
UnOrdinary X MHA: UnOrthodox

After their fight, John decided to end it once and for all. Only to back out at the last second, but life has other plans for him. And now, he finds himself in another world as the concept of 'Hero' is accepted by the society. Will he be able to adapt at the sudden change of environment? Or will he bring the knowledge he learned on his world to this?

WAMSHAM · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

John Doe (1)

The fight finished after a few minutes, crowd cheered at the victory of the Hero, it didn't take long until the police arrived on the scene and arrested the thugs.

The Hero was then being interviewed by the reporters, despite being in a fight, he hardly had no wounds on his body. I guess this is the gap of between professionals and fakes.

Of course, after that, All Might and I continued where we left off as we left the scene along with the crowd as they return to their ordinary lives.

As we were walking, All Might couldn't help pin down his curiosity as he suddenly ask a question.

"What's your take on it, Young John?" All Might said beside me.

The way he worded that question, he's suspicious about me.

"What do you mean by that?" I feigned ignorance. He chuckled at the question, leaving me confused.

"I'm sorry about that." He said, and added, "What I mean is, what is a 'Hero' to you?"

"That's an ambiguous question." I couldn't help my expression to scowl at his question. "That question has no right answer since it's subjective and varies from people to people."

He laughed at my reply, finding it funny or ironic on a kid's reply of the question.

"True, true... You are right, Young Doe." He said as he calm himself, and gazed back at me once again. "But I am asking you... What is a 'Hero' to you?"

The question made me think back on all the things I've learned from UnOrdinary and from the vigilantes that were killed in my world.

What is a 'Hero'? Is it the selfishness to save people at the cost of your life? The decision to save the weak with no hesitation? Or is it doing good things with no recognition?

"I don't know, to be honest." I answered, "The concept is foreign to me."

This left All Might satisfied at the answer despite the answer actually not an answer to the question at all. But I guess he got what he wanted so that's fine.

Our steps then halt as we already arrived to our destination. I look up at the sign above us, showing the name of the place.

Great, just my luck.

He brought me to a police department just as I expected.


Now, we're back to the present. I am currently sitting on a chair with one of my hands on the table as I tap with my finger. They put me here in the room and told me to wait while they go somewhere.

The room I was in wasn't helping. A table, two chairs in both sides, the only source of light is a ceiling lamp, and a large glass window pane that prevents you seeing who's on the other side.

All of it reminds me of that day.

My breathing labored as scenes from the past keep flashing back to my eyes, the throbbing in my head only intensified as I clutch it harder. I could feel my heart palpitate as the past caught up to me. Words that I loathed hearing always finding itself to sneak into my mind and continue messing me deep to my psyche.

I don't know when but I find myself lying down to the ground already as the clutches of my hands on my head became more harder. Tears formed into my eyes as I begged for everything to stop.

Haven't I died already? Why can't it just leave me alone and let me be? What did I do in my past life that I deserve to suffer like this?

I stayed there rooted to my spot as I silently wept, wishing for it all to end. And then suddenly, I heard a loud bang but I haven't moved a muscle to take a look, but not long after, I feel a gentle touch to my arms as they gently removed it from my head.

My eyes slowly cleared at the sight before me as my hearing slowly returned back to me.

At first, it was gibberish. The ringing were intense, blocking out most of the words leaving in their mouth as they kept budging. But it didn't last as I slowly make out what they were trying to say, they were trying to calm me down.

My vision finally cleared as I could finally see the people inside the room, all of them with a worried and scared expression on their faces. The man in front of me, who calmed me down, was All Might with a terrified expression on his face.

"All... Might..?"


[All Might's POV]

When we gone back to fetch the others, Tsukauchi and I decided to leave John in the investigation room, hoping that he won't do anything.

Based on our brief interactions, I can tell that the kid is earnest and honest. Although his answer to my question earlier was something I didn't expect from a kid, I can tell that he's a good kid.

He's like the realistic version of Midoriya but they're the same, that's for sure, with a bit of difference, but still the same.

It's just that he's wariness and hostility towards everyone in the hospital and even outside, it made me suspicious on what's the kid's origin.

From the information he gave me, Wellston High School do not exist. Even the number that he wrote down that should dial back to his father did not work as it sends me to a random person. The address too doesn't exist.

When we investigated his personal background, records, achievements, nothing exist. The name John Doe does not exist at all.

No. There is no John Doe at all.

The moment we met up with the others, I quickly shared the information we got and the kid that's in under investigation. We shared our insight about the situation while we walk down the hallway.

Imagine my surprise when we entered the room, only to find him sitting in the corner, his hands clutch on to his head as he silently wept.

We quickly gone to his side as the others called for medical help.

I tried my best to calm him down as he couldn't stop pulling his hair out. There were also traces of wound on his neck, he may have clawed himself without knowing.

"Hey, hey, hey, kid..." I whispered to him as I gently hold his arm, "It's okay, it's okay. We're here now." I pulled his arm slowly while I placed it beside him.

I can finally see his eyes clearing up as he finally finds himself making out of the situation.

"All... Might..?" He uttered. I looked at him with grim as I couldn't help but be sad for his state.

Just what kind of life have you lived, kid?

Nothing too serious, All Might. He and the bros just had little too much to drink.

WAMSHAMcreators' thoughts