
Unlimited Rewards In Parallel Universe

Russell traveled to the comic universe, received an infinite reward system, and became the boyfriend of Wonder Woman Diana. [Infinite Ultron] [Dark Doctor Strange] [Venom Symbiote] [Endosymbiotic Armor] [Kryptonian Bloodline] [Wonder Woman's Blessing]... "I want them all!" Thus, Russell began his career of becoming stronger.

Chanjan · ファンタジー
80 Chs

Chapter 32 - Venom Puppet

These members of the Ten Commandments Gang didn't know exactly who was driving over though.

  But one thing they could be sure of was that it was definitely not one of their own who drove up.

  Since it's not one of our own, it doesn't matter how much thought goes into it.

  Of course, with this practice of firing at random, they run the risk of hitting the wrong person and having a so-called manslaughter.

  But that doesn't matter at all.

  This is Afghanistan.

  Here, the consequences of killing a man are not even as serious as killing a donkey.

  The instant the gunshot rang out, Russell, who was sitting in the main driver's seat, didn't hesitate and went straight into Venom form.

  Although his body strength could be hardened against bullets, just because it could be hardened didn't mean it had to be.

  The seats that were originally quite spacious immediately became crowded the moment he transformed into Venom, just like an adult sitting on a kindergartener's chair.

  Bullets fired from a distance continued to strike the body of the SUV, rupturing window panes, tires, etc. one after another.

  Russell, who had already entered his venomous form, ignored the bullets and shards of glass that landed on his body, and several black tentacles surged out from behind him, wrapping themselves around the guns and various pieces of equipment on the back seat.

  After winding up everything in the back, he gave a slight push and crashed through the roof of the car, jumping out of the car with his guns and gear behind him.

  The whole process is a bit complicated to say the least, but it all happened in the blink of an eye.

  The Ten Commandments gang members in the distance didn't even realize what was happening.

  All they saw was a huge black figure jumping out of the car.

  Before they could see the exact appearance of the black figure clearly, this huge black figure was dragging all sorts of equipment towards them furiously, just like a cheetah running at full speed.


  Not a cheetah!

  Cheetahs aren't that fast!

  Venom is not an anti-hero known for his speed, but Venom is not slow at all.

  When possessing a normal person, Venom can run faster than a helicopter.

  When utilizing his limbs and running as if he were a wild animal, his speed is twice as fast as when running on two legs.

  If it's the fastest speed, Venom can easily catch up with a rifle or sniper bullet.

  At this time of year, the venom can reach supersonic speeds of Mach 2 or more.

  And all of this is still just what Venom does when he possesses an ordinary person.

  The speed of the venom would have been even more impressive if the person possessing it wasn't an ordinary person, but a super-powered person like Russell.

  The stronger the host, the stronger the symbiote will be!

  In just a blink of an eye, Russell in his venomous form was in front of them.

  Without giving these Ten Commandments gang members time to be shocked and fight back, the claws of the Devil's Hand swung out one after another, directly tearing apart the bodies of several Ten Commandments gang members in a primitive and bloody manner.

  Bright red blood erupted in all directions, and mangled flesh was scattered all over the ground.

  Dozens of finger-thin black tentacles surged out of his body as he used his hands to tear apart the few Ten Commandments gang members in front of him.

  The black tentacles that danced like octopus tentacles immediately transformed into black spears and lightning attacked the surrounding members of the Ten Commandments Gang.

  Thumbs up!

  The black tentacles ran through the Ten Commandments gang member's body without a doubt.

  The lucky ones were only impaled on their thighs and arms by black tentacles.

  Those who were less lucky were stabbed by black tentacles.

  However, no matter what part of their body was pierced by the black tentacles, the black tentacles did not stop after penetrating their bodies.

  These black tentacles first circled back from behind and wrapped around their right hand like a python.


  The sound of bones breaking rang out one after another.

  The pain caused by having their arms forcibly broken caused these Ten Commandments Gang members to involuntarily howl loudly.

  But their howls of agony didn't last long before they stopped.

  After breaking their right hand, the black tentacles still didn't stop, crawling up the arm and wrapping around their neck.

  With just a slight pressure on their windpipe, these Ten Commandments Gang members who were howling from the intense pain could not make any sound.

  Russell didn't just snap their necks, he just kept them quiet for a while.

  As the Ten Rings gang members, red-faced, tried to pull the black tentacles from their necks, Russell maneuvered the black tentacles and lifted them up.

  At the same time, he disarmed part of the symbiote on his face, revealing the right side of his face.

  "Where is Tony Stark?"

  Russell said slowly as he referred one of the Ten Commandments gang members to the front of the room.

  He slightly loosened the black tentacles around the neck of this Ten Commandments gang member, allowing him to breathe and speak freely.

  But unfortunately, this Ten Commandments gang member didn't value his kindness.

  Upon hearing his question, this Ten Commandments Gang member revealed a ferocious gaze and opened his mouth to curse.

  Russell wasn't in the mood for his foul mouth.


  The black tentacles snapped the guy's neck directly.

  After getting this guy killed, the black tentacles flicked out the body like it was trash.

  As the body flopped to the ground, Russell maneuvered up another black tentacle and lifted the second guy.


  A few minutes later.

  Russell deactivated his venomous form and checked the location with a map and GPS locator.

  The members of the Ten Commandments were generous enough to provide the exact location where Tony is currently being held.

  After confirming where Tony was being held, he glanced back at the SUV in the distance, which had been completely reimbursed.

  We'll have to get a new mode of transportation for that!

  With a thought, the only three remaining members of the Ten Rings Gang who were still alive were mentioned by the black tentacles in front of him.

  Although he had disarmed his venom form, he had not disarmed all of his black tentacles.

  The remaining three members of the Ten Commandments Gang were the ones he purposely left behind.

  These three members of the Ten Commandments Gang had no other injuries on their bodies other than their right hands being twisted and pierced, and were considered to be in relatively good shape.

  Taking one look at the three Ten Rings gang members, Russell utilized his black tentacles to have the symbiote possess them directly.

  The twisted right arm and wound recovered quickly.

  In less than a second, their injuries were completely recovered.

  After healing the three guys, Russell maneuvered the black tentacles to set them free.

  At the same time, black tentacles as thick as a baby's fingers surged out from the back of their necks and connected to Russell's right hand.

  While testing Venom's abilities with Sloan, he had an idea.

  Creating so-called venom puppets through symbiotic possession.

  Now, he was going to officially test the idea.

  These three members of the Ten Commandments gang were still alive though, and even stronger and healthier than ever.

  But at this point, they had completely lost control of their bodies.

  With Russell at the controls, they pick up sniper rifles, RPGs, Gatling machine guns, and other weapons underground.

  With the exception of the pistol and dagger, which he still carried with him, Russell had given all the other weapons to the members of the Ten Commandments gang, who had been reduced to Venom's puppets.