
Unleashing Secrets

" a wisp of silk in a forest of black wool " Angelique Arcane spelt heartbreak. She had men and women falling to her feet like dominos only for their hearts to be crushed beneath her red soled stelletos with no remorse. Everything seemed effortless to her and tangling words into a mesh of lies was second nature. But she never knew another person with the same cyanide tongue who could defy her, up until she stepped into Crowndale university where Asher Roosevelt was hell bent on destroying her. ____________ Excerpt: His fingers grasped her forearms, a bruising grip as he wrenched Angelique closer causing her to crash against his iron hard body, one hand tangled itself into her hair, pulling lightly at the roots as he tilted her head to a side and leaned forward. Asher's lips were a hair's breath away from the shell of her ear, breath warm, a stark contrast to how chilled his words were "You wouldn't want to mess with me, Arcane." Angelique's heartbeat spiked but she didn't manifest it, rather veiling it under a confident facade as she fisted her slender fingers on his shirt, crumpling it "Maybe you wouldn't want to mess with me, Roosevelt." He inclined back, just enough to lock his gaze on the challenger, after all, Asher Roosevelt loved challenges. They entertained him, kept him from getting bored.

inaayahadid · ファンタジー
6 Chs


welcome to the fifth and last chapter to be uploaded here!

the complete book is now exclusively published on wattpad!

thank you for the love and support!

toast to the completion of my first book of the series 🥂

please check it out by clicking on the link below!


the book is COMPLETE AND FREE, published under the name 'A Wisp Of Silk' and username 'scribblingwhitelies'.

it would bring me immense happiness to see you there!

thank you stay safe!

"Infinity Is Enchanting And It's Only Flawless Definition Is - Numbers."

  Angelique Arcane wasn't the type of person to backdown. Ever. She had always been a troublemaker, a chaos lover; forged by pain. She knew how to wreck havoc like the back of her hand. She had a stiff backbone. Never feart of anyone or anything. Never bothered by ramifications because opinions didn't pay her bills. So consequences never mattered until... it came to her uncle dearest being incandescent. Because Eric Arcane was someone you do not want to mess with. Albeit it had happened far too many times, so when he uttered her full name, she knew she was in trouble.

  Eric heaved a sigh, taking his daughter's place, lassitude written on his face as he shot her a jaded look causing Angelique suppressed a chuckle.

  "I expected a bit more time before we have to visit the hospital again. Want to explain anything?" He surprisingly retained sangfroid as he sandwiched her uninjured hand in both of his, looking at her in a fatherly way.

  "I... I.... no I don't have anything to explain." She glanced out of the ginormous window with her bare pink lips now tugged down, feeling reprehensible.

  God knows, I hate feeling guilty.

  "You know who it was? The person who hit you with a knife, I mean?"

  "The technical word is stabbed..." Angelique's lips warped into a smirk as she latched her effulgent fiery eyes back on Eric's but as he gently put her hand back to its place, conferring her with a flat look, she decided it was better to resume "No, I don't know him."

  "I'll find him myself then."

  "You can't." The fingers of Angelique's freshly bandaged hand made sinuous patterns on the cotton covers distractedly. A sudden flash of a certain gray eyed someone doing something akin on her wrist the previous night almost made her shudder.

  "Why not?" His eyebrows furrowed as he queried, causing Angelique to drag her attention back to him and clear her throat.

  "He's dead."

  "You killed him?" Eric's eyebrows shot up in amusement, lips slightly tipped up and a small chuckle absconded Angelique's cleaved lips as she rolled her eyes.

  "I would have but Asher did it anyway."

  "You could have?"

  If I can kiss a guy, I can kill one too.

  "Obviously," she shrugged, a smirk on her face as she sustained skimming her fingertip in circles on the bedsheet "Though I bet I'd have to use my powers, I could simply let him know the obscenities and curses going through my head and he'd drop dead."

  "Your dictionary is quite wide... I don't know if I should be angry though." He raised a brow, lips threatening to quirk up into a smile.

  "I think you should be proud."

  "Yeah?" He asked, mirth glittering behind his hued irises as he ruffled her hair making her grin.


  "But the last time..." his smile faded, chills glossing down his spine, just thinking about the terrorizing incident.

  All playfulness eradicated Angelique and every single one of her fiber tensed up as she curled her fists, piercing her nails to carve crescent blood moons on her palms, desperately trying to eliminate of the images in her head "That was different."

  She closed her eyes, inclining her head back to the wall.

  "It's okay. You can't change your past."

  "Anyways," she said without parting her eyelids, letting her eyelashes cast shadows on her high cheekbones "How much time would it take for this to heal?"

  "In about a week or so and you won't have any scars because of the blue stitches. Though we can't use them on you for next 6 months. It's really strong, you see?"

  "I would have preferred red stitches."

  "Angel. That would look gross."

  She opened her eyes, narrowing them at him, the edges of her lips tugging up as she attempted to give spurious grin, very much successfully "I doubt that."

  "Rest." He chuckled, getting up and ruffling her brunette hair, enmeshing them furthermore before stepping out of the room only to be superseded by Evelyn.

  "You okay?"

  "I am. But I guess there's something in your eyes..." Angelique's lips perked up into a smirk as she gazed at her though her thick frame of lashes.

  "Not funny, Angel."

  Angelique's gaze was cast downwards at her fingers playing with the pensile crown of her bracelet as she clicked her tongue before smirking "You're a doll. I mean, crying for me?"

  "Damn girl, you fainted and I so freaked out but, Lauren cried her eyes out even after the doctor said you were okay," Evelyn made a wierd expression, showing her puzzled amusement "Like what the actual fuck?"

  She laughed lightly, the soft sound bouncing off the snowy walls "And let me guess I spoilt your oh-so-good time yesterday?"

  "You so did." Lauren strutted in, a small smile playing on her face, dark eyebags a visible clarification that she cried all night.

  "Sorry." Angelique's lips twisted into a pout as she shot her an unfeigned look. Because even she wouldn't like being impeded.

  "So, how are you feeling?" Lauren made herself comfortable on the bed beside her, lips pulled into a frown.

  "Like I was stabbed?" She said, the smirk not slipping from her beguiling face.

  Evelyn and Lauren shared a look before letting out a simultaneous groans.

  "Can you for once answer like a normal person?"

  "Fine. I am fine. Normal enough?" The statement elicited an eyeroll from Angelique "But... How did the twins take all this?"

  They are too young for it.

  "Blevine took it like any other 6 year old, crying but much like yourself, Blevery didn't really cry. She was more like... I don't know. Numb? She may have shed a few tears, but that's all. It was really sweet when she took care of Blevine though."

  The frown tugged Angelique's lips lower. She didn't want Blevery to end up being like herself.

  "So the douchebag because of whom I am here didn't bother showing up?" She changed the subject, blowing stray tendrils of hair out of her face feeling sheer umbrage.

  "Ash said he had some work...." Lauren trailed off as she and Evelyn shared another squiz.

  "What exactly?"

  "I swear this is something no one knows. He is Asher Roosevelt. He does whatever the fuck he wants." Lauren shrugged, frowning as she latched her gaze on Angelique.

  "Come on..!" Edward groaned in grievance as he bursted through the doorway and plopped down on the sofa as pout forming on his lips.

  "What happened?" Angelique asked, her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at him, somewhat flurried. She had conjectured that he was babysitting her twins.

  Apparently not.

  "I hate it when a couple argues in public and I missed the beginning and I don't know whose side I'm on." He grumbled, a scoff scarpered from his mouth as he folded his arms infront of his chest.

  She blinked before narrowing her eyes on him "Where are Jace and my twins?"

  "They're still there in the cafe listening to the couple fight. They got the privilege to hear the argument from the start! How. Fucking. Lucky!"

  Her lips perked up, the small pleat on her forehead easing, her mild antsiness dissipating.

  Blevine and Blevery would be interested in live soap opera. Who would've thought?

  "I'm using the washroom."

  She headed into the washroom, splashing water on her face. Droplets glissading down the sleek planes of her features as she locked her gaze on herself in the mirror. Not closing the tap, she let the gliding water fill the silence, before grabbing a white towel and tapping her face dry.

  Being honest, Angelique really deemed Asher, intriguing. The man was peculiar. He had this aura of his that roared power and dominance like when he walked in everything was under his reign. He could domineer... like last night, he covered everything with the best plan feasible. From ending the party and getting drunk Edward inside to paralyzing her bleeding and getting her to the hospital.

  Acquiring a black hair tie on the counter beside the sink, Angelique scooped her glossy long hair in a messy bun and turned to leave when a soft gasp echoed through the room and she flicked her attention back to the mirror.

  Her '6' birthmark was now a '5'.

  Angelique slid off her red DKNY glasses and slipped them in her Coach bag pressing the red soles of her black Christian Louboutins on the expensive white marble. The corridors were almost deserted seeing there still was some time before the lectures concluded.

  She was about to plug in her earphones when her phone rang, making her lips warp into a smile showing off her pearly teeth.

  "What say Simon?"

  "Simon is having the time of his life. You say, how's Manhattan treating you?" The deep voice said, going along with their weird version of 'Simon said what?'

  "Coldly." She said just before another icy zephyr brushed a soft pink on her olive toned cheeks, "I'll reframe that, very fucking coldly."

  His chuckle resonated through her ears before he spoke "Buckle up, Angel. It's not gonna get much better."

  She groaned, her lips turned into a distasteful scowl "Oh my goodness, Charlie and here I was thinking winters in California were being cruel to me."

  "And now you realize that they really weren't." He concluded simply, causing her to roll her eyes.

  "Anyways." She rubbed her formal jacket clad arm to get some heat, then clutched the strap of her bag as tightly as she could, her scowl easing a bit as she questioned "How's Abu Dhabi?"

  "You knew? Evelyn told you, I'm guessing?"

  Faint amusement gleamed in her eyes, furrowed eyebrows unknotting only to be raised as she tutted "Falling in love, Romeo?"

  "You know I wouldn't, Angel," he sighed and when he spoke next, his voice was soft. Too soft and too feeble. She could practically feel his sadness pouring through the line, seeping into herself as her eyes turned dull, the smile playing on her lips coiled into a frown "I never would."

  Her steps turned even shorter, even slower as she gulped, unwittingly, her grasp on the strap of her bag tightened to a point where her knuckles turned ivory. The burning fire in her eyes had turned to cooling smolders, as she spoke softly "You will, Charlie. Maybe not with Evelyn but you will. You're a hopeless romantic."

  "Maybe. But only one girl is the love of my life and no one can take her place. No one."

  She sucked her lower lip in. Guilt causing the lump in her throat to choke her. She felt as though there was more regret and self hate rushing through her veins than blood itself.

  Angelique cleared her throat, forcing a smile on her face as she said, "You didn't tell me how is Abu Dhabi though?"

  "Yeah..." His voice was dazed as he trailed off.

  "Charlie... how are you?"

  He took in a deep breath. A few moments passed as both of them said nothing. She could imagine him leaning back in his plush cushioned armchair, his eyes closed and brows furrowed.

  "I guess... I guess I'm much better. I'm accepting that..."

  "That's... nice."

  "So about Abu Dhabi, I swear to god, Angel. This place reeks of money. I don't think I've ever seen so much gold in my entire life."

  Her lips perked up into a small smile which was far more authentic than before. His words caused a chuckle to slip through her carmine lips before she spoke again "That's pretty cool."

  "Also the cars. When I randomly watched Ferraris and Lamborghinis dashing past my Rolls Royce, I have to admit I don't feel as smug as I do in New York."

  Her eyes widened at the peice of information, brows slightly raised in vague mirth as the corner of her lips stretched into a full smile "You seem to be falling in love with this place. What next on your list? Shifting there?"

  "Nah. Unfortunately, it's too hot."

  "So now that I know where you were so busy, let lemme thank you for gracing me with a phone call."

  "Get fucked." She could imagine Charles rolling his eyes as he said that, causing her eyes to gleam with amusement, feeling the fire in herself return "You changed your number. How is it my fault?"

  "Reasons, reasons and more reasons. You know what they say about reasons, no one is busy it's all about priorities." The smile turned into a lopsided grin, a soft teasing laced her voice as she threw a few strands of straight hair off her shoulder.

  "You done with that melodrama or do I hang up so you can call me later when you feel like not being so dramatic?"

  Her alluring lips twisted into a scowl as she felt goosebumps raise on her silken skin. She really did hate the cold "You bloody asshole, do you even know what I've been through?"

  "No, but I'm pretty damn sure I'm gonna. Very soon. Even if I don't want to."

  "Exactly, bitch. So listen fucking carefully."

  "Oh wait. Let me grab my coffee first." She heard shuffling on the other side as she waited impatiently "Yeah. Start."

  "Oh? Didn't take you long, did it?"

  "I think you didn't get me. I said start with your whining not your sarcasm."

  "Oh yeah. So apparently, I was very happy back in California. I freaking loved the fuck out of that place but of course my uncle dearest couldn't be less bothered by what bothered me. So after the goddamn accident, abraca-fucking-dabra half of my possessions arrived here before I even gained consciousness."

  "Jokes apart, Angel," he said softly "If it was up to me... even I would've dragged you here. We all know you're safer when you're close to Eric. That man is someone no one sane would go against."

  "I can't really say that it helped much though..." a sigh tumbled through her red lips as she pulled a stray peice of brunette hair behind her ear. Those precursory months were really hectic for her.

  "What's wrong?"

  "I kinda landed in the hospital yesterday... again."

  "Was it serious?" His voice was adamantine so she let out an fidgety laugh to cover up.

  "A bit. We can talk about that later. When are you coming back?"

  "Don't change the topic, Angel." The lack of humor lacing his voice made her frown deepen as she fluttered her eyelashes, a small fold in between her eyebrows.

  "Charlie, we'll talk about it later... please?"

  "I'll be back this weekend. Saturday night to be more precise. You need to do a lot of explaining." He said causing her to pout as she turned left into the corridor, her gaze locking on someone she'd actually been searching for.

  Albeit she hadn't seen his face, Angelique knew it was him. Not that his presence was really invigorating, but she wanted elucidation.

  "Angel? You there?"

  "Call you back." She hung up, abruptly, swiftly tossing her phone in the pocket of her Joe Black formal jacket and pushing a few straight strands off her shoulder before striding towards Asher and pressing her manicured hand which was wrapped in a bandage on the locker door to plunge it close.

  "Putain!" Asher mumbled a curse as his Moncler bag fell down and his absolutely expeditious reflexes coerced him to take a couple steps back, gray orbs widening.

  His lips pressed into a thin line when he saw her. He looked enthralling as ever. His leather black hair properly in place, dour, hard eyes that give away nothing, lancing right into hers. The black Saint Laurent suit jacket he was sporting, honesty, did quite little to obscure his alluring biceps wrapped beneath a crisp white Tom Ford shirt.

  It provided a souvenir of his ferocious punches which killed a guy almost twice his bulk.


  "Explain." Her order slashed his syllables off, folding her slim arms in front of her chest as she pursed her lips, eyes somewhat narrowed.


  "Who stabbed me and why?"

  "God knows." Asher shot her a stultified look as he shoved his hands into his pockets, head slightly inclined to a side as his gaze perforated through hers.

  "Don't make me punch you in the face."

  There was a small moment where none said anything before he took a step forward, bringing them only inches asunder, causing Angelique to tilt her head up to stare at him, evincing her long slender neck even better, a curtain of caffeinated hair swirling down from the crown of her head, beyond her waist.

  His icy gaze crashed against her fiery one. Asher Roosevelt wasn't used owing to people and he was definitely not used to elucidating himself to anyone. He did whatever the fuck he wanted to. Not slightest bit ruffled by anything. For him, dodging an accountability to a bad deed was as mere as throwing a wad of cash on the judge's face.

  He brought his hand up, calloused fingertips trailing the contours of high cheekbones to her sharp jawline before reaching the dip of enticing lies in her cupid's bow, driving her heart into a clutter of frenzy "I'd fancy seeing you try."

  Angelique folded her palms into fists before unfurling them and bringing a hand up to wrap around the collar of his shirt which was fitted perfectly, not too tight, not too loose, giving him a noble resemblance.

  Irony is such a fucking bitch, Angelique mused suppressing a scoff.

  She forcibly tugged him down. Only when she felt his warm minty breath bestowed itself on her face did she realize that they had never been this close.

  His eyes. They were beautiful. Up close, she could see the oh-so-many shades of gray, all swirling around. His eyes were a mixture of light and dark ash grays in white background. The crystal white was intensely white and the gray orbs were intensely gray. Fringing around them were thick lashes. Her breath caught in her throat as she studied him.

  Angelique cleared her throat and narrowed her eyes, whispering "Do not temp my fury, Roosevelt, it's very dangerous."

  His lips crevassed into a smirk, like a glacier splitting with the aim of ruination. A smirk so dark and twisted and sharp "So full of fire, aren't you?" His finger trailed down, tracing the side of her elegant neck to the slope her shoulder to length of her arm before clasping around her thin wrist which was crumpling the collar of his crisp shirt "It's gonna be glorious burning you."


here I end with the prologue and first five chapters!

hoping to see you there!!! thank you very much!!

