
Unknown to Fame

Life is not ordinary. Life is not easy. Life is unpredictable. Indeed Life is just a psycho. Everyone thinks she is crazy because whatever and whenever life takes her she rocks it. Once Life gets attached to you there is no bad thing you can feel in your life.

Joda_Riii · 都市
14 Chs


Since Gab always annoys me to go to school together what can I do more to send her away? I'll just let her be for a while until she gets tired following me.

Gab is in front of me and while we are walking she tripped herself and fell. 'Oh GEeZ, are you ok?' I asked her and she said 'I am good. I am used to it lol.' 'Well me I am not' I told her. Everyday this happens it is not good for us. Most of the tourism students have swollen ankles now. I should report this right now. But wait it seems like I forgot to bring my phone. Urgh. This isn't good. I asked Gab if she brought hers and seems like she did so thanks g. 'Can you please report this? I can't stand it anymore almost everyday at least 10 of the 15 students are having a hard time walking.' she called right away.

After she reported the incident we started walking again because if not we are going to be late again. I heard a police car's siren and it made me think of Mr. Policeman like how is he doing? Did he got his position back? like that lol.

It's been a while and I can still hear the siren then suddenly a policeman approached Gab and asked if she's ok. And they had a small talk. She asked me to wait for her and I waited for her.

Oh wait how did she just persuaded me to wait for her? Am I being hypnotized? I never waited for someone ever before. I don't have patience right? I'll just leave her.

'LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEEEEEEEEE wait for me!!!' she shouted for me to hear her. I stopped. I don't know why I did that. I never entertained some random person like this ever. 'MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTT MMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYY BBBBRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTHHHHHEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRR!!!!' she shouted again like wtf? We are in the middle of the street. A lot of person looked at me. So what I did was just go to her meet his brother for her to stop screaming.




As I looked back I saw Mr. Policeman. I was shocked to be honest because I just thought of him earlier. 'Life meet my brother Emmannuel' she said and I told him 'She is yOur SisTER??????????????. Like how did it happened? So you mean you are also related to GRannDMA? WTF I cant believe it'. 'oh you already knew each other?' Gab said and his brother replied ' yeah we do she is the reason why almost got kicked out to work in this place.'. Out of the blue Gab said ' I reported it to him he said he will talk to our President'. Like wait wtf? Why him? Why to a policeman? They have nothing to do with our uniform. 'I told you to report it to our supervisor not to a policeman' I told her and she replied ' You never told me to report it to our supervisor and besides I am new here so I still don't have any contact information to them.' Like ok Life chill. Life relax yourself. 'OK gab let's just go to our class ok? Bye Mr. Policeman'.

'BYE BROTHAA see YAH LATER' she shouted again. I just told myself that how did I became friends with this psycho. Urgh. Hate it.

Before the class starts our professor gave us some pair work to be done at home. 'Ok everyone your pair work will be a research and I want you to choose your own partners.' He said. 'Sir I want to choose Life as my partner' Gab told our professor. I am kind of okay with that since she just lives near me and I don't need to meet outside. It is a win-win situation for me.

After class I told Gab to go home first because I need to buy something at the supermarket to buy some stuffs. Also I told her that we can just do our research at my place and she agreed with that.

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