
Rest, Roles and Research (1)

It wasn't long before they arrived at a medium sized brown brick building. It had a wooden double door flanked by two large windows showing a large lobby space that had several couches chairs and tables. The common space was well kept and before even entering they could already tell the quality of their housing arrangement would not be disappointing. Though given the amount of gold the Empire funneled into the academy to produce top notch soldiers at all ranks made the quality believable.They entered through the unlocked front doors and stepped into the cool lobby. Everyone seemed rather surprised about the cool air given that they were in a very hot environment with the sun pouring through the open windows. By all normal means this space should be boiling hot, but as soon as the doors closed behind them the temperature dropped yet another few degrees, bringing the room to the point that goosebumps formed on their arms before stabilizing.Other than the seating and tables placed on top of large rugs on the tile floor there were a pair of stairs at the end of the space to the upper levels. They took a quick sweep of the common space before making their way to the staircase and started their climb. Their new quarters were on the fifth floor, leading them by four other small landings that led to other flats.Once they made it to the fifth floor, which happened to be the top floor they quickly unlocked the door demarcated by a simple bronze five on the simple wood. Upon entering the room, they realized why the upper floors had no apparent hallways to walk down. The entirety of the floor minus the singular landing on each floor, was the suite they would use as their quarters.The main room of the space had a simple rectangular table surrounded by ten wooden chairs. To the far side were a few couches surrounding a coffee table. Close to the entry door was a small kitchenette so that they could prepare food or refreshments if they didn't dine at one of the mess halls scattered throughout the academy. Along the side walls were six rooms, and upon further exploration they found two to be simple bathrooms, likely to give men and women a separate space. The bedrooms were plain, mainly consisting of two bunk beds a piece, four small closets, and a long desk with four chairs four the people staying in there.The members of the unit swiftly split up with Jien and Barret choosing to share one of the rooms while the other men grouped up in a second. Julie took to a room and the other girls, not wanting to get on the girl's bad side decided to let her have the room to herself, splitting the bunks in the remaining room among themselves. The girls didn't seem particular afraid in the way that would stop them from working with Julie but they didn't want to know what crossing her bottom line looked like either.After everyone had settled into their new space they chose to take their time to rest and freshen up. They had spent the morning running back and forth to the Central Administration, first to meet their units, then to get signed up for their arena used to face off against each other and finally to find this location. Though it had seemed to be a blur it was already nearing lunch. The majority of the members of their unit had little to no energy to do anything at all, instead opting for a short rest before heading out to grab a bite to eat at the nearest mess hall.What they felt was meant to be a short break ended up taking a few hours. Their bodies were worn out from the fight with Julie and the emotional rollercoaster of their morning. Julie herself was suffering from exhaustion due to whatever treatment she had been given. This led to the entire unit collapsing into their beds for some time before getting up slowly once again.It was Jien who got up first, being the one that had remained standing at the end of the battle. Having focused on the teachings of hist fencing instructor he had aimed to fight with precision and purpose, conserving his strength as best he could until the match was over. He was mentally exhausted from doing so and emotionally drained from the events of the morning but was fairing better than the others overall.Jien sat at the large table in the center of what was likely meant to be their dining room but could easily work as a conference room. He took a book from his bag relating to some older tactics for battle on a large scale. While these tactics were in regards to armies in the thousands of soldiers he felt that perhaps it may help him better structure his own team.