
Unluckiness Unleashed: Wish Upon A Nightmare

Felice Rivers would call himself many things: handsome, smart, brave... cursed. He didn't believe he was cursed at first, which was stupid of him since he was someone who could give Murphy's Law a run for its money. Anything that could go wrong would go wrong; it was basically the slogan of his life. So, it came as no surprise that at his happiest moment, he was struck down and transported to a strange, nightmarish realm. This place was nothing like the world he knew; instead of familiar streets and buildings, there were haunted mansions, dark forests, and lurking terrors. It was like something out of a horror movie. He really wanted to go home. Although he had watched video edits of truck-kun, he never expected it to come after him. Luckily, or should he say unluckily, his perpetual bad luck somehow transformed into a strange kind of superpower in this realm. Stable floorboards would break open to reveal escape routes when he stepped on them, traps malfunctioned, sparing him, and so on. Who would've thought that being the unluckiest person alive could be an asset? Certainly not him. It even led him to stumble upon love. - Felice: Stumble... huh. Don't you mean targeted? Nasir: Hey, targeted is such a harsh word. I would say guided, like with soulmates. Felice: ...

Momocatt · LGBT+
6 Chs

Chapter 4

Felice hesitated, uncertain whether to board the bus or not. While his instincts are usually reliable, he couldn't help but lose trust in them when faced with the sheer strangeness of the situation. No, "strange" wasn't strong enough; it was downright bizarre.

For all he knew, the bus driver might be a grim reaper ushering them into the afterlife. Even though he didn't want to accept that he might be dead, he couldn't ignore the eerie presence of the being before him.

Yet, an unexpected bus ride to the unknown wasn't the afterlife scenario he'd envisioned. Where were the warm reunions with family or the shining angels everyone talked about?

While Felice grappled with his existential turmoil, the others stood frozen, their faces etched with fear. The bus driver was like nothing they'd ever seen, causing them to question everything they thought they knew.

Among the frozen group, only the woman with curly hair kept her composure. Seeing that everyone else was at a loss for words, she stepped forward to address the bus driver.

"Do we have to get on the bus?" she inquired. Her tone was polite yet laced with caution.

The question acted like a snap, jolting Felice out of his thoughts. He, like the rest, awaited the response with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation.

"It's up to you whether you board the bus or not," the bus driver replied with an air of indifference. "But sticking around here might not be the best idea."

"Why's that?" the burly guy challenged with a scoff in his tone, trying to mask any unease.

The bus driver's gaze shifted from the woman, fixing on the man. The intensity of that stare sent shivers down the burly man's spine. After a silent moment, the driver spoke, "Because those who linger in this place become prey for the soul eater."

The words from the bus driver made the woman with curly hair gasp, and for the first time, Felice saw her lose her composure. Even though he didn't fully grasp why a "soul eater" terrified her, the name alone gave him goosebumps.

As if to confirm his fears, an eerie shriek sounded once again, but this time it was noticeably closer. A collective shudder ran through everyone, and fear lingered in the air.

Without saying another word, the woman with curly hair took charge and got on the bus. This propelled the others to swiftly follow, creating a chaotic rush. Although Felice wanted to rush onto the bus as well, he knew he might get trampled in the chaos. So he waited until things settled down before stepping onto the bus himself.

As Felice settled into his seat, the bus doors closed with a mechanical hum. The vehicle began to move. The atmosphere inside was tense, marked by uncomfortable silence.

It was almost too silent for Felice's liking, but given the circumstances, everyone had a lot to process. With nothing but dense fog outside the windows, he let his gaze wander around the surprisingly pristine bus interior.

The contrast between the well-maintained interior and the weathered exterior was striking. The seats were comfortable, and everything seemed almost newly made. Yet, an unspoken message seemed to emanate from the bus, cautioning him not to be fooled by appearances.

However, he might be overthinking things. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he observed the others. Fear was evident on every face; even the burly man seemed to be shrinking in on himself.

It became clear that he couldn't rely on the others if the destination of this peculiar bus ride was somewhere perilous. Yet, amidst the fearful group, he knew there was one person who seemed capable.

Felice turned to the curly-haired woman, only to find her looking down, visibly shaken. Whatever the soul eater was, it had profoundly affected her.

Realizing that it might fall upon him to seek answers, Felice turned to the bus driver, who navigated through the fog with uncanny ease. A fleeting thought crossed his mind—perhaps the driver could see through the dense mist.

"Excuse me, Mr. Bus Driver," Felice began, drawing the attention of everyone on the bus. "Can you tell me where we are?"

"This place is called a lot of things, but you were brought here because you died," the driver replied with an otherworldly calm.

The revelation hit Felice like a ton of bricks, even though he had suspected it. "Are you the Grim Reaper?"

Instead of answering, the driver burst into laughter, a chilling, desolate sound that appeared to echo within the confined space. The laughter ceased abruptly, leaving an uneasy silence lingering.

After a minute, the blonde girl, her voice trembling, dared to ask, "Are we in hell?"

The being glanced through the rearview mirror, its eyes locking onto the girl. With a subtle shake of its head, it dismissed the notion. "No, this is not hell, but it will feel like it."

Confusion lingered in the air like a heavy fog. If this place wasn't hell, then where were they? It certainly didn't resemble heaven.

"Then where are we?" burst out the petite brunette, her voice trembling with uncertainty.

A sly smirk crept across the skeletal face of the driver, making his appearance even more ghastly. "Just think of this place as a creation for some bored gods' entertainment," it explained. "The reason you were brought here was because you all died with a strong desire."

Felice pondered the driver's words, reflecting on his desires. It was no secret; his deepest wish had always been to live a life free from his perpetual bad luck.

The driver continued, revealing, "If you gain enough points, you can make a wish to live again."

"How do we gain these points?" the curly-haired woman inquired, her gaze locked on the driver.

As soon as the question escaped the curly-haired woman's lips, the bus pulled up to a massive gate, ancient in appearance with peculiar inscriptions. The fog shrouded any glimpse of what lay beyond.

"Once you enter the gate, you will get the information you seek," the being explained, opening the bus doors.

Despite the shared desire for a second chance, a sense of wariness lingered among the passengers. The driver's responses were cryptic. But one statement had etched itself into their minds—the warning that this place would feel like hell.

Amid this hesitation, the blonde girl pressed further. "What if we don't enter?"

"If you don't want to take part, I will take you to your final destination," the driver replied. "Your soul will be removed from this place and taken to where it belongs."

The bus fell into heavy silence as each passenger grappled with their decision. Despite the risks, they all chose to step off the bus, one after the other.

For Felice, the decision was a tough one. The potential dangers gnawed at him. But the image of his grandmother grappling with his death compelled him to join the others in stepping off the bus.

As Felice descended the final step, a lingering doubt crept in. He turned to the bus driver, seeking more information. "Is there anything we should know before we decide?"

A twisted smirk played on the driver's skeletal face, sending a shiver down Felice's spine. "You're a smart one," he remarked, eyes gleaming as he stared directly at them. "But there's something you all should be aware of. If you meet your end in this place, you'll be trapped here for all eternity."

Felice felt his blood run cold at those words, and he could see the same fear mirrored on the faces of his fellow passengers. It seemed that his gut feeling about the dangers of this place was correct.

As he hesitated between staying on the bus or braving the unknown outside, he couldn't shake off the thought of the dire consequences that awaited him regardless.

Leaving for the afterlife or trapped here for eternity, he would never be able to see his loved ones again either way. But then again, what if this place could give him a second chance? His mind raced with conflicting thoughts as he thought of his family back home and the risks ahead.

With a deep breath, he stepped off the bus and joined the group, determined to face whatever came his way. But as he looked toward the ominous gate, he couldn't help but feel a pang of uncertainty and doubt. Was this the right decision? Meanwhile, one girl had already made up her mind and quickly got back on the bus.

The doors closed with a loud thud and Felice watched as the vehicle rolled away, leaving them all standing at the foreboding gate. He couldn't shake off the feeling that he had just made a grave mistake.

Author Says: Did you know Egyptian religious doctrines included three afterlife ideologies: belief in an underworld, eternal life, and rebirth of the soul?