
UnOrdinary X MHA: UnOrthodox

After their fight, John decided to end it once and for all. Only to back out at the last second, but life has other plans for him. And now, he finds himself in another world as the concept of 'Hero' is accepted by the society. Will he be able to adapt at the sudden change of environment? Or will he bring the knowledge he learned on his world to this?

WAMSHAM · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

The Decision

[Nezu's POV]

"I can't believe it... Another world..." All Might says as his hands clasped together as he tries to swallow it all in.

It's been half an hour ever since John told us what happened to him. We were confined in the other room as we discuss what we heard from him while he's on the other side of the window pane, oblivious to the commotion that is happening.

Everyone in the room couldn't believe at the revelation of the kid's origins. Even I am too since I find it impossible to be true but we are living in a world filled with unique variety of superpowers so the possibility of it being true is still there.

Quickly adding my opinion about it, I hop off from Mr. Aizawa's scarf as I stand upon the table, meeting their gazes. "It does explain why there is no info about him. As you said, Mr. All Might, the boy does not exist if we based it on the records, and he's all alone in there." I pointed at John as we watch him sleep soundly in the table for now as we decide what to do with him.

"First off..." Getting their attention, I breathe deeply as I ready my speech. "From what we know of him, the kid has no records, if he tries to get a job or enroll himself in a school, he's unable to do so because he can't provide himself a record about him."

This caught many reaction from everyone, ranging from shocked to pity, I didn't stop at my sentence as I list down more of the problem that John will face if left alone. "Not only that, we are able to converse to him because we can converse with him but what of the others? What will happen if we left him alone? No one will be able to understand nor interact with him due to a language barrier."

"Lastly, we have no idea if what he said is true. We can only list it out as a possibility that he may be telling the truth, or like All Might said, 'he' may be part of this using John as a bait or maybe his spy." Everyone that was gathered was left speechless, the thought haven't enter their mind until it was voiced out to them. "The possibilities are endless and whatever we decide for him will inevitably affect the boy's life."

It will also mean changing the trajectory of this boy's fate. But, that fate will be decided based on what he'll decide for his life.

Everyone was silent as they ponder. This was an important decision to make. To leave the boy alone with no knowledge about their society? Or take him in, teach him their ways and norms for him to fit in?

Of course, the latter is the obvious choice, but doing so means they're gambling their chance whether 'he' is behind this all along and they're walking right into his trap.

But that decision came to be as All Might was the first to voice out his vote. "Let's take him in."

This caused a mixed reaction out of everyone but one thing is the same, they all share the same feeling.


But that quickly subsided a bit as All Might voiced his reasonings. "Yes, I understand that my decision means that we're going to gamble it, but I can't stand it if we left the kid alone to fend for himself. And what if he's actually not? Does that mean we left an innocent child to a foreign world and hope that he'll turn out okay?"

Not long after, Tsukauchi joins in as he pated All Might's shoulder. "Toshinori is right. He's just a kid, we can still teach him about our society. It just doesn't feel right to leave a kid alone just because we're wary of him."

And after that, Gran Torino besides All Might, agreed at his student's decision. Seeing three of them agreeing to take him in, Present Mic and Midnight also joins in the decision. Meanwhile, Mr. Aizawa sighs heavily as he decided to be neutral about the kid's situation.

"All right, it's decided then!" I exclaimed out, happy at the decision of everyone. "John Doe will be officially enrolling in UA!"

That quickly turned down as Aizawa added his opinion about it, "That is, if he passed every test."

I could only smirk at his pessimistic behavior as I declared to him. "No worries, in the entirety of 6 months, he'll be staying with me as I help him assimilate to our world."

"So, how do we break the news to him?" Asked Midnight as she looks at the boy behind the window pane, sleeping soundly in the table, his makeshift bed.

"Do not worry, I'll be doing that. Meanwhile, Tsukauchi, prepare to make records about the boy. I'll also be helping you out to make sure there will be no mistakes." I answered. Tsukauchi paid his respect as he quickly left the room, already doing the task that was given to him.

"The rest..." I have thought a lot of it ever since I've been observing the boy since our talk.

As his eyes shake, his breathing labored because of his heart palpitating, even sweating profusely.

The boy has trauma, a deeply rooted one at that. It is clear that he needs medical attention to at least help him.

"You guys prepare for what is about to come. This may sound weird but I believe a new tide of changes is now occuring and I don't know what will happen if we're left unprepared."

Everyone bowed as they left the room, except for All Might and Gran Torino. The look on their faces tell that they're still doubting whether they have done the right thing or put everyone at risk.

"I know what I have said earlier and I couldn't help but feel ashame that I feel this towards the boy." All Might said as he lamented.

"It's alright." I said to him as I climbed to his shoulder, patting his back. "It's natural to feel like that but I assure you that what you did is right and we're here to prove that our choice is the correct one."

All Might grits his teeth, ashamed of himself as he bowed his respect and left the room.

"How about you, Gran Torino?" It left me wondering what was the elderly man thinking for him to stay in the room. "Care to share your insight?"

"I have none to share..." He replied, "It just... He reminds me of someone that I knew back then." He then left the room, leaving me alone.

I look at the boy once more, like All Might said, all of us share the same feeling. They might not voiced it but this was a gamble that we are willing to go. Which is why Mr. Aizawa decided to be neutral.

I guess he'll focus on observing him.

That was more likely the case scenario. He may act cold but I know he only looks out to everyone.

"John Doe..." I whispered despite knowing that he doesn't hear me at all. "I'll be looking forward to our co-habitation."