
Precision In All Things

Jien looked at the new instructor with a particularly blank stare, not particularly understanding what was going on. Despite his confusion on the matter he replied in kind with a bow of his own. "It is a pleasure to meet you Ms. Bujrim, however I am confused. My mentor is to be Mark Blood." With that statement he straightened his back and looked at Mark. Mark smiled at this and took control of the conversation. "I can teach you many things, and Ms. Bujrim will not be taking my place. However, I can not teach you the full extent of how to wield a rapier." Mark stated this calmly and with a matter-of-fact tone. "My specialties have been with the dagger and long sword. I know a little bit about a lot of other weapons and have shown you what I know of the rapier, but I am not an expert in that particular type of blade. You have refused to pick up or try any other weapon since we started your training so your father and I felt it was time that you have a proper instructor in your choice of weapon."


With that said Mark turned the conversation back to Emily to direct. She politely nodded before continuing on with the topic. "As you have likely been told, the rapier isn't particularly a weapon used on the battlefield. That being said it can be. The rapier is a piercing blade with a cutting edge. Despite the ability to cut a rapier in no way shape or form should be used in a head on confrontation with another weapon. A rapier is too frail to survive more than a few direct impacts with a heavy weapon." With that Emily drew her rapier from her sheathe and held it by its hilt, laying the blade gently on her palm and presenting it to Jien to view. The blade itself was thin in terms of width of blade and in terms of the cutting edge. The blade itself was a black steel with inscriptions running down its length. "As you can likely imagine, if this blade, though it is a stronger material than common steel, were struck by a heavy weapon it would likely shatter on impact." After saying so she turned to the side, away from Mark and Jien and took a simple stance, the same that Jien had been practicing under Mark's tutelage and held her blade in front of her calmly.


Though the stance was the same, one could tell that Ms. Bujrim had many years of experience under her belt. Her feet were perfectly angled, the muscles in her back leg taught and her front leg loose. Her arm looked loose but her hold on her blade was firm. And then like a spring that had been let loose, the momentum from her back leg shot forward, her front knee bent and her blade truck forward like a viper. The action itself was simple, but the trike was precise. She then readjusted herself, standing back at her full height and then looked at Jien once more. "A rapier isn't a tool to beat on others with like a club, nor is it meant to hack and slash like most other swords. It is meant to strike with precision at any and all weaknesses presented to it. If a fight can end in a single precise blow, the one wielding a rapier should be able to make that one attack the end of the matter."


"To do this precision is key, precision in where you aim your blade, precision in the angle of the blade, precision in the movement of your feet, in the tension of your muscles. If any one of these things is off, your strike will be off as well. If you are lucky you will still hit your target, if you are not you will miss and may give your opponent an opening that will cost you your life." With that she sheathed her sword again before walking to the storage shed by the training field, returning only a few minutes later carrying in her hand a training rapier fit for her height.


She gave Jien a quick look before turning to Mark. "It will do good to give the young lord an example of how to fight with his chosen weapon. Simple forms and words can only go so far and I would like to start having his work on several important pieces once he has a clearer understanding. Would you care to join me for a proper spar?" Mark could only smile at that suggestion and nod before going to the storage shed to get a blunted long sword to use in their match. "Please move back a fair distance young lord, and then watch us closely." Emily stated this as her smile faded a bit, her eyes gaining a hint more sharpness to them as she began to focus on the spar ahead. This may just be friendly spar, but it was also her chance to show Jien how properly wield his blade and also to show that she had the skills to teach him.


Jien stepped back a fair distance before sitting down on the dirt to watch the match between his mentors. Mark held his long sword with both hands as he took his fighting stance. Opposite him, Emily took the the same stance as before, holding her training rapier in her right hand as she held the other up behind her. She made sure to show as little of her body to Mark as possible with her stance. There was pause for a long moment after they had both taken their stance, and then in what seemed like a single instant Emily had struck out at Mark. It appeared as though she was aiming for his throat, more specifically, directly at his jugular.


Mark, shifted slightly to the side to make the blade miss right as it was at his throat. He then swung his blade down upon his approaching opponent as if to cleave her in half, right as she had finished her movement. However, his blow hit nothing. What Jien saw made his eyes widen slightly. As if it was the most natural thing in the world Emily swung her back leg out and to the left without lifting it from the ground, using it to shift the angle of her body. Mark's blade glided bast her form as her own blade was now pointing back toward his throat. Her movement was as if she were ice skating on solid earth and her blade appeared to be attracted to Mark's throat like a magnet. She thrust her blade again with the same precision. If she would manage to complete the strike with an actual sharpened blade she would pierce Mark's throat side to side.


However, Mark would not let such an attack hit, he completed a simple but effective roll forward before bringing his sword in an upward arc from his knee, trying to cleave her in two at the waist. Emily as focused as ever once more pivoted and this time was aiming her blade for the vertebrae of the neck to sever her opponent's spine with a single thrust of her blade. Mark rolled forward once more, using the momentum to push himself completely to his feet before bringing his blade down once more. As Mark's sword began to descend Jien watched closely as rather than moving out of the way again Ms. Bujrim's blade moved along side Mark's, pushing against the flat of his bade and using Mark's own momentum to push the long sword off course while she continued to thrust forward, this time fully committing to the strike. Her blade was quick as lightning and in but a moment it was laying with its dull edge against Mark's jugular.


After a moment Ms. Bujrim withdrew her blade. She knew that Mark had been far from fighting seriously. His stances were basic, the swings of his blade slow and lacking in power. Mark wanted to make sure that Jien could actually catch the details of the fight. After all, this was just a spar to show him a fighting style for the rapier, not a death match between two professionals. With that they both stood straight, shook hands and then faced Jien who had been watching carefully.


He had seen how Emily had kept to her own mantra of precision. Each movement, though graceful like a flowing dance, had purpose and was continuing to better provide the opportunity to strike a vital location. It was astonishing to watch and he found himself looking forward, just a small part to being able to use the blade in a similar fashion. Why waste energy when you can simply strike the best spots. He had never cared for the physical aspect of things, like the martial path in general, but if it was something so refined and clean, he didn't mind learning it. It may protect him in the future if he ever found himself without the ability to cast a spell.