
Unlimited Rewards In Parallel Universe

Russell traveled to the comic universe, received an infinite reward system, and became the boyfriend of Wonder Woman Diana. [Infinite Ultron] [Dark Doctor Strange] [Venom Symbiote] [Endosymbiotic Armor] [Kryptonian Bloodline] [Wonder Woman's Blessing]... "I want them all!" Thus, Russell began his career of becoming stronger.

Chanjan · ファンタジー
80 Chs

Chapter 44 - Hydra's Pulling Together


  Sky Apartments.


  "Since when do you like this kind of tune?"

  "I've always liked it, except that women used to be strong and men were weak, so I put up with it."

  "Then you don't have to buy so many at once, do you?"

  "Much? Which one are you going to wear first, the Queen, the Maid, the JK, or the Dead Vault Water ...?"


  Although Diana is usually a very imperial and big heroine, she still gives Russell face when she's in private.

  Other than that, when Russell wants to play any game, she basically never says no.

  Certainly not the ones that go too far.

  Even a gentler Mikado, that's still a Mikado!

  All in all, Russell had not had a generally pleasant evening.

  That was quite pleasant!

  The body and mind enjoyed indescribable and extreme pleasure!

  The only thing that wasn't so good about it was that when he woke up the next day, his back was ever so slightly sore.

  It still doesn't work!

  Even with a transcendent physique, in front of Diana, who possessed the body of a demigod and was blessed by the gods, his physique was still somewhat inadequate.

  What's more troubling is that Diana hasn't allowed him to use his Venom Symbiote powers while playing the game.

  Relying only on his superhuman physique and adrenaline autonomous control, he was not yet a match for the fired-up Diana.

  But even so, both he and Diana had a night to remember.

  Day two.


  Russell and Diana sit face to face, eating a breakfast that Diana cooked herself.

  "There's been a relic dug up over at the Dead Sea, and they want me to go over and look at it, I'm going to be traveling for a while."

  Diana said as she ate her breakfast.

  "About how long will you be gone?"

  "A week or two if it's fast, maybe a month or so if it's slow."

  Russell placed the knife and fork in his hand and looked up at Diana, who was wearing only a white shirt.

  No wonder she was acting so crazy last night, so she was going on a business trip.

  "Do you need me to accompany you there, I haven't had any commissions lately?"

  "No, just stay home."

  Diana smiled with a gentle smile like the sunrise.

  Then, in the next second, Diana, whose face was full of tenderness and whose body exuded a gentle and virtuous temperament, said once again, "You know what to do in the time I'm not at home?"

  "Got it! Totally get it! Got to get it!"

  Without any hesitation, Russell answered with conviction.

  "It's good to know! Remember to change the bed in the bedroom, and change the curtains and stuff along with it."

  Although Diana had a typical big heroine personality, when she said this, a tantalizing scarlet blush still surfaced on her face.

  One look at her now, and I can tell she's remembering the "excesses" of last night.

  If it had been anyone else, they really wouldn't have been able to withstand her destruction.

  It was only Russell, who could fight her evenly for a while.

  After breakfast, Diana went back to her bedroom to pack.

  When everything was ready, Russell drove her to the museum.

  After watching the tall and distinguished Diana enter the museum, he drove to the office.

  The fact that Diana was going on a business trip wasn't in his plans, but it didn't affect what he was going to do next.

  It's true that he's hugging Diana's leg right now, but even without Diana, he's still a ferocious traveler.

  Octopus Monster Agency.

  He had just returned to the office when he saw an uninvited guest sitting on the office couch.

  "Mr. Bakshi, although we have met, it's a bit of a stretch for you to come into my office uninvited, isn't it?"

  Sitting on the couch was no one else but Bakshi, who had pulled the strings on his behalf on behalf of Hydra last time, but was dead set against revealing Hydra's name.

  Like last time, Bakshi was dressed in a well-tailored suit with the demeanor of a successful entrepreneur.

  "Mr. Bradley, this is indeed a wrong thing I did, and I hope you can forgive me."

  Bakshi stood up and apologized with a sincere look on his face.

  "Well, enough with the nonsense, tell me, what's your business here this time?"

  Russell came and sat down across the couch and turned to Bakshi.

  "It's the same thing as last time, our organization appreciates talents like you and wants to invite you to join our organization."

  Bakshi resumed his seat and smiled.

  "I told you last time, I don't like that kind of hiding."

  "Your organization is so mysterious that you can't even say your name, I'm not interested in joining such an organization."

  Although Bakshi didn't say so, Russell could already guess exactly why the guy had come to see him.

  Inner symbiotic battle armor!

  He'd just flown around town a few times yesterday in his battle armor, and Bakshi had shown up uninvited today.

  What Hydra is up to, you can tell with your toes.

  "No, you've misunderstood! Although our organization is mysterious, it is by no means what you think it is."

  Bakshi still maintained his smile, and as he spoke, he took out a card from his jacket pocket.

  "When we met last time, I intended to tell you the name of the organization, Mr. Bradley, only you left first, which is why you had such a misunderstanding."

  With that said, Bakshi handed Russell the card in his hand with both hands.

  At the same time, with a serious face, "We are, Hydra!"

  I don't know if it was his own fault, but when Bakshi said Hydra's name, Russell saw a flash of fervor on his face.

  Amount ...

  Is that what a brainwashed fan is?

  Russell took the card Bakshi handed him and glanced at it casually.

  The white card had no text whatsoever, just a black logo.

  A symbol that incorporates a skull and octopus tentacles.

  "The Hydra that cut off one head and grew two in its place?"

  Russell said with a calm face.

  "Yes, it's this Hydra you speak of."

  Bakshi's expression grew a little proud, and he didn't know what the hell he was proud of.

  "I've heard the name Hydra before, and rumor has it that you've been wiped out along with Schmidt."

  "Now it looks like you guys are living pretty well."

  Even though he himself knew that Hydra was hiding in S.H.I.E.L.D. right now, he would still pretend he didn't know when it was time to pretend he didn't know.

  A killer isn't just able to shoot a gun!

  Acting is also one of the necessary skills of a killer.

  Especially for female assassins, like Perkins, who can't be much worse than the old Hollywood actors.

  "Schmidt is just one of us, not all of us."

  "We are far more powerful than we are rumored to be, and S.H.I.E.L.D. only chopped off one of our heads."

  "If you will join us, I can assure you that you can have everything you want."

  "Wealth, power, beauty ... whatever you want, we can fulfill you."

  Bakshi begins to tempt Russell to join.

  He'd done his homework in order to successfully lure Russell into the fold, and had even had a team of Hydra psychologists do an incredibly detailed report on Russell.

  Just as Bakshi was about to pull Russell in line with the psychologist's report, he heard Russell's reply.

  "Join Hydra, yes, I agree!"