend them to his will.

Little did he know that his destiny was about to collide with that of a grizzled old drunkard who stumbled into the academy one fateful day.

The old man's name was known to few, and fewer still would have believed the tales of his past exploits. But to those who looked closely, there was a glimmer of something familiar in the weathered lines of his face and the weary slump of his shoulders—a hint of the hero he once was.

He had come to the academy seeking refuge from the ghosts of his past, hoping to find solace in the quiet routines of daily life. But fate had other plans in store for him, as he soon found himself drawn into the orbit of a young apprentice whose potential was matched only by his thirst for adventure.

At first, Lysander paid little heed to the old man who lurked in the shadows, content to focus on his studies and his dreams of greatness. But as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, he found himself drawn to the enigmatic stranger who seemed to hover at the edges of his world like a moth to a flame.

And so it was that one day, as Lysander wandered the halls of the academy lost in thought, he stumbled upon the old man sitting alone in the courtyard, nursing a tankard of ale and gazing wistfully into the distance.

"Who are you?" Lysander asked, his curiosity piqued by the sight of the solitary figure.

The old man looked up, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Me? Oh, nobody of consequence, lad," he replied with a wry grin. "Just an old drunkard passing through."

But there was a glint of something more in his gaze—a hint of the warrior he once was, and the hero he could still be.

Unbeknownst to Lysander, the old man was none other than Sir Gareth, the legendary Dragon Knight, keeper of secrets and guardian of the realm. And as their paths crossed that day in the courtyard of the academy, a bond was forged between them that would change the course of both their lives forever.